英语听力精选进阶版 8873(在线收听) |
The medical charity MSF says that around 300 migrants were hurt when Macedonian police fired teargas and stun grenades at crowds trying to break through from Greece. An MSF official said 200 migrants were treated for breathing problems, 30 for wounds from plastic bullets and more for other injuries. A Greek government spokesman George Kyritsis said the use of force was unacceptable. The extensive use of teargas, stun grenades and even rubble bullets indiscriminately amidst women and children for hours is a deplorable and extremely dangerous practice and we believe that the authorities of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia need to understand the risks inherent in attacking refugees and migrants. 医疗慈善机构,无国界医生医生组织表示,马其顿警方对试图穿越希腊边界的人群投掷催泪弹和闪光弹,导致约300人受伤。无国界官员表示,其中已经治愈了200人的呼吸困难。30人的橡皮子弹伤,以及其他伤势。希腊政府发言人乔治·基里提斯表示,使用暴力手段是不可接受的。大量使用催泪瓦斯、闪光弹以及不管妇女和儿童对人群使用橡皮子弹是一种不可忍受的、极其危险的行为。我们相信马其顿政府会理解难民以及移民被袭击背后的本质问题。 A UN-backed ceasefire has begun in Yemen after more than a year of fighting between forces loyalty to the government who are bolstered by the Saudi-led coalitions and Houthi rebels supported by Iran. Each side has pledged not to be the first to break the truce but warned that they would respond if attacked. More than 6000 people have been killed and 2 million displaced by the conflict. 联合国支持的也门政府与伊朗支持的胡塞武装之间的停火协议正式生效。双方已经交火长达一年多的时间。协议中双方承诺不会首先发起攻击,但若是遭到袭击则会做出回应。这场持续一年多的战争导致6000余人死亡,200万人流离失所。 The prime minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk says he would summit his resignation to parliament on Tuesday. His decision comes after months of instability and falling poll ratings. Mr Yatsenyuk said he would now concentrate on other issues. I resign as prime minister. With dignity, I confirm my personal national duty to the state. As of today, my goals are broader than the authority of the head of government. New electoral law, constitutional and judicial reform, international support for Ukraine, Ukraine's membership in the European Union and in NATO. 乌克兰总理亚采纽克宣布会将“我已经决定辞去乌克兰总理职务,相关辞呈文本将于周二提交最高拉达(议会)审议。在数月政治不稳定以及支持率不断下降后,乌克兰总理宣布辞职。亚采纽克称自己将会将注意力转移到其他事物方面。“我已经决定辞去总理一职,同时也强调对国家仍担负责任。我认为自己的职权还可以更广泛一些,不仅限于领导政府。”现在乌克兰已经形成新的执政联盟。 The German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has set out proposals to combat international tax evasion and money-laundering. Mr Schaeuble's initiative comes in response to a huge leak of documents from a Panamanian firm that exposed hidden wealth and tax havens across the world. This reportis from Marc Serber. Wolfgang Schaeuble is calling for more international cooperation that fight against illegal activities involving offshore companies. Mr Schaeuble wants all governments to create and share lists naming the beneficiaries of such companies. National tax authorities should automatically be given access to each other's information. And tax havens such as Panama should be placed on a blacklist if they refuse to provide the data. Mr Schaeuble is also considering a change to the statue of limitation for tax fraud to make the prosecution of offenders easier. World news from the BBC. 德国财政部长朔伊布勒已经指定计划打击国际逃税以及洗钱犯罪案。朔伊布勒的提议是对巴拿马泄密事件的回应。巴拿马泄密事件披露巴拿马已经成为避税天堂以及相关的隐匿资产。请听记者的详细报道。朔伊布勒呼吁广泛的国际合作共同打击离岸公司的非法活动。朔伊布勒希望各国政府列出并分享这些离岸公司的受益者。这样国家税务机关就可以自动获取需求的信息。避税天堂巴拿马如果拒绝提供数据将会被列入黑名单,同时,朔伊布勒正在考虑修改对税收欺诈的限制,这样将会简化起诉罪犯的程序。您正在收听的是BBC全球新闻。 The British prime minister David Cameroon is due to make a statement in parliament later about how his government intends to tackle tax evasion following the revelations in the Panama papers. Mr Cameroon has already published information about his personal income and tax payments for the past 6 years after it was disclosed that his late father ran an offshore fund. 英国首相戴维.卡梅伦将在议会上发表声明关于其政府将如何处理巴拿马报刊中披露的有关逃税的问题。在披露其已故父亲经营了一家海外基金会之后,卡梅伦就已经公开了在过去的六年里他的个人收入以及纳税情况 The Syrian orthodox patriotic patriarch head of one of the world's Christian communities has called for reconciliation after visiting a partly Christian town following its recapture by Russian-backed government forces. The patriarch Ignatius Aphrem II told the BBC that IS forces killed 21 Christian residents of the town of al-Qaryatain when they captured it last October. They were among 300 Christians who failed to escape in time. The rest of them were ransomed by their families. IS forces destroyed most of the town but the patriarch said that restoring harmony among faiths remained his goal. It is very possible we lived it. We lived the situation for centuries. We leaned how to respect each other. We learnt how to live with each other. We can live together again if we're left alone by others. 一个世界基督教社区的叙利亚正统爱国主教在参观了一些由俄罗斯政府军支持下夺回的基督教小镇之后号召和解。主教Ignatius Aphrem II告诉英国广播公司的记者伊斯兰国的武装力量在占领al-Qaryatain城镇之后杀死了21名当地的基督教居民。他们是300名未能及时逃脱的基督徒中的一员。其他人被家人赎回来。伊斯兰国毁坏了大部分城镇,但是其主教仍表示恢复和谐仍旧是他的信仰。这对于我们来说是很有必要的。我们在这里生活了几个世纪。我们知道如何去尊重对方。我们知道如何和别人一起生活。如果我们被其他人单独留下我们仍旧知道如何再生活在一起。 Exit polls from Peru's presidential election indicated that Keiko Fujimori, the daughter of the failed former leader Alberto Fujimori, has won the first round but she's not gained a big enough share to avoid a second round runoff. Her main challengers are former world bank economist Pedro Pablo Kuczynski and a leftwing congresswomanVeronika Mendoza 民调显示,在秘鲁的总统选举中前总统阿尔韦托.藤森之女藤森庆子在第一轮的投票中暂时领先,但是她并没有得到足够的票数保证在第二轮不被淘汰。她的主要对手是前世界经济学家Kuczynski以及左翼国会女议员Veronika Mendoza。 Within the past few minutes, the British golfer Danny Willett has won the US Masters Tournament in Augusta. He finished 5 under par at the 18th hole to win his first major title. The defending champion Jordan Spieth, the world no.2, lost his lead after a disastrous performance on the 12th hole. He hit water twice. BBC news. 在刚刚过去的几分钟,英国高尔夫球选手丹尼.威力特赢得了在奥古斯塔赢得了美国大师赛的冠军,他以18个洞中-5杆的成绩赢得了他的第一个冠军头衔,世界第二的卫冕冠军乔丹.斯皮思在12号洞两次下水,他以这样灾难性的表现,最终失去了领先地位。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/464237.html |