英语听力精选进阶版 9314(在线收听) |
The American comedian and entertainer Bill Cosby has been found guilty by a Pennsylvania court of drugging and molesting a woman. The eighty-year-old celebrity has been on trial, accused of sexually assaulting a former friend Andrea Constand. Nick Bryant reports. Bill Cosby used to be known as a racial trailblazer, an iconic father figure. He was called the America's dad. He's been found guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting a woman. The jury unanimously found him guilty of three counts of aggravated indecent assault against Andrea Constand, a former administrator for a women's basketball team at the star's former university. Cosby molested her at his Philadelphia home in 2004. Some fifty women have accused Cosby of sexual assault and some of them celebrated outside the courthouse in Pennsylvania after hearing the verdict. 美国喜剧演员比尔?科斯比因下药猥亵一名女性,被宾夕法尼亚州一所法院认定有罪。这位80岁的名人被告上法庭,被指控性侵一名前友人安德里亚?康斯坦德,下面是尼克?布莱恩特的报道。比尔?科斯比被誉为种族开拓者,是一个标志性父亲形象,他被称为美国人的父亲。但是现在他却被指控下药猥亵一名女性。陪审员一致认为科斯比三项罪名成立,他被指犯有强暴猥亵罪,安德里亚?康斯坦德曾是大学女子篮球队管理员,科斯比曾就读于这所大学。2004年,科斯比在其费城的家里对她实施了猥亵。约50名女性指控科斯比性侵,当宾夕法尼亚法院宣判他有罪时,许多在外面相互庆祝。 Thousands of people, mainly women, have been demonstrating in cities across Spain following a court decision to sentence five men accused of rape on a lesser charge of sexual abuse. The court found the prosecution hadn't proved the men had used violence or intimidation when they surrounded and had non-consensual sex with the young woman during Pamplona's bull running festival in 2016. 数千民众在西班牙各地举行游行活动,大部分为女性,起因是五名男性被指控强奸,但法院却以性侵这一轻罪判处。法院称控诉方无法证明被告使用了暴力或恐吓,并与年轻女性发生了未经同意的性行为,这起事件发生在2016年的潘普洛纳奔牛节。 The CIA director Mike Pompeo who's just been sworn in as the new US Secretary of State, is travelling to Brussels for a NATO Foreign Ministers meeting on Friday. He is expected to extend the trip with weekend visits to Saudi Arabia, Israel and Jordan. Mr. Pompeo was confirmed as Secretary of State despite resistance from Democrats worried about his hawkish foreign policy positions. Here's Barbara Plett Usher. He will certainly take the lead on North Korea because he has already been involved in that. There he has said he wants a diplomatic outcome, but he's also said that he believes that the Administration's hard line is what brought Kim Jong-un to the negotiating table in the first place. And that hard line will continue until they get concrete results. So I think we can see a lot of action on that. The Iran nuclear deal. He doesn't like the deal, but he has said there he wants a diplomatic outcome as well. So he is going to be engaged with Europeans to try to come up with something that satisfies Mr. Trump's concerns and if not, he's going to have to deal with what it means for the Americans to pull out because it's not entirely clear what that means, both logistically and politically. 美国中情局局长麦克?蓬佩欧刚刚宣誓就职美国国务卿,他将前往布鲁塞尔参加周五的北约外长会议。他预计还将在周末前往沙特阿拉伯,以色列和约旦。尽管蓬佩欧强硬的外交立场遭到了民主党的抵制,但是还是成功就任国务卿。以下是芭芭拉?普莱特?阿舍的报道,他将带头处理朝鲜问题,因为他早已参与了此事。他说他想要外交成果,他认为政府的强硬政策是把金正恩带到谈判桌的原因。所以我认为在获得实际结果之前,依然会继续这种强硬的政策,我们会在其它方面看到这种强硬的做派,伊朗核协议,他不喜欢该协议,但他说他想看到外交成果。所以他将会与欧洲方面交涉,并商讨出一些方案来解决特朗普的忧虑,如果不成功的话,那么美国将考虑退出不管从逻辑上来讲还是政治上来看,目前还不是完全清晰明了化。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/466042.html |