英语听力精选进阶版 8412(在线收听) |
Pope Francis has supported the right of parents to choose the size of their families, saying good Roman Catholics did not have to be like rabbits.??He says population experts recommended 3 children per family.? 教皇弗朗西斯表示支持父母选择家庭成员大小,并说虔诚的罗马天主教徒不应该像兔子一样生育。他说人口专家建议每个家庭最好有三个孩子。 The pope was on his way back from Philippines when he met several former street children who were abandoned by parents unable to afford to look after them. He was asked by one journalist what he say to family having more children than they can afford??because the church doesn't allow artificial contraception.??Pope Francis responded that some people believe in order to be good Catholics, they have to be like rabbits to have more children than were safe and responsible.??Asking those president to forgive his language, he said that was not the case when the responsible parenting was the answer.? 教皇在从菲律宾访问归来路上发表这一讲话。在访问期间教皇会见了早期因父母无力养育而被弃之街头的流浪儿童。他被一名记者问到称因教会禁止人工避孕而不得不生出了难以养育的儿童数量时,教皇回答说一些人为了使自己成为天主教的选民,他们不得不像兔子一样生育拥有更多孩子。随即教皇说请求大家原谅他这样用词,他说这一回应并不是成为天主教信徒的关键。 European Union foreign minister has agreed to cooperate more closely with Arab government and others around the world to prevent attacks by Islamic militants following the killing earlier this month in Paris. The EU foreign affairs chief say the ministers meeting in Brussels have for the first time to state a real??and deep awareness of the need to work together.? 欧盟外交部长同意与阿拉伯政府和其他国家共同合作阻止伊斯兰武装分子的恐怖袭击,这一决定在上个月早些时候巴黎发生恐怖袭击之后做出。欧盟外交部长表示在布鲁塞尔出席会议的部长们进行了第一次深度对话。 What we need is an alliance and dialog and work together in cooperation because we are all facing the same threat. And this, I think it's going to be something we need to work on more and more, not only European Union other countries but also inside the European Union with the Muslim communities and old concept of minorities.? 我们现在需要做的是建立共同合作联盟,因为我们都面临着这一威胁。同时,我认为这种合作联盟不仅需要在欧盟和其他国家之间建立,还需要在欧盟内部和穆斯林组织和少数民族的旧观念共同合作。 Scientists investigating the way that Malaria parasites are able to resist the most powerful treatment say they have identified the mutation that is responsible across southeast Asia parasites to developing tolerance of the main drug used to treat Malaria.? 科学家调查发现疟疾寄生虫能够抵抗强大的药物治疗,称其已经确定亚洲东南部地区疟疾寄生虫出现了基因突变,科学家已经开始开发用于治疗当地疟疾药物。 Artemisinin is the most effective Malaria treatment ever developed. But across Southeast Asia resistance to it is a growing concern. Now in the largest genetics study today, scientists have identified several mutations on genes in the Malaria parasites. Some of these genetic changes a link directly to resistance while others make the parasites more accessible to it. The researches say that they don't fully understand the mechanism but tracking down the parasites with the genetic variation could help them to identify the area where resistance may spread next.? 青嵩素是目前对抗疟疾寄生虫最有效的药物。但是东南亚地区疟疾寄生虫对这种药物的抗药性越来越令人担忧。目前在最大的遗传学研究机构,科学家已经证实疟疾寄生虫基因出现突变。一些遗传基因直接出现改变令寄生虫基因可以更加接近。研究人员表示其不完全明白基因突变机制,但是根据遗传变异可以追踪寄生虫来帮助他们找出下一个即将变异的区域。 A government spokesman of Yemen has said Houthi fighters have surrounded the Republican Palace in the capital Sanaa where the prime minister lives. The development comes despite an earlier ceasefire which appeared to be holding. In a day of heavy fighting between Hussein rebels in the army, gun fires echo across the city and more had fell around the presidential palace.??Yemen information minister said that the president was safe following what she called an attempted coup.? 也门政府发言人表示胡赛士兵包围了也门首都萨那总理住所。早些时候双方达成了停火协议。在经过一天的激烈交火,枪声响彻城市上空,更多枪响发生在总统府周围。也门信息部长表示总统目前很安全,并称此次冲突为一场政变。 World News from the BBC.? 下面为您播报BBC世界新闻。 Police in Kenya capital Nairobi have fired tear gas to primary school children who have protested the seizure of their school playground by a property developer. The police, some accompanied by dogs or carrying rifles, disperse the protestors after they pushed over a newly built board placed between the school building and playing field.? 肯尼亚首都内罗毕警方对不满房地产开发商缩小其学校操场行为展开抗议的儿童投掷催泪瓦斯进行驱散。孩子们推倒了一个矗立在学校操场和建筑物之间的新建墙体,一些警方带着警犬或携带步枪对孩子们进行了驱散。 The Argentine security secretary Sergio Beirne said one special prosecutor found dead after accusing the president Christina Fernandez of catching a cover up appeared to have committed suicide. Alberto Nisman was found shot dead in his Buenos Aires apartment. He was due to appear before an inquiry today after accusing president of destructing his??investigation into the bombing of Jewish community center more than 20 years ago.? 阿根廷安全部长塞尔西奥贝尔尼表示一位刚刚指控总统费尔南德斯掩盖事实的检察官疑似自杀。阿尔韦托尼斯曼在布宜诺斯艾利斯公寓内被发现枪击死亡。他指控总统涉嫌掩盖20年前犹太人社区中心爆炸案件真相,本该在今天出席听证会。 United Sates officials have been quoted to saying that they knew North Korea was behind the cyber attack of Sony pictures because the US had infiltrated the country's network in 2010.?? 美国官员引用称其已经知道朝鲜攻击索尼影业网络背后黑手,因为其已经在2010年就对朝鲜网络进行了监控。 The United States was quick to point the finger to North Korea for the devastating hack on Sony picture last year and quick to impose sanctions.??North Korea continued to deny any role and some independent cyber security experts also express doubts. Now leaked documents and testimonies from former officials are found to answer public domain, appearing to back up Washington's case. 美国方面在索尼影业去年遭黑客网络攻击之后立即指出是朝鲜方面所谓,朝鲜方面一直否认这一指控,而美国方面专家也对这一指控表示怀疑。现在从前官员手中透露的文件毫无疑问对这一指控提出了有力证明。 In the latest game with football Africa Cup of Nation Tournament, one of the favorite Algeria has beaten South Africa 3-1. South Africa took the lead shortly after half time but miss the penalty minutes later and then conceded an own goal. In the day Senegal came from behind to guard at 2-1 and the wining goal was scored in the last minute.? 在最新非洲国家杯比赛进程中,阿尔及利亚队以3:1成绩击败南非。南非队在前半场占主导地位,但是随后错过了最佳点球时间,随后获得一球。同一天另外一支队伍塞内加尔在比赛结束最后一分钟压哨进球2:1赢得比赛。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/463313.html |