英语听力精选进阶版 8503(在线收听) |
U.S has acknowledged that IS militant’s??recent capture of the city??of Ramadi in Iraq and Palmyra in Syria??represent??a setback??,but President Obama said US and its allies were not losing the war. The BBC North America? ?editor John solo says the administration is facing criticism??over??its strategy??,but no one is proposing viable?alternatives. 美国承认伊斯兰极端分子占领伊朗的拉马迪和叙利亚的巴尔米拉是一个打击,但是奥巴马总统称美国及其盟国并没有输掉战争。本台北美记者约翰·梭罗报道称,政府面临的批评多于战略,但是没有一个人提供可行的办法。 There is no way that President Obama is gonna send 15,000 troops to reinvade Iraq and invade Syria,so you left with the existing strategy with may be a bit of amplification . The president??say??the outside of this twin strategy was to degrade and destroy??IS, while the spokesmen admitted??this afternoon that destroy of IS was not gonna happen while this president in the White House.And say??left with more modest??degrading??and that is still a long way off. “ 奥巴马总统不可能发动15.000军队再次侵犯伊朗和叙利亚,所以只有现存的有些夸大的战略。总统声称,在这次双向战略之外是挫败伊斯兰极端分子。然而发言人声称,今天下午打败伊斯兰极端分子不太可能。白宫的总统称,体面地挫败他们还有很长的路。 A monitory??group says Syrian government’s lost control of its border with Iraq,after IS militants seized the crossing in Homs province.The Syria Observatory for Human Rights said it wasn’t clear??when the town border crossing was seized ,it said all the??crossing with Iraq were now controlled by IS or Kurdish fighters. 一个监测小组称,伊斯兰极端分子占领了叙利亚和伊朗的交界之城霍姆斯省后,叙利亚政府失去了其对边境的控制。叙利亚人权观察室声称,该城被何时占领尚不清楚,并说叙利亚和伊朗所有交界目前都由伊斯兰极端分子和库尔德士兵控制。 And an appeals called in South Korea has ordered a released of former??executive of the national airlines??-Korean Air.Heather Cho who is the daughter of the airline’s chairman ,was sentenced to a year in jail in February??for diverting??the plane. From Seoul ,Stephen Evans. 韩国呼吁公布原国家航空公司—大韩航空公司总裁赵亮镐之女,公司副总裁赵显娥因扰乱飞机秩序在二月被判处有期徒刑一年。史蒂芬·伊文思首尔报道。 “Mrs.Cho??appeared in court??in plain green??prisoner??overalls to hear that she was not have to??serve the rest of one-year sentence.In December last year, she was found guilty at a illegally diverting a aircraft when she ordered it back to gate??in a rage because of nuts in first class was served in a bag ,not a bowl. She also went to a??tirade??against cabin staff, prodging people??with fold and making one meal for forgiveness. The conviction??for a assault standards,but not for diverting the plane.? 法庭上,赵女士穿着一身绿色囚服,据说她并没有服满一年刑役。去年12月,她因扰乱飞机秩序致使航班延误被定罪。当时,她认为头等舱应将坚果放在盘子中而不是装在袋子内,并因此愤怒的返回登机门。她还对空乘人员恶言相向,并以请客请求机内人员原谅。她的最终定罪是侮辱空乘人员而不是扰乱飞机秩序。 The BBC has learned that??at least 260 women and children rescued from??the militant IS group— Boko haram ,has been transferred to a Nigerian militant facility.It is part of the program to rehabilitate the victims of extremism. As Will Ross reports from??Abuja. BBC获悉,至少260名妇女和儿童从伊斯兰极端组织博科圣地手里救出,现已转移到尼日利亚军事基地。这是救回极端分子的受害者的项目的一部分。下面是威尔·罗斯从阿布贾发回的报道: “Nigerian government says the women and children are now living in a comfortable??environment within the military facility where they were being given medical help before being screened and given??psycho social support to help them??reintegrate back into the??society.Some people questioned why after suffering??in Boko haram captivity ,the women and children??need to be held any longer. But the government is worried??some of them may have become radical allies while stay??in jihadist??captivity and the last thing is want such people to return??to their??villages or towns while they may influence others.? 尼日利亚政府称,目前这些妇女和儿童住在军事基地安逸的环境里,在这里,当他们受到社会心理救助,重返社会之前能够得到医疗救助。一些人怀疑为什么这些妇女和儿童在博科圣地集中营遭受苦难之后,仍然需要救助。然而政府担忧他们中的一些人在圣战主义集中营呆的会变成极端分子,我们最不希望看到的是在他们返回到之前的城镇或乡村后悔影响其他人。 World news from the BBC in London. 伦敦BBC世界新闻。 At least 80 members of the??Farc rebel group have been killed in a airstrike in Colombia.The attack in southwestern cocaine region is the deadliest since the resumption of raids against the rebel last month.President Juan Manuel Santos restarted the raids after 11 soldiers were killed in an??ambush . 至少80名哥伦比亚革命武装力量在哥伦比亚一次空袭中被杀。自上个月开始反对暴乱的袭击以来,这次发生在西南可卡因地区是最致命的一次。在11名士兵在一次埋伏中被杀之后,总统桑托斯重新开始袭击反对力量。 In the US, a grand of jury??in the city of Baltimore have indicted all six of police officers charged in connection with the death of the black man in custody. Freddie Gray ,died from a severe spinal injury??sustained during his arrest in April. His death sparked??protests in several American cities??over police violence towards black man. The charges include??assault, manslaughter and murder. 美国巴尔地摩城大陪审团宣判六名警察与在服刑期间死亡的黑人有关。黑人弗雷德·盖伊四月在服刑期间死于严重的脊椎损伤。他的死亡在美国几个城市激起了反对警察暴力对待黑人的抗议示威。该起诉包括侮辱人格罪,杀人罪和蓄意谋杀罪。 Researchers who have caltiao??the largest ever study of the tiniest organism in the ocean- plankton, say they have??identified thousands of different species, they say plankton has been little studied despite making up 90% of marine??life and being at least as important to the world’s ecosystem as the rainforests. Here is Rebecca Morelle. 曾发现最大的海上浮游生物的研究人员表示,他们已确认出上千种不同的种类,并说道,尽管浮游生物占海洋生物的百分之九十,并且是和热带雨林对世界生态系统一样重要,但对它们的研究少之又少。下面是丽贝卡·摩尔报道: “The Tara expedition??funded by the French fashion designer Agnes B has??set out to across the global.It is discovered 190,000 different species of various bacteria and single-celled plants and creatures. The first scientific analysis suggest about 80% are new to science. With genetic sequencing also??revealing??millions of genes that have never been seen before,the researches also found that??many??of the organisms??are sensed to temperature,suggesting climate change could have an impact on these??hidden microscopic world.”??Rebecca Morelle 法国时尚设计师艾格尼丝成立的塔拉探险队目前已环游世界。他们发现了190.000种不同的细菌和单细胞动植物。首次科学研究表明,大约百分之八十都是新品种。基因序列也表明有成千上万种基因之前从未见过,研究人员还发现,许多有机体可以感应温度,表明气候的变化能够影响这些微观世界,丽贝卡·摩尔报道。 Irish voters go to the polls later today to take part in the referendum on whether to allow same sex marriage.If the change is approved,Ireland will become the first country to??legalized same sex marriage as result of popular road.Result is expected from midday on Saturday .? ? 今天爱尔兰人民将会就是否同意同性恋婚姻参加国民公投。如果该投票通过,爱尔兰将会成为第一个使同性恋婚姻合法化的国家。投票结果将于周六中午公布。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/463622.html |