美国小学英语教材4:第155课 年轻武士 西格德(1)(在线收听

 Sigurd's Childhood 西格德的童年

Long, long ago, in the palace of good King Alf of Denmark, there lived a little boy named Sigurd. 很久很久以前,在善良的丹麦阿尔夫国王的宫殿里,住着一个名叫西格德的小男孩。
Sigurd's father had been a great warrior and had died in battle. 西格德的父亲是个伟大的战士,在战场牺牲了。
When King Alf heard of this, he felt so sorry for Sigurd's mother that he asked her to come with her little boy and live in his palace. 阿尔夫国王听到这个消息时为西格德的母亲感到非常难过,于是他邀请西格德的母亲和她的儿子一起住在他的宫殿里。
So she came to live in the palace of King Alf. 于是西格德的母亲住进了阿尔夫国王的宫殿。
Here she and the little Sigurd were welcomed very kindly, and everyone tried to make them happy. 在这里,她和小西格德受到了非常友好的欢迎,每个人都想办法让他们开心。
The boy could not remember his father, and he grew up in this beautiful home feeling the love of a son for King Alf. 小西格德不记得他的父亲,他在这个美丽的宫殿里长大,感受着对阿尔夫国王对他像儿子般的疼爱。
Sigurd's mother told him many wonderful stories about his father. 西格德的母亲给他讲了许多关于他父亲的精彩故事。
She told how strong and brave he had been, and how he had always told the truth, even to his enemies. 她告诉西格德,他父亲是多么坚强勇敢,他总是讲真话,甚至对他的敌人也是如此。
She told Sigurd of his father's wonderful sword, which would cut through iron or stone. 她告诉西格德,他父亲有把能砍断铁或石头的神奇宝剑。
In the last battle he had fought, the sword had been broken, but she had picked up the pieces from the battlefield. 剑在父亲参加的最后一场战斗中断了,但她从战场上捡起了碎片。
As Sigurd grew older, he loved more and more to hear these wonderful stories about his father. 随着西格德年龄的增长,他越来越喜欢听关于他父亲的精彩故事。
"Mother, will you give me my father's sword?" the eager boy would often ask. “母亲,你能把我父亲的剑给我吗?”
"Not yet, my Sigurd; you are too young," his mother would say. “还不行,我的西格德,你太年轻了,”母亲说道。
"But, Mother, I am big and strong," the boy would answer. “可是,母亲,我身强体壮,”西格德回答说。
Then his mother would smile lovingly at Sigurd. 然后,他的母亲充满爱意地对西格德微笑着。