
 Rockers themselves are also taking out insurance against the most common ailments that could stop them from carrying on working. 摇滚歌手自己也会为一些会妨碍他们工作的常见疾病投保。

Aside from overdosing, typical career-ending injuries used to include electrocution (all that electrical equipment) ,  除了服药过量,常见的终结职业生涯的伤病常包括触电(一切电力设备),
but now are more likely to be osteoporosis and loss of hearing. 但是现在更多是骨质疏松或是耳朵失聪。
The Rolling Stones' lead guitarist, Keith Richards, who is 73, has insured his hands for $1.6m. 滚石乐队中,73岁的吉他手领队基斯·理查德,就为他的双手投保160万美元。
Underwriters are ready to accept their clients' lifestyle and work hazards, arguing that where there is risk, there is reward—if the price is right. 保险商会做好准备,去接收投保人的生活方式和工作风险,因为保险商认为,有风险,就有回报―只要价格合适。
“It's a badly misunderstood market, and one 70-year-old rocker is not like the other; there's plenty of scope for savvy underwriting,” says one of them. 其中一个保险商说,“这是个不为人所理解的市场,因为70岁的摇滚歌手不同于其他人;但对熟通保险业的人来说,在这个市场,却有足够的发挥空间”。
And the insurers do take precautions. 承保人会做好预防措施。
Exclusions for pre-existing conditions, especially those related to alcohol abuse or failing livers, are common. 对既存问题的排除十分普遍,尤其是那些与酗酒、肝脏衰竭相关的既存问题。
Rockers of advanced years are also good for busting stereotypes about older workers. 年长的摇滚歌手也有益于打破那些对于年长工作者的传统认知。
Their energy levels may be lower, but they often pace themselves more and look after themselves better than in their younger days; not so much sex and drugs, more tea and yoga. 也许他们的体能有所下降,但是相较于年轻时候,他们会更频繁地调整自己的生活节奏,会更好地照顾自己,现在他们热衷的不再是性欲和磕药,而是茶和瑜伽。
Sometimes such moderation is imposed by their insurers. 有时他们的承保人也会要求他们如此克制。
The Stones “14 on Fire” tour contract is said to have contained exclusion clauses for a variety of dangerous pursuits. 据说,由于滚石乐队的巡回演唱会“14 on fire ”有很多危险性的娱乐活动,所以其合同就内附除外条款。
Besides, says the underwriter, by the age of 70 some of the riskier rockers have already been weeded out by the Grim Reaper. 此外,保险商还说,到70岁时,一些风险更大的摇滚歌手已经被死神所淘汰。