英语听力精选进阶版 9346(在线收听) |
An undercovering investigation by a Ghanaian journalist has filmed more than 100 African football officials accepting cash in apparent violation of the rules of the sport. An assistant referee from Kenya Adel Range Marwa who was due to officiate the World Cup in Russia was filmed of receiving 600 dollars in cash from a reporter posing as a Ghanaian club official. Mr. Marwa has denied any wrongdoing, but FIFA says he will not now be going to the World Cup. 加纳某记者在暗访中拍摄到了100多名非洲足球官员收受现金的证据,这样的行为明显违背了足球比赛的规则。来自肯尼亚的某助理裁判员马尔瓦本来是要担任世界杯裁判员的,但他被拍到收受某记者600美元现金的举动,这位记者当时乔装成了加纳俱乐部的官员。马尔瓦对此概不承认,但国际足球联盟[FIFA]称,这位裁判员将无缘本次世界杯。 Opposition politicians in Guatemala have called for the emergency response agency to be sacked for failing to heed advance warnings about the eruption of the Feugo Volcano which so far has killed 99 people. Experts say they advised evacuating the area in plenty of time, but it never happened. 危地马拉多位反对派政治家呼吁问责应急响应机构,因为该机构没有对富埃戈火山喷发的警告做出反应。这次火山喷发已导致99人死亡。有专家表示,他们此前已建议提前用大量时间疏散该地区,但应急机构纹丝不动。 Britain's highest court is about to rule on whether Northern Ireland’s strict abortion law breach human rights legislation. Unlike the rest of UK, abortions in Northern Ireland are restricted to cases where a woman's life is at risk, and are banned even if an unborn child is expected to die in the womb or shortly after birth. 英国最高法院将要就北爱尔兰严格的堕胎法是否违背人权法进行判决。与英国的其他地区不同,北爱尔兰的堕胎法律十分严格:即便孕妇的生命会因堕胎而受到威胁、即便尚未出生的婴儿会腹死胎中或者在出生后夭折,也必须要堕胎。 Police in Iraq say at least 16 people have been killed in an explosion near sheer mosque in the Sadr city district of Baghdad. An interior ministry spokesman said the mosque could be used as an illegal arms cache. 伊拉克警方表示,至少16人在巴格达萨德市区清真寺附近的爆炸中身亡。某内政部发言人表示,这座清真寺可能是非法弹药库。 Singapore's foreign minister Vivian Balakrishnan is in Pyongyang for talks with North Korean officials ahead of next week's historic summit between President Trump and Kim Jong-un. Singapore and North Korea have had diplomatic relations since the 1970s. 新加坡外长维文已身在平壤与朝鲜官员进行会晤,因为下周就要召开具有历史意义的特金会。新加坡和朝鲜自上世纪70年代以来就建立了外交关系。 NATO's defense ministers are due to meet at the organization's new headquarters in Brussels later today to discuss preparations for the alliance's summit next month. They are expected to focus on the perceived threat from a resurgent Russia. 今天晚些时候,北约各国国防部长即将在北约于布鲁塞尔的新总部进行会晤,为下个月的北约峰会做准备。会晤主题是对俄罗斯复燃对北约盟国所造成的威胁。 Influential British night club owner Peter Stringfellow has died at the age of 77. He had been suffering from cancer. He opened adult entertainment venues around the world, drawing accusations that he objectified women. 极具影响力的英国夜店店主彼得?斯特兰费罗逝世,享年77岁。他本人一直罹患癌症。他在全球各地开办了成人娱乐场所,并因此受到以女性为消费对象的诟病。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/466097.html |