英语听力精选进阶版 8416(在线收听) |
Greece's left-wing anti-austerity party Syriza has won?the?country's general election. The outgoing conservative Prime Minister Antonis Samaras has called the Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras to congratulate him. But it's unclear whether Syriza will gain enough seats in parliament to govern the country alone. Syriza has promised to re-negotiate Greece's huge international bailout and end austerity. Our Europe correspondent Chris Morris is with jubilant Syriza's supporters in Athens. 希腊反紧缩政策左翼激进联盟党赢得了希腊大选。即将卸任的保守党总理Antonis Samaras对联盟党领导人Alexis Tsipras表示祝贺。但是目前尚不清楚联盟党是否能够获得足够的议会席位来独自掌管国家。联盟党承诺重新对希腊巨额国际援助协议进行重新商定,并且承诺结束紧缩政策。下面是本台记者从雅典发回的报道。 “This is the first victory by a party from a radical left-wing in western Europe for decades so it really is a turning point, a turning point to the Eurozone crisis, but potentially a turning point in European politics in general. There were always question marks here, bitterness here about the strength of austerity, and about what austerity was doing to ordinary people. Three years ago when the election end, I think warnings that Syriza would lead the country towards catastrophe put off enough people could prevent Syriza's coming to power. But this time, even more people felt that they had nothing to lose that was the time to give Syriza a chance.”? 这是数十年来激进组织领导的左翼党派第一次赢得选举胜利,所以这是一次转折点,对欧元区危机来讲也是一次转折,在欧洲政治中也出现了潜在的转折。这片区域通常充斥着各种质疑,紧缩政策带来的痛苦和紧缩政策对普通群众生活的影响。3年前,选举结束的时候,我认为需要警告人们激进联盟党会将这个国家领上灾难的道路,所以要尽量避免联盟党执政,但是现在人们认为自己再没有什么可以失去的了,于是决定给他们一次执政的机会。 A curfew is in place in the Nigerian city of Maiduguri after an offensive by Islamist fighters from Boko Haram that is believed to have left dozens of people dead. The army said it had launched a coordinated ground and air operation in pursuit of, what it called, retreating terrorists forces. Our Nigeria correspondent Will Ross?reports. 在尼日利亚迈杜古里遭伊斯兰武装分子博科圣地组织袭击之后当地开始施行宵禁,据悉此次袭击造成数十人死亡。当地军队称其已经制定了地面和空中作战计划,为击退恐怖分子的袭击。下面是本台记者发回的报道。 “People in Maiduguri woke up to the sound of explosions and heavy gunfire as Boko Haram launched a predawn attack on this strategic city. Ground troops, air strikes and local vigilantes managed to stop the Jihadists from penetrating the city. Much of the fighting was around the barracks. In a separate attack, the town of Monguno was captured, the latest to be seized by the group. With the insurgents gaining more and more territory, Maiduguri is increasingly vulnerable. It's home to tens of thousands of people who have fled their homes because of the conflict.”? 迈杜古里的居民早晨在博科圣地武装分子发射的炮弹声中和爆炸声中醒来,这座城市具有战略意义。地面部队,空中部队和当地民团组织共同对抗圣战组织对该城市的进攻。而大部分冲突都发生在兵营附近。在一次独立攻击中,Monguno城镇被占领,也是最近被武装分子占领的地区。随着武装分子占领了越来越多的领土,迈杜古里防线越来越脆弱。这是一座拥有数万人的城市,但是因为战争冲突当地居民都选择逃离该城市。 The Egyptian authorities say 14 people have been killed during a comparatively small protest across the country marking the 4th anniversary of their uprising that toppled President Hosni Mubarak. Most of the casualties were in the eastern neighborhood of Cairo, a stronghold of the banned Muslim Brotherhood.? 埃及当局称14人在推翻总统穆拉巴克四周年纪念日暴力冲突中死亡。大多数伤亡事件发生在开罗北部,那里是取缔的穆斯林兄弟会的大本营。 An Argentine journalist who first reported the mysterious death of a?special?prosecutor Alberto Nisman a week ago says he has fled to Israel fearing for his life. Damian Pachter told reporters that he felt he had to escape as quickly as possible. 一个星期之前报道检察官尼斯曼突然死亡事件的阿根廷记者称他害怕自己有生命危险所以要逃到以色列。Damian Pachter对记者称他认为自己将尽快撤离阿根廷。 “I leave because the Argentine government pursue me because of my news report regarded the death of prosecutor Alberto Nisman, who died in an unresolved way last week. So I was the first who report that. Now, I cannot suffer the consequences.” 因为我一周前报道了检察官尼斯曼死亡一事阿根廷政府将要对我进行抓捕,所以我要离开。我是第一个对这一事件进行报道的人,现在我自己承受不了这样的后果。 World news from the BBC. 下面为您播报BBC世界新闻。 The Venezuelan government has turned down a request by the former president of Chile and Colombia to visit an opposition leader in jail. Sebastian Pinera and Andres Pastrana say they are in Venezuela to support the opposition. They called for the release of Leopoldo Lopez who was arrested nearly a year ago accused of inciting violent anti-government protests.? 委内瑞拉政府已经拒绝智利和哥伦比亚前总统对访问监狱反对派领导人的请求。Sebastian Pinera和Andres Pastrana称他们在委内瑞拉支持反对派。他们呼吁释放一年前被指控煽动暴力对抗政府游行被捕的Leopoldo Lopez。 The World Health Organization has agreed to take immediate action to reform itself after widespread criticism of its response to the Ebola virus in West Africa. At a meeting in Geneva, the head of the WHO Margaret Chan described the outbreak as a tragedy which had taught the world many lessons. 世卫组织在就对西非埃博拉病毒疫情事件受到广泛批评之后,已经同意迅速采取措施进行自身改革。在日内瓦会议上,世卫组织领导人Margaret Chan称此次疫情爆发是一场悲剧,并且国际社会方面吸取了很多教训。 “The Ebola outbreak points to the need for urgent change in three main areas, to rebuild and strengthen national and international emergency preparedness and response, to address the way new medical products are brought to market, and to strengthen the way that we told operates during emergencies.” The reform plan includes creating a contingency fund and setting up health emergency work force which could be dispatched within hours off an outbreak been reported. 埃博拉疫情的爆发让我们意识到有三个地方迫切需要改变,一是需要建立和加强国家和国际应急准备和响应,二是改变最新医疗产品投放市场的方式,三是加强应对突发事件的方式。改革计划方案包括建立应急基金和建立应对突发事件应急小组,可以在疫情爆发数小时候采取行动。 Parliament in the Democratic Republic of Congo has given final approval to an amended election law following days of protests. The Lower house followed the senate in dropping part of the bill which could suppress president Joseph Kabila feared could have extended his term in office. The new law no longer requires a national census to be held before the presidential election scheduled for next year.? 刚果民主共和国议会在经过几天的抗议最终通过了修改选举法案。下议院放弃了抑制总统卡比拉竞选下届总统法案。新的总统选举法在明年选举之前将不会进行人口普查。 Congo Brazzaville has qualified for the quarter-finals of the African Cup of Nations football tournament with a 2:1 victory over Burkina Faso. They’re joined in the last day by the host Equatorial Guinea, the lowest ranked team in the tournament who beats neighboring Gabon. 刚果布拉柴维尔以2:1战胜布基纳法索赢得非洲足球杯,获得四分之一决赛资格。赤道几内亚在最后一天参加比赛,并且击败邻国加蓬,是获得积分最少的队伍。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/463322.html |