英语听力精选进阶版 9017(在线收听) |
The Romanian government has withdrawn a draft decree which would reduce some penalties for corruption following days of huge street protests. The Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu told a news conference that he did not want to divide Romania. His announcement was reached with cheers by tens of thousands of flag-waving demonstrators gathered in central Bucharest. 经过数天大规模的游行示威,罗马尼亚政府宣布正式取消引起争议的关于修改刑法的紧急政令。罗马尼亚总理格林代亚努在新闻发布会上表示,并不想分裂罗马尼亚.他的声明引起了布加勒斯特中部聚集的上万位示威群众的摇旗欢呼. Donald Trump has dismissed as ridiculous a court ruling on Friday which has temporarily lifted a ban on travelers from seven mainly Muslim countries. President Trump asserted that the decision of, in his words, the so called judge would be overturned. Some international airlines are again allowing citizens from the countries affected to board flights to the United States. 上周五美国总统特朗普发布行政命令,禁止7个主要伊斯兰国家的游客禁止入境美国.现在这一限制令暂不会恢复执行.特朗普表示,引用特朗普的原话”所谓的法官将会被推翻.现在,一些国际航班已经允许受行政令影响的公民再次登机入境美国. The French presidential campaign has moved up a gear with a key speech by the centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron and the launch of the manifesto of the rightwing National Front. Both events took place in Lyon. 2017年的法国大选就已发生天翻地覆的变化, 作为独立候选人出征候选人的马克龙发表重要讲话,同时极右翼“国民阵线”领导人勒庞也发表宣言.此外这两次演讲都在法国里昂举行. The Russian backed breakaway region of Lugansk in eastern Ukraine has declared a day of mourning for a senior rebel commander. A rebel spokesman said OlegAnashchenko died when his car was blown up. 在乌克兰东部卢甘斯克宣布悼念一位资深的反对派军官.一位反对派发言人表示, OlegAnashchenko去世时,其汽车被炸毁. The Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has opened his first election headquarters in St. Petersburg to gather support for a presidential bid. Mr. Navalny is currently barred from standing in the election next year because of an embezzlement conviction which he has challenged. 俄罗斯反对党领袖阿列克谢·纳瓦利内(Alexei Navalny)亮相圣彼得堡为参加总统竞选寻求支持. 阿列克谢·纳瓦利内由于贪污事件,被禁止参加明年的总统大选.尽管对于贪污事件,其拒不承认. The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte says he's scrapping peace talks with communist rebels. Discussions with the New People's Army were due to resume this month. The announcement follows the end of a six-month ceasefire. 经过6个月的停火之后,菲律宾总统杜特尔特宣布终止与菲共和谈.和谈本应于本月继续进行. Coast guards in Libya say they've intercepted more than a thousand migrants who were trying to reach Europe in recent days. At a summit on Friday, EU leaders agreed a plan that they hope will cut the number of departures by would-be migrants. Those are the latest stories from the BBC News. 利比亚海岸警卫队表示,最近几天他们已经截获了一千多万试图天到达欧洲的移民。在周五的峰会上,欧盟领导人同意计划,希望能减少移民的数量。您正在收听的是最新的BBC新闻. |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/464595.html |