英语听力精选进阶版 8632(在线收听) |
The former governor of US state of Alaska Sarah Palin has given her support to Donald Trumpin his campaign to be the Republican Party's presidential candidate. She praised Mr. Trump'svalues as a father and community leader, and said he could change the status quo in Americanpolitics. Our North America editor John Sopal was watching.It wasn't as if Donald Trump's campaign was flagging. He is riding high in the polls, and gettingwall-to-wall media attention. But now, a new and open boost in the shape of Sarah Palin. Withless than two weeks to go to the Iowa caucus, the populistic governor came out punching intrademark style. Bashing Barack Obama as you expect, but really saving her heaviest blows tothe Republican establishment itself. Sarah Palin, the now primarly pursuing a media career, isnevertheless still the darling of the conservative tea party right, and the evangelical wing ofthe Republican Party, the very voters, that are critical in this midwestern state. The broadTrump green, seemed even wider than normal. 阿拉斯加州前州长萨拉·佩林向争取成为共和党总统候选人的唐纳德·特朗普表示支持,她赞扬了特朗普作为一名父亲和社区领袖的价值,称他可以改变美国政局的现状。北美编辑约翰·索帕报道。并不是说唐纳德·特朗普所获得的支持度在下降,相反他正踌躇满志,得到了各个媒体的关注。现在又有了萨拉·佩林这个有力的支持,目前距离爱荷华党团会议不到两周的时间,这位民粹主义州长以标志性的风格站了出来,像大家料想的那样,她抨击了巴拉克·奥巴马,但将最有力的一拳给了共和党。目前主要忙于媒体事业的萨拉·佩林无疑仍是保守的茶党右翼和共和党福音派成员的最爱,他们都是这个中西部州的关键选民,支持特朗普的队伍似乎比以前更广泛了。 Gunmen have stormed a university in northwest Pakistan where a gun battle is still underwaybetween police security guards and the attackers. Armed vehicles had been deployed, tosurround the Bacha Khan University campus in Charsadda District, 50 km from the city ofPeshawar, which houses 3000 students. Some media are reporting that a chemistry proffesorhas been killed and 50 people injured. 巴基斯坦西北部一所大学遭到武装分子袭击,目前警方、安保人员和袭击者仍在进行枪战。装甲车被调集来包围了距离白沙瓦市50公里的查沙达地区的帕夏汗大学,这所大学有3000名学生。有媒体报道称一名化学教授被杀,还有50人受伤。目前教职员工和学生们都已从校园撤离。 Staff and students have been evacuated from thecampus. The Colombian government and the country's largest rebel group the FARC are asking theUnited Nations to oversee the implementation of any ceasefire the two parties agree to endmore than 50 years of conflict. The two sides are still negotiating a deal. During talks inHavana, Ivan Marquez the FARC's Chief Negotiator called it a final step towards a lasting peaceagreement.“It's a fact that the talks towards reconciliation have entered a final stage, and that 60 yearsof confrontation can end to the delight of man kinds during the course of this year.” 哥伦比亚政府和该国最大叛军组织Farc请求联合国监督双方达成的意在结束50年冲突的停火协议,双方目前仍在协商一份协议。在哈瓦那举行的谈判中,Farc首席协商代表伊万·马奎斯称这是朝着持久和平协议的最后一步。“朝着和解而进行的谈判已经进入最后阶段,这会让经历了60年冲突的人感到欣慰。” European Commission is considering plans to share the burden of migrants more fairly acrossthe EU. The European Commission President Donald Tusk has warned that the EU must bringthe system under control within two months. Ben Wright reports.“Last year, more than a million migrants and refugees poured into Europe, creating a crisis thatshows no sign of abating. Under what's known as the Dublin System, new arrivals have toregister for asylum in the first EU country in which they arrive. That system broke down lastyear and prompted some countries to reinstate temporary border controls within thepassport free Schengen area. The European Commission is considering a new system, whichaims to more fairly distribute migrants across the continent.” Ben Wright reporting. You're listening to the latest world news from the BBC. 欧洲委员会正考虑制定新计划来让欧洲各国更公平地分担移民负担,欧洲委员会主席唐纳德·图斯克警告说,欧盟必须在两个月内控制好该制度。本·怀特报道。“去年有100多万移民和难民涌入欧洲,由此产生的危机至今没有消停的迹象。根据所谓的都柏林体系,新到者必须在抵达的第一个欧洲国家进行难民登记。去年这个体系崩溃了,使得一些国家重新在免护照的申根地区临时实施边境控制。欧洲委员会正考虑实施新体系,目的是让欧洲各国更公平地分担移民负担。” 这里是最新的BBC新闻报道。 Asian markets have continued to slide downwards in early trading. Shares in Hong Kong fallclosed at levels not seen in four years. There were also falls in Tokyo. The decline reflectscontinuing concern about growth in China and emerging economies, such as Brazil. 亚洲股市在早盘中继续下跌,香港股价收盘时跌到四年来的最低点,东京股市也有下跌。这就反映了投资者对中国和巴西等新兴市场发展的担忧。 There's been another drop in oil prices after a warning from the International Energy Agencythat the oil market could drown in over-supply. US crude oil traded below 28 dollars a barrel forthe first time in more than 12 years in trading on Asian markets. The price later recoveredslightly. 亚洲股市在早盘中继续下跌,香港股价收盘时跌到四年来的最低点,东京股市也有下跌。这就反映了投资者对中国和巴西等新兴市场发展的担忧。 国际能源机构警告称石油市场可能供过于求,随后油价再次下跌。在亚洲市场上美国原油交易价跌到每桶28美元,是12年以来的最低点。油价后来又反弹了一些。 A review of more than 30 studies involving more than four million patients suggest that havingan irregular heart beat poses a greater risk to women than to men. It found that women withAtrial fibrillation, or AF, were almost twice as likely to have fatal heart disease and strokes. Thescientists from Oxford University said one possible cause was that women were beingdiagnosed later than men. Another was that they may respond less well to drugs to combatAF. 对涉及400多万患者的30项研究进行的审查表明,心率不规则对妇女的危险大于对男人的危险,这次审查发现,有心房颤动病症的妇女发展成致命心脏病和中风的几率是男人的两倍。牛津大学的科学家发现,其中一个可能的原因是妇女比男人更晚确诊,另一个原因是治疗心房颤动的药物对妇女的效果没那么好。 Researchers at the universities of Durham and Lisbon say some fairy tales can be traced backthousands of years. Using techniques developed by biologists, they determined how longcould go folk tales appeared in Indo-European languages spoken in large areas of Europe, theMiddle East and Asia. Nick Ine reports. 达勒姆大学和里斯本大学的研究者们称一些神话故事可以追溯到几千年前,他们使用生物学家开发的技术,判定民间故事在印欧语系中流传多久,印欧语言覆盖欧洲大部分地区、中东和亚洲。尼克·伊内报道。 “Five thousand years ago, there were spinning yarns about a boy who stolen an ogre’streasure, a story we know as Jack and the Beanstalk. And four thousand years ago, someonecame up with an early version of Beauty and the Beast. There are some of the oldest-knownfolk tales in the Indo-European languages, and their antiquities had been established by ananthropologist and the folklorist. The findings are one in the eye for those who maintainedthat most modern fairy tales weren't really ancient at all. It seems Wilhelm Grimm of theBrothers Grimm was right when he said many were extremely old.” “五千年前就有一个男孩偷了一个魔鬼宝藏的故事,这就是我们所知的《杰克与豌豆》,四千年前,有人编了《美女与野兽》的早期版本,这些都是印欧语言中最古老的神话故事,人类学家和民俗学者已经确定了它们存在的历史,这些发现令一些人失望,这些人声称大多数现代童话故事根本就不古老,似乎看来格林兄弟中的威廉·格林是对的,他说很多神话故事都是非常古老的。” |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/464135.html |