英语听力精选进阶版 8424(在线收听) |
The Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has been giving more details about how his government intends to tackle its debt crisis, setting out proposals that he said would benefit Europe as well as Greece. Speaking after talks in Paris with his French counterpart Michel Sapin he said repayments could be tied to Greece's ability to restore growth. He said Greece would not be asking for?the?next tranche of bailout money as he felt it was time for his country to end its dependence on this kinds of funds.? 希腊财政部长雅尼斯瓦鲁法克斯就其政府如何处理债务危机一事做了详细报告,其表示这一措施对欧洲和希腊都有利。在瓦鲁法克斯与法国伙伴米歇尔萨潘在巴黎结束谈话之后他表示重新赔偿政策将与希腊经济恢复能力相平衡。他说希腊不会要求对下一期救助资金负责,并表示是时候其国家结束依赖救助资金了。 "It is not that we don't need the money. We are desperate because of certain commitments and liabilities that we have. But my message to our European partners is that for the last five years Greece has been living for the next loan tranche. As I said to Mr Sapin we have resembled drug addicts craving the next dose. What this government is all about is ending the addiction." 并不是说我们不需要资金。我们只是受这些承诺和责任压的有点喘不上气。但是我想对欧洲伙伴们说的是在过去五年希腊一直生活在下一笔贷款条件下。像我之前跟萨潘讲的我们像吸毒者一样渴望着得到下一剂量药物。而现在这个政府就是来戒掉对药物依赖的瘾。 Egypt has freed and deported the al-Jazeera journalist Peter Greste, who was convicted of colluding with the Muslim Brotherhood. Mr Greste, a former BBC correspondent, has flown to Cyprus, from where he is expected to travel on to his native Australia. Al-Jazeera has welcomed the move but demanded the release of Peter Greste's two colleagues, Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed. Al Anstey is the managing director of al-Jazeera?English. 埃及方面已经释放并驱逐出半岛电视台记者Peter Greste,Peter Greste被指控于穆斯林兄弟会有关系。Peter Greste之前是BBC电台记者,之后前往塞浦路斯希望从那里转机前往家乡澳大利亚。半岛电台对这一措施表示欢迎,同事也要求释放Peter Greste两位同事Mohamed Fahmy和Baher Mohamed。下面是本台记者发回的报道。 "We spoke to Peter earlier on this afternoon just after he was released from detention. And I can't tell you how relieved we are that Peter has left Egypt. Now I think we've got to focus on the fact that Baher and Mohammed are still behind bars 400 days after being taken into detention. And that injustice needs to come to an end." 今天下午他被释放之后我们与他进行了谈话。我无法告诉你我们对彼特离开埃及有多欣慰。显示我认为我们应该把目光放到依然被关押的两名同事Baher和Mohammed身上,在被逮捕之后他们已经被关押了400天。这一不公平判决是时候结束了。 The battle between Ukrainian government forces and Russian-backed rebels for the eastern town of Debaltseve appears to be intensifying. Reports say Kiev is sending reinforcements - more than a dozen Ukrainian tanks and other military vehicles, including a rocket launcher, were seen heading towards Debaltseve on Sunday. People in the government-held town say the shelling is almost constant. David Stern sent thisreport?from Kiev. 乌克兰政府与亲俄叛军之间在Debaltseve城镇的冲突斗争似乎有所加剧。据报道称基辅方面正在向该地区派送增援部队,包括数十辆乌克兰坦克和其他军用车辆,其中在周日的时候有一架火箭发射器被运往Debaltseve。政府军控制城镇居民表示冲突一直持续。下面是本台记者从基辅发回的报道。 Those residents who are able are fleeing for safer territory. But many are stranded and hope to escape the bombing in their cellars. Debaltseve is a strategic railroad junction that's controlled by government forces, but it juts into rebel-held territory, and the militants are now trying to cut off and encircle the Ukrainian troops there. The rebels have launched an offensive to rout eastern Ukraine. Well-armed and in significant numbers they've pushed back pro-Kiev forces.?David Stern with that report 这些居民本可以逃往比较安全的地方,但是大多数人都选择呆在地下室里希望能够躲避炮弹轰炸。Debaltseve是一个战略性铁路枢纽,由政府军队控制,但是现在已经开始落入叛军领土,并且武装分子正在试图切断并包围乌克兰军队。叛军向乌克兰东部发起了猛攻。凭借着精良的武器和庞大的队伍数量叛军击退了亲基辅军队。本台记者报道。 World News from the BBC 下面为您播报BBC世界新闻。 American corporations could face a one-off tax on billions of dollars of foreign earnings under new budget proposals from the White House. President Obama also wants to introduce an annual tax on all companies' foreign income with credits for money taxed abroad. The new proposals would apply to an estimated two trillion dollars, which US businesses currently keep in low-tax jurisdictions. 美国公司可能面临白宫提出的一次性收集数十亿美元海外税收新预算方案。奥巴马总统也希望引进对所有海外公司征收年度税收。新预算提案适用于大约两兆美元,美国商业目前仍然保持低税管辖区。 King Abdullah of Jordan has condemned the killing of the Japanese journalist Kenji Goto by Islamic State militants as a cowardly criminal act, and said every effort was being made to free a Jordanian pilot being held by the group. The government spokesman said Jordan was still willing to free a jailed al-Qaeda boomer, Sajida al-Rishawi, in return for the release of the pilot. 约旦国王阿卜杜拉对伊斯兰武装组织杀害日本记者后藤建二的行为提出严厉谴责,称这种行为是一种懦弱的犯罪行为,并表示其正在尽一切力量营救被绑架的约旦飞行员。政府发言人表示约旦依然希望释放基地组织女囚来交换约旦飞行员。 The Nigerian army says it has successful repelled an attack by Boko Haram militants on the strategic northeastern city of Maiduguri, but a member of a local vigilante force told the BBC the army retreated and he'd seen no sign of any military aircraft. Abdullai Kaura Abubakar sent this report from Abuja. 尼日利亚军队表示已经成功击退博科圣地组织在迈杜古里东北部的进攻,但是当地政治部队成员告诉BBC记者称军队撤退了,他没有看到任何军用飞机存在。下面是本台记者从阿布贾发回的报道。 The streets of Maiduguri are deserted as the Nigerian troops conduct mopping-up operations in the southern suburbs. It is not yet known how many people died in the assault. Maiduguri is seen by Boko Haram as a valuable prize. They want to make it the capital of the territory they have seized. For a second time in the week they have been thwarted, but the danger posed by the militants was demonstrated by two other attacks in neighbouring states in northeastern Nigeria. 迈杜古里的街道已经荒废,尼日利亚军队在南部郊区进行了扫荡。目前仍不清楚有多少人在袭击中死亡。迈杜古里被博科圣地组织视为重要的战略地位,他们希望将迈杜古里作为其占领领土的首都。这是本周来第二次进攻,但是激进分子所构成的威胁被在尼日利亚东北部两次其他地区的进攻占据。 Ghana has qualified for the semifinals of the Africa Cup of Nations for the 15th consecutive tournament. The team beat Guinea 3-0 and will now play the hosts Equatorial Guinea for a place in the final. In the day's other quarterfinal Ivory Coast is leading Algeria 2-1. The winner will meet the Democratic Republic of Congo in the semis. 加纳成为进入非洲杯足球赛半决赛的第15个国家球队。该队以3:0击退几内亚,将与东道主赤道几内亚在最后一场比赛中正面较量。在改天其他比赛中象牙海岸科特迪瓦以2:1击败阿尔及利亚。胜者将在半决赛中对抗刚果民主共和国。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/463335.html |