美国有线新闻 CNN 也门和谈双方同意荷台达停火 并将交换囚犯(在线收听


It starts in the Middle Eastern country of Yemen.

After more than three years of war there, the sides that are fighting have agreed to a ceasefire in Hodeida. That's just one city in Yemen but here's why this is significant. Hodeida is a port. It's held by the rebels who are fighting the Yemeni government. It's under siege by the forces that support that government and Hodeida is an entry point for 70 percent of the humanitarian aid that Yemen gets from other countries.

It needs it. In addition to the devastation caused by the war, the United Nations says that Yemen is the site of the world's worst famine in 100 years and 20 million people there are said to be hungry. The ceasefire's one of the agreements that was reached this past week in Sweden where the two sides fighting Yemen's war have been meeting. They've been having their first direct talks in more than two years. And along with the ceasefire in Hodeida, they agreed to exchange a number of prisoners and to try to reduce violence around another Yemeni city.

The civil war extends well beyond the nation's borders. Saudi Arabia supports Yemen's government. Iran supports the rebels who are fighting Yemen's government. The civilians who are caught in the crossfire are suffering.
