英语听力精选进阶版 8912(在线收听) |
Reports from Japan say a man with a knife killed 15 people at the home for the disabled in the city of Sagamihara, west of Tokyo and 45 people have been injured. Marico Oie reports. 日本报道称一日本东部西部城市相模原市一名男子持刀行凶,导致15人死亡,45人受伤。请听记者报道。 It's one of the worst mass murders that Japan has seen. A man went into a residential caring for mentally disabled people at 2:30 am local time and started stabbing residents, killing and injuring dozens. Eight staffs was on duty at the facility which houses 149 permanent residents. A 26 year old man has since been arrested after he turned up at a police station, illegatelly admitting to the attack, the suspect who is believed to be a formal employee at the home and reportedly told police he wished disabled people would disappear. 这是日本发生的最严重的一次屠杀事件。当地下午2:30一名男子进入一家精神病院,之后开始刺伤居民,导致数十人伤亡。当时有八名工作人员和149名病患。之后,这名男子去警察局自首,并被逮捕。这名嫌犯曾是精神病院的职工,据报道其告诉警察希望残疾人士消失。 The US Democratic party's national convention is opened in Philadelphia was a an apology to the defeated presidential hopeful Berni Sanders. The mayor of Baltimore stood in for the party's chair woman who resigned on Sunday after leaked email suggested the party's establishment worked to undermine Mr.Sanders. Babara Platt Usher is there. 美国民主党代表大会在费城举行,并向已经失败的总统候选人伯尼·桑德斯道歉。全国委员会主席舒波茨因邮件泄露事件辞职。根据泄露的邮件显示,民主党高层有意打压伯尼·桑德斯,而捧民主党宠儿希拉里。请听记者报道。 One of the speaker tonight is Michelle Obama. She is the first in a line of Democratic luminaries preparing a powerful show of party support for Hilary Clinton. But divisions had intensified again after email leaks suggesting party officials had tried to undermine her rival Berni Sanders, the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee has resigned, but that hasn't mollified Mr.Sanders supporters, he was booed this afternoon when he urged them to vote for Mrs.Clinton in order to defeat Donald Trump, he called the Republican presidential candidate a demagogue and a danger to America. 今晚米歇尔·奥巴马也发表演讲。她是支持希拉里·克林顿的首位民主党大咖。但是邮件泄露,表明民主党高层曾蓄意打击伯尼·桑德斯,尽管全国委员会主席舒波茨已经引咎辞职,但是这并未感化桑德斯的支持者,尽管今天下午桑德斯督促支持者们为希拉里投票击败唐纳德·特朗普,但是确被民众唏嘘。桑德斯表示唐纳德是民主党的煽动者,同时也会对美国构成威胁。 The President of South Sudan Salva Kiir has sacked his long standing rival, the opposition leader Reyek Machar and replaced him as first vice president with general Taban Guy, the former Mining minister. Earlier this month, fighting between government troops and forces loyal to Mr.Machar left hundreds dead. Alista Lissey reports. 南苏丹总统基尔,宣布解除马沙尔第一副总统职务,由前矿业部长塔班·邓·盖担任第一副总统。本月除,政府军和马沙尔领导的叛军激战,导致数百人死亡。请听记者报道。 Reyek Machar left the city two weeks ago, refused to come back until a neutral peace keeping force has been deployed to guarantee his safety, his supporters say his replacement is illegal and it was not decided by the majority of the senior party leadership, who is scattered by the fighting, but that didn't stop a presidential decree declaring him officially replaced. 两周前马沙尔离开朱巴,并宣布直到达成和平协议,有部队可以保证其安全。但马沙尔的支持者表示解除副总统的职位是违法的,并且解除副总统并不能由大多数的党内高层决定。这些高层在战中四处逃散,但是这并不能阻止总统宣布正式解除副总统。 The fear is Machar supporters will now say the peace deal has been broken and again pledge the country back into civil war and less of course a majority of opposition politicians decide to back this new appointment and this stage is not clear where loyalties lie. 马沙尔的支持者称协议无效,除非多数反对派要员支持此次决定,否则南苏丹将重新陷入内战。按目前情况看,到底要支持哪方还不明了。 The German authorities say that a Syrian asylum seeker who blew himself outside a music concert at the city of Anzbac had made a vedio pledging a legent to the leader of the Islamic State group. The attacker came to Germany two years ago but was denied asylum with due to be deported to Balgaria. 德国官方表示一名叙利亚寻求避难者在安斯巴赫音乐节自爆。此外这名男子曾制作视频称自己效忠“伊斯兰国”领袖。两年前这名袭击者来到德国,但因未能成功寻求庇护,而被遣送到保加利亚。 World news from the BBC. BBC全球新闻。 The Turkish prime minister Binalli Yeldirm has said the government is willing to work with all main opposition parties in drafting a new constitution, one of the most controversialist use in Turkish politics. He said that a limited number of changes had been agreed but made no mention of whether a executive presidential system which president Recep Tayyip Erdogan want to introduce had been discussed. 土耳其新任总理比纳利·耶尔德勒姆表示政府愿意与主要反对派合作起草新法律。这也是土耳其政坛备受争议的问题之一。耶尔德勒姆表示数条变革已经达成协议,但是并未提及是否讨论了总统埃尔多安想要设立的总统制度。 Columbian Health officials say the country’s Zika epidemic is ended, the virus which is linked to the birth defect microcell phally has been declared a global health emergency by the World Health Organization. From Bergetta, Natalleo Kesoy reports. 哥伦比亚健康官员表示该国的Zika疫情已经结束,Zika病毒与婴儿先天头脑畸形有关,世界卫生组织曾将该病毒定义为危害全球健康。请听记者报道。 The Columbian ministry of health made the decision after the number of reported case dropped to about 600 a week, that desease now in epidemic phase which means the virus is still present but cases are not peaking. Nevertheless health authorities warn that there might be new outbreaks, they are advising people to take care especially pregnant women. Since September 2015 when the Zika epidemic started in Columbia, almost 100,000 cases have been reported, few of the 9,000 confirmed with laboratory tests. 随着每周新增的病例增加到600例,哥伦比亚卫生部于是宣布了此决定。虽然疫情仍然存在,但是病例没有增加。卫生部警告可能还会有新的疫情,建议人们特别是孕妇要特别注意。自2015年,哥伦比亚发生Zika疫情,据报道已有10万例病例,其中不到9000例接受了实验测试。 The Mexican minister of the interior Megail Agail Arthorio has condemned the murder of the weekend of two mayors in towns in the state of Chiaperson Geraro, both were killed by gunmen. One had refused to hand over part of the budget to drug gangs both victims left in the region because a sharp rising of gun violence in the past years. 上周,格雷罗州和恰帕斯州两位市长被枪手杀害,墨西哥内政部长奥索里奥强烈谴责此事件。其中一位市长过去几年,该地区枪支暴力事件上升,市长拒绝将部分预算交给贩毒团伙。 One of the most influential figures in the American Ivangelical Christian movement the reverign Timler Lehaey has died at the age of 90, he cowrote the best selling left behind Novels of Biblico prophecies In the End of the World. Reverign Lehaey was also instrument in funding the Moral Majority of Conservative Christian group which thought to shape Republican party policy. 美国基督教福音派运动著名人物,神父蒂姆·拉哈耶去世,享年90岁。他曾写了最畅销的书《末日迷踪》,该书预言了世界末日。拉哈耶还创建保守基督教组织,“道德多数派”组织上起到了关键作用,它曾一度影响了共和党的政策方针 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/464370.html |