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The next frontier 下一个前沿地带
Brain-computer interfaces may change what it means to be human. 脑机接口可能改变成为人类的意义。
Technologies are often billed as transformative. 科学技术经常被誉为是翻天覆地的。
For William Kochevar, the term is justified. 对威廉·科其瓦而言,这个词恰如其分。
Mr Kochevar is paralysed below the shoulders after a cycling accident, yet has managed to feed himself by his own hand. 在一次骑行事故后,科其瓦肩部以下瘫痪了。然而,他做到了用自己的手吃饭。
This remarkable feat is partly thanks to electrodes, implanted in his right arm, which stimulate muscles. 这一壮举部分要感谢植入他右臂中的、刺激肌肉的各种电极。
But the real magic lies higher up. 但是,真正的魔力在更高之处。
Mr Kochevar can control his arm using the power of thought. 科其瓦能够运用思维的力量控制他的手臂。
His intention to move is reflected in neural activity in his motor cortex;  他想要挪动的意图在他的运动皮层的神经元活动中得到反映;
these signals are detected by implants in his brain and processed into commands to activate the electrodes in his arms. 这些信号被他大脑中的植入物探测到,被加工成各种命令,以激活他手臂中的电极。
An ability to decode thought in this way may sound like science fiction. 一种以这一方式解码思维的能力,或许听起来像是科幻小说。
But brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) like the BrainGate system used by Mr Kochevar provide evidence that mind-control can work. 但是,像被科其瓦所使用的BrainGate系统这样的人脑—计算机接口(BCI)提供的是思想控制行得通的证据。
Researchers are able to tell what words and images people have heard and seen from neural activity alone. 仅仅是从神经元的活动,研究人员就能够辨识人们听到的是什么词语,看到的是什么图像。
Information can also be encoded and used to stimulate the brain. 信息也可以被转换为计算机语言,并被用来刺激大脑。
Over 300,000 people have cochlear implants, which help them to hear by converting sound into electrical signals and sending them into the brain. 超过300000人拥有耳蜗植入物,通过把声音转换为电波并将其传送给大脑,这种植入物帮助人们听声辨音。
Scientists have “injected” data into monkeys' heads, instructing them to perform actions via electrical pulses. 科学家已经把数据“注入”猴子的大脑,通过电脉冲指导它们做各种动作。