英语听力精选进阶版 9278(在线收听) |
The British-based company accused of misusing Facebook information for political game has suspended its chief executive Alexander Nix. Cambridge Analytica said recent comments secretly recorded by a British television channel did not reflect the firm's values. During an undercover investigation by Channel 4 News in Britain, Mr. Nix was recorded explaining how the firm could discredit politicians online, Simon Jack reports. The British consultancy Cambridge Analytica is at the eye of a storm which has engulfed the social network Facebook,politicians on both sides of the Atalantic,and post fundamental questions about the way we share and companies use our personal information. The company obtained data from 50 million Facebook users, which it's alleged was used to send highly-targeted messages during the 2016 US election campaign. Secret filming from Channel 4 News shows executive boasting about their role in securing Trump's 2016 election victory. But the company has denied the Facebook information was used for this purpose. 先前被指控滥用“脸书”信息的英国公司已将总经理亚历山大?尼克斯停职。剑桥分析称,最近某英国电视频道秘密录制的一段评论并不能反映该公司的价值观。在英国第四新闻频道的秘密调查中,尼克斯先生曾在一段录音中解释该公司是如何通过网络败坏政坛人物名声的,以下是西蒙?杰克的报道。英国咨询公司“剑桥分析”现在正处于舆论漩涡之中,这严重影响了社交网站“脸书”,欧洲和美国的政治人物,并就我们分享和公司如何利用个人信息提出了最根本的问题。该公司获取了5000万“脸书”用户信息,据称在2016年美大选期间发布针对性极强的信息。第四新闻频道的一段秘密录像中显示,总经理吹嘘该公司在帮助特朗普赢得2016美大选中起到了重要作用。但该公司否认将“脸书”信息用于上述目的。 President Trump has used a phonecall with President Putin to congratulate the Russian leader on scuring another six-year term in office, brushing aside concerns in Washington, Barbara Plett-Usher reports. President trump said he had a very good call with Mr. Putin. He said they would probably be meeting in the not-too-distant future to discuss the arms race between the two countries as well as the situation in Ukraine, Syria and North Korea. He did not, however, raise Russia's apparent role in a recent nerve agent attack on a former spy in Britain, said his spokeswoman Sarah Sanders. This despite the outrage the incident has caused in Europe. Mr. Trump made his remark shortly after the US imposed sanctions on Moscow for allegedly carrying out malicious cyber attacks and meddling in the 2016 presidential election. 美国总统特朗普向俄罗斯总统普京通电话,祝贺其连任为期六年的总统。此举完全没有顾虑华盛顿的担忧,请听芭芭拉?普雷特的报道。特朗普称与普京总统的通话非常顺利。他说二人将于不久后会面,讨论美俄装备竞赛问题,以及乌克兰,叙利亚和朝鲜局势问题。但据特朗普女发言人莎拉?桑德斯表示,特朗普总统并未提到前间谍遭神经毒气袭击案,显然俄罗斯在这起案件中扮演了角色。尽管该事件在欧洲掀起轩然大波。而就在特朗普发表讲话的不久前,因恶意网络攻击,美国对俄罗斯实施制裁,还有俄罗斯干涉2016美国大选一事。 US senate has blocked a resolution that would have ended American military involvement in the civil war in Yemen. The move has helped save the Trump administration from some diplomatic embarrassment. The White House has currently hosting current prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia. A Saudi-led coalition has received support from the US military in its fight against Syrian-backed rebels in Yemen. 美国参议院否决了一项停止美军参与也门内战的决议。此举帮助特朗普政府摆脱外交窘境。沙特阿拉伯王子穆罕默德?本?萨勒曼目前正在白宫进行访问。沙特领导联军在也门袭击叙利亚支持的武装力量,并得到了美军的支持。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/465938.html |