英语听力精选进阶版 8872(在线收听) |
The Argentinian President Mauricio Macri says he has made no malicious omission from his mandatory asset declarations after the leaked Panama papers revealed his offshore financial interests. His comments came after prosecutors opened a criminal investigation in his financial dealings. An opposition politician Norman Dario Martinez said Mr. Macri should explain himself in public. “We understand that not only does he have to give an explanation for the Panama papers’ case for the two companies to which he is tied, one in the Bahamas and the other in Panama, but he should also hold an open news conference with questions from journalists and he should explain himself to the Argentine people. Regarding the court, whatever he has to show, he should show it there.” 巴拿马文件泄露事件披露了阿根廷总统马克里离岸金融利益,对此马克里表示自己并不是恶意遗漏其资产委托声明。此声明的发出是在检察官对其金融交易展开刑事调查之后。反对派政治家诺曼·达里奥马丁内斯表示马克里应该做出公开解释。“我们认为马克里不仅要解释其巴拿马文件关联的两家公司,这两家公司一家在巴哈尔群岛,另一家在巴拿马。同时还应该召开新闻发布会回答记者的问题,并向阿根廷人们做出解释。对于除夕法庭的事件,尽管他自己很不情愿,但是马克里应该出席。” Syrian rebel forces have pushed militants of the Islamic state group out of a strategic town in northern Syria after days of heavy fighting. The town of al-Rai in Aleppo province has been a stronghold for IS as it sits on a border crossing linking Turkey to Syria. 经过激烈的战斗,叙利亚叛军武装部队将伊斯兰国武装部队赶出了叙利亚北部的一座战略性城镇。阿勒颇省al-Rai镇因为其独特的地理位置,坐落在土耳其和叙利亚边界一直是伊斯兰国的要塞。 Prosecutors in Los Angeles in San Francisco say Uber Technologies has agreed to pay 10 million dollars as part of a 25-million-dollar settlement to end a civil lawsuit against it in California. The app-based taxi services faced accusations of misleading customers about its checks on drivers. Dave Lee reports from San Francisco. “If you want to drive a traditional taxi in California, you need to provide a fingerprint to check for prior convictions. But to drive an Uber, that's not necessary as the company uses a different system to vet its drivers. So when Uber advertised itself as the safest drive on the road, authorities cried foul. Prosecutors said Uber missed 25 people with prior convictions including several sex offenders and a convicted murderer. Uber has agreed to change how it advertised its safety procedures, but the BBC understands it wonnot be adding fingerprinting to its vetting process.” 洛杉矶旧金山检察官称优步已经同意支付1千万美元结束在加州的民事诉讼案件。这个以app服务的出租车公司遭到指控,在对司机的检察方面欺骗乘客。请听大卫`李从旧金山发回的报道。“在加州,如果你想开一辆传统的出租车,你需要提供指纹以检察是否有犯罪前科。但是若再优步担任司机,就没有必要这么做,因为该公司使用不用的系统对司机进行就检察。所以,当优步宣称自己是路上驾驶超级安全时,当局称其是欺骗.”检察官称优步未能检测出有25个有犯罪前科的人,这其中包括6名性侵犯人以及一名杀人犯。优步同意更改其宣传程序,但是BBC认为其还是不会对司机进行指纹识别检测。 The World Bank has launched an action plan to spend 50% more on projects to help developing countries cope with climate change, details from Mark Pivac. “There is a growing consensus that poorer countries would be more vulnerable to climate change than richer ones. So the Washington based Work Bank is raising special spending to 3.5 billion dollars by 2020 and it hopes to encourage even more from the private sector. Part of the plan envisages boosting enough renewable energy to power 150 million homes. It also proposes an investment in what it calls climate smart agriculture for 40 countries and more spending on green transport. Top bank officials said the plans are a bold response to last December's landmark global climate conference in Paris.” World news from the BBC. 世界银行发起行动增加一半开支帮助发展中国家应对气候变化。请听记者马克的详细报道。“人们普遍认为与发达国家相比,发展中国家更易遭受气候变化的影响,所以,世界银行计划到2020年将气候变化投资从目前的每年22亿美元增至每年35亿美元,鼓励能源行业发展。计划包括支持可再生资源能为1.5亿家庭提供电力。同时,还提出投资40个国家的气候智能农业,增加绿色交通投资。银行的高级官员表示这是对去年12月份在巴黎召开的气候大会的大胆回应。您正在收听的是BBC全球新闻。 The former head of the Italian defense group Finmeccanica Giuseppe Orsi has been sentenced to four and a half years in prison for false accounting and corruption. The case resulted from an investigation into the sale of 12 helicopters to India. Mr Orsi's lawyer said he would appeal. 由于在账务上造假以及腐败行为,意大利最大的国防集团芬梅卡尼卡前CEO 朱塞佩奥被判处四年半的监禁。这起案件源于针对12架飞机到印度的销售情况。其律师表示将要进一步上诉。 The Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro has threatened to slash the term of the opposition-led national assembly if it continues to try to topple him. He said he would seek a constitutional amendment to reduce the term of the alleged latter from 5 years to 60 days. President Maduro also said he would lead a revolution if the oligarchy, as he put it, won power through unconventional means. 委内瑞拉总统尼古拉斯.马杜罗威胁称将要大幅度削减反对派领导的相关条款如果他们继续试图推翻他。他表示,他将寻求一项宪法修正案,以减少5年至60天的所谓“宪法修正案”。马杜罗总统还说他还会领导革命如果仍旧是寡头政府,正如他所说,他会通过非常规手段赢得权力。 A South African court has ruled that Nelson Mandela's ex-wife Winnie Madikizela-Mandela has no rights to the late president's rural home. It's unclear whether she will appeal. LI reports from Johannesburg. Winnie Madikizela-Mandela had argued that under customary law, the house in Qunu village where the former president spent much of his time until his death in 2013 belonged to her. The government opposed her bid to inherit the home. Mr Mandela divorced Mrs Madikizela-Mandela in 1996 after 38 years of marriage. He left out of his will. They were regarded as South Africa's first couple until their marriage collapsed 6 years after his release from 27 years in prison for fighting apartheid. 南非法院认定曼德拉总统的前妻温妮.马迪基泽拉没有权利获得已故总统的乡村地区住宅。目前尚不明确她是否还要上诉。以下是本台记者从约翰内斯堡发回的详细报道。法官在审判过程中很是迅速,他仅花费了几分钟就夺回了温妮.马迪基泽拉的申请。这位反种族隔离的英雄按照习俗应该有她继承,这出位于古努的房产,总统在生前直到2013年去世的大部分时间都在这里度过。曼德拉总统与马迪基泽拉在1996年离婚,结束了长达38年的婚姻。他留下遗嘱。他们曾被视为南非第一夫妇,直到他们婚姻崩溃的六年之后,他结束了因为为种族隔离作斗争而导致的27年监禁。 A court in Guatemala has convicted and sentenced 5 men to prison for the murder in 2011 of the Argentinian musician Facundo Cabral who was hugely popular across Latin Africa. Prosecutors said Facundo Cabral was the unintended victim of an attack on a Nicaraguan nightclub owner Henry Farinas whose car he was in when it was riddled with bullets. Mr Farinas survived. That's the latest BBC world news. 危地马拉的一家法庭判处五名男子监禁,因为这五名男子参与了2011年阿根廷音乐家法昆多的谋杀案,这名音乐家在拉丁美洲很受欢迎。检察官表示,他是在危地马拉的夜总会老板亨利的车上被事先准备好的子弹意外袭击而身亡。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/464236.html |