英语听力精选进阶版 8578(在线收听) |
European Union leaders meeting in Brussels say they've agreed a broad actionplan with Turkey to help stem the flow of migrants to Europe. The president ofEuropean Commission Jean Claude Juncker says there was now an explicit linkbeing created between progress on stopping migrants entering the EU and theacceleration of plans to grant Turkish citizens visa free travel to the EuropeanUnion. The European Council president Donald Tusk says concessions have beennecessary in return for Turkey's support. "We prefer that well firstbecause we need that responsible and adequateresponse from the Turkish side. They are our partners in the crisis. The morefor more principle must supply you have passed. We have your, It is exact simple." During theday, the Bulgarian president Boyko Borisovabruptly left the EU talks after reports of violence between guards andrefugees on Bulgari’s border with Turkey. It was later confirmed that a migrantfrom Afghanistan was shot dead by a guard. 布鲁塞尔正在举行欧盟峰会,欧盟领导人表示称,欧盟已经同意与土耳其达成行动计划,解决不断涌入欧洲的难民潮。欧盟委员会主席容克称,解决欧盟难民潮危机将会与加快土耳其公民入欧盟旅游的免签计划产生直接联系。欧盟理事会主席唐纳德·图斯克表示称,为了换取土耳其的支持,欧盟的让步是非常必要的。我们需要得到土耳其方面恰当,负责任的回应,这也是我们采取此项行动的原因。在难民危机中,土耳其是我们的盟友。我们在许多方面达成了共识。事情就是如此。有报道称在保土边境上,难民与警察发生冲突,得知这一消息后,保加利亚总理博伊科·鲍里索夫立即离开了欧盟会议。不久此次事件被证实是警方将一名阿富汗难民打死。 Officials in Nigeria say at least 30 people have been killed in an apparentsuicide attack at a mosque near the city of Maiduguri. Reports say there wereat least two big explosions during prayers. David Bamford has this report. “Nigerianmedia, quoting local twitter, say that many people were killed in twoexplosions during evening prayers at the mosque in the Maiduguri suburb ofMulai. Injured casualties have been ferried to the local hospital. A seniorofficial said the blasts were thought to be the result of an attack by suicidebombers. Maiduguri is frequently targeted by the Islamist group Boko Haram.” 尼日利亚官方称,在迈杜古里市附近的清真寺发生自杀式炸弹袭击事件,造成至少30人死亡。报告称有至少两起大爆炸都发生在了祷告期间。请听大卫·班福德的报道。尼日利亚媒体援引当地推特网的话说,迈杜古里郊区姆莱的一座清真寺发生两次爆炸袭击,袭击造成多人死亡,当时人们正在做晚祷。伤者已被送往医院。一名高级官员认为这是一起自杀式爆炸袭击。迈杜古里频繁遭到恐怖组织“博科圣地”的袭击。 The former Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has given evidence tofederal prosecutors denying that he carried out illegal lobbying work afterleaving office. The founder of the ruling Workers' Party remains one ofBrazil's most popular politicians, but he risks becoming embroidered in aseries of corruption and political crisis that have undermined the governmentof his successor Dilma Rousseff. Our Brazil correspondent Wyre Davies has thisreport. “Although former president Lula hasn't been charged with any criminaloffense, he was asked by federal prosecutors in Brasilia to clarify any reallymatter found in lobbying for some Brazil's biggest firms after he left officein 2010. In particular, prosecutors probe into details about President Lula'srelationship with one of Brazil's biggest construction companies Odebrecht andpreferential loans that received from a state development bank.” 前巴西总统路易斯·伊纳西奥·卢拉·达席尔瓦向联邦检察官递交证明,否认他在卸任后从事非法游说活动。这位劳工党创建人仍然是巴西最受欢迎的政界人物之一,然而他险些卷入到了一系列行贿和政治危机当中,此次危机也让接班人迪尔玛·罗塞夫政府的执政地位变得摇摇欲坠。请听本台驻巴西记者艾尔·戴维斯的报道。尽管前总统并没有遭受任何犯罪指控,但是为了澄清2010年卸任以后为几家大公司所进行的游说活动,达席尔瓦还是遭到了巴西利亚联邦检察官的询问。特别是对前总统卢拉与巴西最大建筑公司Odebrecht的关系,以及国家发展银行为其提供的优惠贷款一事进行了深入调查。 An opposition Venezuelan politician Manuel Rosales has been arrested six yearsafter fleeing the country amid corruption allegations. Mr. Rosales, a formerpresidential candidate, denies any wrongdoing. World news from the BBC. 由于深陷腐败指控,逃离六年的委内瑞拉反对派政界人士曼努埃尔·罗萨莱斯终被逮捕。前总统候选人罗萨莱斯对犯罪行为给予否认。BBC全球新闻。 The Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi is making her first visit to thewestern state of Rakhine since 2012 when Buddhist attackers drove more than100000 Rohingya Muslims from their homes. Critics say Ms. Suu Kyi has notspoken up strongly enough for the Rohingya over her visit comes ahead of nextmonth general election. 缅甸反对派领导人昂山素季对西部若开邦进行访问,这也是即2012年佛教僧侣驱逐10多万名罗兴亚穆斯林以后的首次访问。下个月缅甸将进行大选,有评论家认为昂山素季的此次访问并没有维护罗兴亚的权力。 The US has been accused of carrying out drone attacks based on fake evidence inwhich most of those killed are not the intended targets. Allegations remainedon a website called the Intercept. It said a whistle blower handed over secretmilitary documents about drone strikes in Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia. 由于多数击毙者不是袭击预设目标,导致美国无人机空袭行动遭到指责。该言论来自一个名叫“截击”的网站。网站称告密者提供了许多有关美国无人机空袭阿富汗、也门以及索马里的机密军事文件。 A senior minister in South Sudan has described the peace deal signed recentlywith rebels as flexible. His comments follow widespread anger at a unilateraldecision by the government to redraw state boundaries. But in a BBC interview,South Sudan's minister of information Micheal Makuei said the agreement shouldnot be read rigidly although the government was still committed to peace. 南苏丹资政认为,近期与反叛军所签署的和平协议存在诸多变数。由于政府单方面重新划定边境线,导致一片怨恨之声。然而在接受BBC采访时,南苏丹信息部部长迈克尔·马库依表示称,尽管政府致力于和平发展,但是此项协议也不会严格执行。 Scientists in Britain say it may be possible to prevent schizophrenia bycalming the brain's immune system. Scans have shown that it’s hyperactive bothin people with schizophrenia and those at high risk. James Ganligon Ann reports.“The brain has its own equivalents of gardeners called microglia. They read outinfection but also constantly prune the connections in the brain. A team of UKmedical research cancer scientists found the microglia was too keen inschizophrenia. It’s thought the microglia like a gardener too keen with shares,trim the wrong brain connections. That leads to a brain that is not wiredcorrectly and culminating symptoms such as hearing voices. The research saidthe study mount to a real step forward in understanding the condition and wantedtrial antiinflammatory drugs to treat and prevent schizophrenia.” BBC worldnews. 英国科学家称通过镇定大脑免疫系统,人们或将能够避免精神分裂症。通过对大脑的扫描显示,患有该疾病以及高危人群的免疫系统均处于极端活跃状态。请听詹姆斯·安的报道。大脑的园丁叫作”小神经胶质”。它可以分泌炎性细胞,而且还能够减少脑细胞中的不必要联系。英国医学研究委员会的科学家发现,小神经胶质对精神分裂症的反应尤为灵敏。它能够像园丁一样拿着剪刀修剪细胞之间的错误联系。这些错误联系或将导致许多症状,例如幻听。该研究认为这对于了解精神分裂症又迈出了坚实的一步,他们希望通过研究消炎药来治疗,以及预防精神分裂症。BBC新闻。 |
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