英语听力精选进阶版 8452(在线收听) |
The police chief of?the?US city of Ferguson is to resigned. Thomas Jackson has been criticized by many activists following the shooting of an unarmed black teenager?by one of his officers in August. Kim Ghattas reports from Washington. 美国弗格森城市警察局长将辞职。在八月份其警员射杀一名无辜黑人少年之后托马斯杰克逊一直备受活动家批评。下面是本台记者从华盛顿发回的报道。 Police Chief Thomas Jackson was one of the two officials whose behavior was highlighted and scaling report by the department of justice last week. The report was prompted by the fatal shooting of 18-year old Michael Brown by a white policeman?last summer. It alleged?racial?bias in the city police department and court system and outlined ways in which the police?and?courts functioned as a money making enterprise mostly targeting the city’s African American population. Mr. Jackson has so far resisted calls to step down over his handling of?the?shooting of the unarmed black teenager?and weeks of protests?that followed. 警察局长托马斯杰克逊是上周司法部点名表彰的两名官员之一。去年夏天一名警员射杀一名18岁黑人少年布朗之后报道立即引爆全市。这一事件是该城市警察部门和法院系统存在种族偏见问题的表现,并指出该市警局和法院运作系统是一种金钱操纵系统,主要目标针对美国裔非洲人。杰克逊目前不满因处理枪杀无辜黑人少年并引发数周抗议游行事件而辞职。 An America’s top General says that there is no doubt that Iraqi forces will drive Islamic state militants out of Tikrit. But General Martin Dempsey expresses concern over how Sunni inhabitants?of the city would then be treated. Shia militias make up a large part of?the?government forces attacking Tikrit.?As?Paul Adams reports.? 美国高级将军表示毫无疑问,伊拉克军队将把伊斯兰武装分子驱逐出提克里特。但是登普西将军表示担心逊尼派当地居民可能会被处理掉。什叶派民兵组织为政府军队进军提克里特提供了大量支持。下面是本台记者发回的报道。 This is not the government’s first attempt to retake Tikrit but this operation now 10 days old does seem to be the most concerted effort so far and it’s entering?a critical?phase?3,000 government troops backed by around 20,000 Shia militiamen and much?smaller?forces of Sunni tribesmen are now reported to have entered one of Tikrit’s northern neighborhoods Qadisiya. The city is more or less sealed off, but it is not clear if street fighting has really begun in earnest. An Iraqi major who declined to give his name for security reasons said his forces started?the blasting?early this morning, moving towards the centre of Tikrit from four locations.? 夺回提克里特并不是政府军队的首要目标,但是这十天来的行动来似乎已经被视为最关心的问题,其进攻提克里特的3000名政府力量,近20000人什叶派民兵力量和小部分的逊尼派部落力量据目前报道已经进入了提克里特北部临城Qadisiya地区。该城市些许有些封闭但是目前仍不清楚其城市东部街道冲突是否已经打响。一名拒绝透露姓名的伊拉克要员说其部队力量在今天早上开始打响了战斗,并从四个不同地区分别挺进提克里特城市中心。 Defense officials in the United States say Washington is to sent more Non-lethal military?aid?to Ukraine. The package will include drones and unarmed military jeeps. The US has also imposed sanctions on 8 separatist?leaders on a Russian Bank following claims by the secretary general of NATO Jens Stoltenberg that Moscow is continuing to equip and train rebels in eastern Ukraine. A point echoed by the White House spokesman Josh Earnest. 美国国防部官员表示华盛顿将会向乌克兰提供更多非致命性军事援助。该援助计划包括派送无人机和非武装军用吉普车。在北约秘书长斯托尔滕贝格称莫斯科将继续为乌克兰东部叛军提供军事设备和训练军事人员之后,美国宣布对俄罗斯银行八位分裂分子领导人实施制裁。 There continues to be evidence that Russia is continuing to transfer weapons?and?material across the border into Ukraine in support of separatists?in eastern Ukraine. And there are continued reports that Russia backed separatists are preventing OSCE monitors from getting access to those areas of the country that?are?necessary to verify compliance with Minsk Implementation plan.? 不断有证据表明俄罗斯仍在不断越过边境向乌克兰东部叛军运输武器和物资。也不断有报道称俄罗斯支持的分裂独立分子正在组织欧洲安全与合作委员会观察员进入乌克兰冲突地区观察明斯克协议遵守情况。 A British military healthcare worker has tested positive for Ebola while working in Sierra Leone. It is believed the patient is a woman and her condition is being assessed before any decision is made about flying her back to Britain for treatment.? 一名在塞拉利昂工作的英国军队医疗工作者被确诊感染埃博拉病毒。据悉该患者为女性,目前在其返回英国做进一步治疗之前尚不能做出任何评估。 World News from the BBC 下面为您播报BBC世界新闻。 A leading conservative opponent to the Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos has questioned the decision to suspend?for?one month aerial bombing attacks on?Farc?guerrillas. The move is intended to help peace talks underway in Havana, but the Colombian Procurator General A said it would paralyze the armed?forces?while Farc?continued?to attack civilians.? 一位著名的反对总统胡安曼努埃尔桑托斯保守党竞争对手对轰炸FARC游击队暂停一个月这一决定表示怀疑。这一决定是为了帮助哈瓦那和平会谈能够顺利进行。但是哥伦比亚检察长说造成武装力量的瘫痪,FARC将继续对当地居民进行攻击。 Cuba has re-established direct telephone links with the United States for the first time in 15?years. It is the first?agreement?signed?between Cuban and American companies since the announcement last December that both states will renew diplomatic ties after more than 50 years of hostility. Will Grant reports from Havana. 古巴方面15年以来第一次与美国重新建立直接电话联系。这是自古巴与美国去年十二月达成协议以来冲进建立中断50多年的外交关系。下面是本台记者从哈瓦那发回的报道。 A key part of the decision by the Obama administration to restore diplomatic ties with Cuba was to help?boost?telecommunications on the island in a long term?it is hopped in Washington and that would mean greater?internet access. But for now it has at least brought a direct telephone connection between the two countries. Previously calls will rated by a third countries?driving out of the cost of?a call?to the US from Cuba and making it prohibitively expensive for ordinary?Cubans.? 奥巴马政府关于恢复与古巴的外交关系这一重要决定将帮助振兴华盛顿一直期望的电信产业,同时也意味着更加方便的网络沟通。但是目前为止两国之间已经建立了至少一个地区的电话直连服务。之前两国之间电话联系需要通过第三个国家来实现,丙炔需要花费大量资金,增加了古巴人民的消费成本。 The American space agency NASA has made the first testifying of the world’s most powerful solar fuel rocket?that it?hopes will?propel?a man mission to Mars in the 2030s. NASA said a low temperature firing of the 54 meter-long?booster?known as the space launch system performed?flawlessly. It was anchored horizontally for the test carried out in Utah.? 美国航空航天局首次对世界最强大的太阳能燃料火箭进行试验,其希望这一试验能够推进2030年人类登陆火星计划。NASA表示在低温下运行发动系统长达54米的太空发射系统测试性能无懈可击。这次固定水平测试在犹他州进行。 France says formally object to?a Belgian?proposal for the design of a coin commemorating the 200th?anniversary of the battle of Waterloo on the grounds that?it risks undermining the unity of the eurozone. Officials say the two euro coin is a negative symbol, they could cause hostile reactions in France at a time when governments across Europe are trying to increase cooperation.? 法国方面表示正式反对比利时设计滑铁卢战争两百周年纪念币这一行为。称这种行为会破坏欧元区的统一。有官员表示两名欧元货币是消极的象征,在欧洲各国试图加强合作同时可能会造成法国的不满情绪。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/463542.html |