英语听力精选进阶版 8488(在线收听) |
French lawmakers have approved a bill, giving the intelligence services extensive new powers aimed at preventing terrorist attacks. Security officials will be able to order surveillance without the approval of a judge, relying, instead, on a newly-created supervisory body. Civil rights groups and some politicians have criticized the law. Hugh Schofield??reports from Paris. 法国议会通过一项法案决定给情报服务机构更多权利来防止恐怖袭击的发生。安全部门官员可以在没有法官批准的情况下根据一个新设立的监管机构进行监管工作。人权组织和一些政客对这一做法提出了批评。下面是本台记者从巴黎发回的报道。 All speakers in the debate recognized the France faces an exceptional threat from terrorism at this time.For the government backed by the opposition UMP that means that intelligence agencies need to be given a proper legal framework in which to act.But opponents say the precisely because the threat the France is so acute is wrong to legislate in haste and they say what January attacks in Paris showed was not a lack of surveillance on mass rather than need for better targeted intelligence of individuals. 辩论中所有发言者都承认法国正处于面临特殊恐怖主义威胁的时刻。对于受反对党人民运动联盟支持的政府来讲情报机构需要给予适当的行动法律框架授权。但是反对者称这种做法非常严厉因为法国面对威胁这样仓促立法是一种错误做法,他们说一月份巴黎发生的恐怖袭击显示法国不是缺少对恐怖主义活动的监督而是需要更好的情报机构。 United States has authorized commercial ferry services to Cuba for the first time in more than 50 years,several companies in Florida said they have been given licenses to operate passenger ferries to Havana,and services could begin within weeks.Will Grant is in Cuba. 美国已经授权对古巴进行商业渡轮服务,这也是50多年来首次展开此服务。佛罗里达几家公司表示他们已经向前往哈瓦那的客运渡轮发放了许可证,服务业务将于几周内展开。下面是本台记者从古巴发回的报道。 “Since the decision to reestablish diplomatic ties with Havana was announced by Washington in December, there has been a noticeable surge in the number of Americans visiting Cuba. Now they have one more way to get here. The move doesn't necessarily mean that boats will start launching for Cuban shores straight away, for there are other bureaucratic hurdles to overcome in both countries. But it is a further indication of Washington's desire to put the policies of isolating Cuba in the past, and begin a era of cooperation. 自12月份华盛顿宣布与古巴重建外交官以以来,美国人访问古巴的人数明显上升。现在他们有更多交通方式可以抵达古巴。这一举动并不一定意味着将会建立直通古巴的海运线,因为两国之间还需要克服其他官僚障碍。但是这是华盛顿方面结束过去孤立古巴政策的标志,并将开始一个新时代的合作。 Houthis rebels in Yemen have fired shells and rockets into a Saudi Arabian town across the border for the first time since the Saudis launched an air campaign against them. Yemeni tribal leaders said that two Saudis were killed in the attack on Najran. But Saudi officials haven't confirmed this. Buildings were damaged, schools were closed, and flights canceled to the area after the attack. The border area has seen regular exchanges of fires since March when the Saudi-led campaign began. 也门境内的胡塞叛军跨越边境向沙特盟军所在城镇发起进攻,这是沙特盟军发动空袭以来第一次遭到反击。也门部落领袖说两名沙特人在Najran发生的袭击中丧生。但是沙特官方表示此事尚未得到证实。袭击发生之后当地建筑被毁,学校封校,航班取消。自三月份沙特盟军展开空袭以来边境地区一直处于战火冲突之中。 Dozens of migrants were reported to have drowned in the latest disaster to strike people trying to reach Europe from Africa by boat. The aid group, Save the Children, said up to 40 people died when their rubber dinghy deflated in the Mediterranean on Sunday. About a hundred survivors were rescued by a container ship and taken to Sicily. Astoy Fall Dia from Senegal was on the dinghy.? 报道称有数十名移民在从非洲乘船前往欧洲途中溺亡。拯救儿童救援组织称在周日时候其乘坐的橡皮艇在经过地中海海域时漏气造成40多人死亡。大约有100名幸存者被一艘集装箱云货船搭救送往西西里岛。下面是本台记者从塞内加尔救生艇上发回的报道。 That was a little boat it filled and exploded boom.That was a big ship there and threw down ropes.Someone grabbed onto the ropes all other people started pushing to try to save themselves but then people started falling in the water. 这是一个挤满移民已经漏气的小船。旁边这是一艘大船,并向小船上的移民抛下了救生索。一些人开始抓住绳索向上爬,剩下的人都在拼命挣扎想要抓住绳索往上爬,但是时不时有人落水。 An estimated 7,000 migrants have made crossing recent days a surge prompted by good weather and calm seas. 在最近几天天气较好海面平静的情况下大约有7000名移民通过这一海域。 World News from the BBC. BBC世界新闻。 Ten days after the earthquake that devastated Nepal aid workers say they are still not getting enough supplies to help the population,but Nepalese authorities say they are beginning to get the relieve situation under control.But the BBC's Anna who spent two days in Jatara northeast of the capital Kathmandu says people are desperate. 距离尼泊尔大地震已经过去10天的时间,救援人员表示他们依然缺少物资来帮助受灾群众。但是尼泊尔当局称他们已经慢慢控制了局面。但是在加德满都东北部Jatara村庄进行了两天访问的BBC记者称该地区的群众已经陷入绝望。 “People are swarming around the helicopter, fighting for supplies. Someone described to me today ,saying tents were as vital as oxygen. People do have some stocks of grain,a lot of them grow their own food. But what they don't have at the moment is just somewhere to sleep, somewhere to get out of the sun, somewhere to protect children and the elderly from the hot sun. This is high altitude. A lot of people are getting dehydrated and very sick. And the thing we keep hearing is we've got one month, the rains are coming. These are steep, steep hillsides, and it's going to be devastating all over again.” 人们把运送物资的直升机包围了。一些人今天跟我说他们急需一些帐篷。就好像氧气一样的重要。当地群众自己种植粮食所以是有粮食储备的,但是当下人们没有的是睡觉的地方,没有阴凉的地方,没有保护儿童的地方,老人也没有遮凉的地方。这里是高海拔地区。许多人正出现脱水,恶心症状。我们现在得到的消息是还有一个月的时间才能下雨。这里都是陡峭的山坡,并且这里还会遭遇再一次灾难性的毁灭。 One of Iran's most prominent human rights activists / has been arrested, her husband said officers turn up their house in Teheran on Monday and threatened to break down the door before she agreed to go with them./ works with a group founded by the Nobel peace laureate. 伊朗一位著名人权活动家被捕,她丈夫称警方在周一时候闯进他家并威胁称要带走他妻子否则就破门而入。这位活动家为一家诺贝尔和平奖得主成立的机构工作。 United Nations says a number of its peacekeeping troops have been killed in an ambush near the city of / in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo,The area has seen heavy fighting between the Congolese army and an Islamist rebel group from Uganda one of many armed factions active in the eastern Congo. 联合国称其维和部队在刚果民主共和国东部地区受埋伏造成大量人员死亡。刚果军队和乌干达伊斯兰叛军在该地区有激烈的冲突。 United States is investigating a claim by the Islamic State Jihadist group that it was behind a failed attack in Texas on Sunday,two gunmen were killed when they opened fire outside the contest to draw Cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad,it's the first time IS has claimed to have carried out an attack in the US but the White House said it was too early to say if there was any link. 美国正在对周日时候对德克萨斯发动袭击的伊斯兰恐怖组织圣战组织进行调查。两名持枪男子在穆罕默德动漫大赛场外发生的交火中被击毙。这是第一次IS组织声称在美国境内开展袭击行为,但是白宫方面称宣布IS与袭击事件之间存在联系这一结论还为时过早。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/463607.html |