英语听力精选进阶版 8433(在线收听) |
President Obama has said?the?United States is considering supplying weapons to the Ukrainian government to help it defend itself against Russian-backed separatists in the east of the country. Mr Obama was speaking after talks with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the White House. Barbara Plett Usher?reports from Washington. 奥巴马总统称美国正考虑向乌克兰提供武器帮助其对抗俄罗斯支持的叛军在乌克兰东部冲突。奥巴马与德国总理默克尔在白宫举行会谈之后发表这一讲话。下面是本台记者发回的报道。 President Obama said he was awaiting the outcome of a peace initiative led by Angela Merkel. If it failed, he said, he would take steps to increase the cost of the conflict for Russia, including the possibility of sending weapons to help the Ukrainian army defend itself against the Russian-backed rebels. Ms Merkel has made clear that she fears this would lead to an escalation, but she said whatever Mr Obama decided, the transatlantic alliance would remain solid. Both accused Russia of violating Ukraine's borders and said they were committed to protecting the principle of territorial integrity, which was crucial, said the chancellor, to preserving the European peaceful order. 奥巴马总统称他正在等着默克尔主导斡旋的和平协议谈判的结果。如果谈判失败他将采取措施增加俄罗斯冲突成本,包括向乌克兰军队提供武器。默克尔已经明确表示她担心这一决定会导致战争升级,但是她称无论奥巴马做何决定跨大西洋联盟仍将保持稳定工作状态。双方都指责俄罗斯违反乌克兰边界管理规定并称其将致力于保护领土完整原则,维护欧洲和平秩序,这才是至关重要的。 The Nigerian jihadist group Boko Haram has increased its attacks in Cameroon and Niger two days after Nigeria's neighbours agreed to set up a regional force to fight the group. Here's Will Ross. 尼日利亚圣战组织博客圣地组织在尼日利亚邻国同意建立统一区域战斗对抗恐怖武装之后加强了对喀麦隆和尼日利亚的进攻。下面是本台记者发回的报道。 There are reports from residents in northern Cameroon that 20 people were abducted as they were returning home from a market. They were taken from Koza village towards Nigeria's border. Another town Kolofata was also attacked. In southern Niger Boko Haram fighters attacked a prison in Diffa but were repelled. The town has been hit three times in recent days. Over the weekend countries in the region pledged almost 9,000 troops to fight the jihadists. Boko Haram's leader Abubakar Shekau has appeared in a video in which he pledged to defeat the regional military force. 据报道称喀麦隆北部有20名当地居民在从超市回家途中被绑架。他们从Koza村庄被带到尼日利亚边境地区。还有Kolofata城镇被袭击。在尼日利亚南部博科圣地武装分子袭击了Diffa监狱,但是被警方击退。最近几天该城镇已经遭遇多次袭击。上周末尼日利亚对该地区派遣了近9000名士兵前去对抗圣战分子,博科圣地领导人Abubakar Shekau在一个视频中发誓称要打败该地区的军事力量。 The electronics manufacturer Samsung has warned people not to discuss personal or sensitive information within earshot of its smart televisions. The company says the voice recognition software used by the TVs could listen to the conversations and share captured data with third parties. Privacy campaigners describe Samsung's advice as outrageous. 电子制造商三星厂家警告称不要盲目听信个人或者敏感信息发布者对其智能电视的评价。三星公司表示智能电视语音识别软件可以和第三方分享听取的语音信息。隐私维权人士认为这一功能比较荒唐。 The Greek Prime Minster Alexis Tsipras says he believes a compromise will be reached in the coming days that will ensure Greece remains in the eurozone. His government is trying to get emergency funding. Here's our Europe correspondent Chris Morris. 希腊总理齐普拉斯表示他相信在接下来的几天将会达成希腊继续留在欧元区协议。旗政府正在试图筹集应急租金。下面是本台记者发回的报道。 Speaking during a trip to Vienna, Mr Tsipras said his government had no intention of breaking with its European partners. 在前往维也纳途中其普莱斯表示其政府无意打破与欧洲伙伴的合作关系。 "The history of the European Union is one of disagreement and conflict followed by a mutually beneficial compromise. This is what I believe will happen in this case too." 欧盟历史一直处于分歧和冲突的双方互利的妥协中。这也就是我确信希腊留在欧元区这件事的原因。 But time is of the essence, Mr Tsipras wants what he calls a "bridging agreement" temporarily financing while a new way of working is agreed. If he doesn't get one the government will soon run out of money. 但是时间是宝贵的,齐普拉斯想要其“桥接协议”暂时融资的同时达成新的工作形式。如果形势不利则其政府将出现资金短缺。 World News from the BBC 下面为您播报BBC世界新闻。 Italian officials say at least 29 migrants have died of hypothermia while trying to cross the Mediterranean. They were among more than 100 people who were picked up by the Italian coast guard on Sunday. The migrants were found in an inflatable raft south of the island of Lampedusa in extreme weather conditions with temperatures barely above freezing and waves as high as eight metres. 意大利官员称至少有29个移民在穿越地中海途中因体温过低死亡。这些人都是意大利海岸警卫队在周日救助的移民。这些移民在南兰佩杜萨岛一只充气阀上被发现,当时气温极低,几乎达到冰点,海浪可高达8米高度。 Alabama has become the latest American state to go ahead with same-sex marriages after the US Supreme Court confirmed last month's ruling that Alabama's ban on such weddings is unconstitutional. There are now 13 US states left where same sex marriage is not legal. 阿拉巴马州已经成为美国最新逊于同性婚姻的州地。美国最高法院确定了上月阿拉巴马州关于禁止同性婚姻的法律规定。现在美国仍有13个州不承认同性婚姻合法化。 A top-division Brazilian football club, Sports Recife, has decided to try something new to curb violence in the stadium. It's training the mothers of some of its supporters to work as stewards during matches. Our Brazil correspondent Wyre Davies has the story. 巴西一家顶级足球俱乐部累西腓决定尝试新的措施制止场内暴力行为的发生。雇佣球队支持者妈妈担当场内管理员。下面是本台记者发回的报道。 Ahead of last weekend's local derby game between Sport Club and Nautico, the home side came up with a novel idea. Among the security staff at the Pernambuco arena were several new signings - all smartly kitted out in bright yellow vests and blazoned with the words "Security Mums". "You have to seriously think twice about turning up to the stadium to fight when your mother is there trying to keep the peace," said one Sport Club official. The mums who've been given the same training as the security staff seem to have done the trick. Not only did the home team win the game 1-0, but there wasn't a single arrest for hooliganism or violent behaviour. 上周日累西腓体育与诺迭高的德比大战中主办方想出了一个新办法应对球场暴力事件。在伯南布哥竞技场内几名穿着明亮黄色背心上面印着“妈妈保安”的管理员夺人眼目。俱乐部管理员称当你心情激动想冲上去打架时看到你的母亲在管理秩序你脑子会比平时多考虑一下冷静下来。这些妈妈们都经过了严格的保安训练。不仅主场球队以1:0赢得了比赛,而且没有发生任何暴力行为。 Police in Ivory Coast say a million people were on the streets of the commercial capital Abidjan to welcome home the national football team after its victory in the Africa Cup of Nations. It's the first time since 1992 that Ivory Coast has won the most prestigious prize in African sport. 科特迪瓦警方称一百名警力被派往首都阿比让街头欢迎冠军球队归国。这是自1992年科特迪瓦赢得非洲杯冠军以来再次夺冠。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/463344.html |