英语听力精选进阶版 8635(在线收听) |
Billions of dollars have been wiped off stock marketsaround the world because growing concern aboutplunging oil prices and fears about economicslowdown. In New York, the Dow Jones Index close1.5% down. The main European stock exchanges slip to a 15 months low. Theo Leggettreports.“Serious concerns about growth in China and what that might mean for the global economy,falling oil prices and the effects of rising interest rates in the United States. All of these havebeen cited as factors affecting share prices around the world. The 100 Share Index has droppedto levels not seen since late 2012 and it's lost a fifth of its values since reaching record highs inApril 2015, the situation known as a bear market. Analysts say many investors are simply losingconfidence and selling shares in order to find a safer place for their money.” 马里恩·马歇尔为你播报BBC新闻。 对油价下跌的担忧和对经济放缓的恐惧使得全世界股市损失了数十亿美元,在纽约,道琼斯指数收盘了跌了1.5%,欧洲主要证券交易所跌到15个月来的最低点。莱格特报道。“人们非常担心中国的增长以及这对世界经济的影响,还担心油价下跌和美国升息的影响,所有这些都是影响世界股价的因素。100指数下跌到2012年底以来的最低点,损失了自2015年4月最高纪录后五分之一的价值,这就是所谓的熊市,分析家称很多投资者已经失去信心,正在卖掉股票来为自己的资金寻找更安全的地方。” A watchdog in the United States has severely criticized the way more than 800 million dollarsspent by the Department of Defense in Afghanistan to boost economic development. Especiallyinvestigator general for Afghan reconstruction says the scheme's legacy was marred bypoorly planned ill-conceived projects.Here is Gary O’Donoghue.“This is the latest in a series of blistering criticisms which’ve accused the defense departmentof a scatter-gun approach to economic developments. Among the projects which has drawnan eye of the inspect general,is one which saw more than 6 million dollars spent to build upAfghanistan's cashmere industry around the city of Herat. Nine rare blond Italian goats wereimported, rumored cost around 50,000 dollars each and according to the inspect general thescheme was so poorly monitored that it can't be said for sure that the goats weren't justeaten. Contractor has hit back the allegations saying that the money created between 250 and350 jobs.” 美国一观察机构严厉批评阿富汗国防部将8亿多美元用于促进经济发展的方式,阿富汗重建特别监察长称重建项目的成果被计划不周的项目所破坏。嘉里·多诺修报道。“这是阿富汗国防部遭到的最新的严厉批评,该部被控采取低效率的办法来促进经济发展。其中一个引起监察长注意的项目是将600多万美元用于发展赫拉特市周围的羊绒产业。”他们进口了9头意大利金毛山羊,传闻称每头羊大约5万美元,据这位监察长说,这个项目没有得到监管,无法确定地说这些山羊不是被吃了。承包商反驳这一说法,称这笔资金创造了250到350个就业岗位。” US astronomers say they may have discovered a new planet in the solar system about 10times bigger than earth. The object is named planet 9. Jonathan Amos has more.“The idea that there might be a so-called planet-x moving in the distant reaches of the solarsystem has been dated for more than 100 years. It's fallen in and out of vogue, the latestclaim is based on the analysis of the movements of objects in the band of icy material orbitingmore than 3 billion miles away, known as the Kuiper belt. The only way these alignments can beexplained, said the Cal tech team, is for an object 10 times as massive as the earth is out theresomewhere moving perhaps 20 times as far away as Neptune, the current most distantplanet. 美国宇航员称可能在太阳系发现一颗比地球大十倍的新行星,该行星被命名为“行星9”。乔纳森·阿莫斯报道。“100多年前科学家就猜测在太阳系的远处有这颗名为‘行星9’的行星,但这一说法比较模糊。最近的说法是基于对30多亿英里外柯伊伯带上运转的天体运动的分析。该研究团队称解释天体这种排列的唯一原因,就是在20倍于目前最远行星海王星距离的地方存在10倍于地球大小的物体。” New figures in Brazil show a further rise in the number of babies born with abnormally smallheads. There have been nearly 3900 cases of microcephaly since October when the authoritiesfirst notice the surge. The disease has been linked to the Zika virus, which has carried bymosquitoes. 巴西最新数据显示患有小头症的新生儿数量继续增加,自10月份当局首次发现该问题以来已有近3900例小头症,该疾病与蚊子传播的Zika病毒有关。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/464142.html |