英语听力精选进阶版 9377(在线收听) |
The South Korean authorities have confirmed that President Moon Jae-in will meet the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Pyongyang later this month. Mr. Kim met officials from Seoul who've been in North Korea to arrange the talks. Lora Beca is in Seoul. President Moon will visit Pyongyang for 3 days. He'll become the first South Korean leader in more than a decade to visit Pyongyang later this month. That welcome by Kim Jong-un to the South Korean envoys was warm. It was friendly and it appears that 2 sides have managed to speak frankly. In a press conference, the South Korean envoys have said that Kim Jong-un has expressed his frustration with the world that they are not believing his will to denuclearize. 韩国当局确认称,本月底,总统文在寅将与朝鲜领导人金正恩在平壤会晤。金正恩将与韩国的数名官员进行会晤,这些官员在朝鲜已待了一些时日,为会谈做前期准备。下面请听罗拉 贝卡[Lora Beca]从首尔发回的报道。文在寅总统将在平壤进行为期3天的访问。此举将使文在寅成为近10多年来首次访问朝鲜的韩国领袖,访问时间是本月底。金正恩热烈友好地欢迎了各韩国大使。而且双方似乎已经能够坦诚相待了。在一次新闻发布会上,韩国各大使表示,外界都不相信他想实现无核化的意愿,这让他颇感失望。 Dozens of people are missing after an earthquake in Northern Japan caused mudslides and mass power cuts. Officials say 5 people are dead, and at least 32 people are unaccounted for on the northern island of Hokkaido after a mountain side collapsed earlier on Thursday morning. Rescuers fear people have been trapped by the landslide inside their homes in the town of Atsuma. The country's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe explained what was being done to help. The number of self-defense forces troops responding to the aftermath of the quake will be increased to 25,000 from the current 4,000. The government will do all it can in search and rescue efforts by mobilizing members of the self-defense forces, police officers , firefighters and coast guard. 数十人下落不明,因日本北部发生的一场地震引发了泥石流和大规模断电。工作人员称,北部列岛北海道已有5人死亡,至少32人下落不明,在此之前的周四早上发生了山体滑坡。援救人员担心厚真町镇的市民家中也受到了山崩的影响而被困住。日本首相安倍晋三阐释了目前进行了哪些援助工作。灾后应援的自卫队数量将从当前的4000增至2.5万。本届政府将竭尽所能进行援救工作,方式是动员自卫队、警力、消防队和海岸警卫队。 President Trump has urged the New York Times to unmask the senior administration official who wrote an article for the newspaper, which said that the US government colleagues were working to frustrate parts of his agenda. Mr. Trump described the anonymous writer as gutless, and even implied the publication was treasonous in nature. The anonymous author praised some of the administration's achievements, but said Mr. Trump's impulsiveness has resulted in ill-informed and reckless decisions. 特朗普敦促《纽约时报》公开某高级政府官员的名字,这位政府官员给该报社写了一篇文章,文章中写道,美国政府的同僚们正合起伙来破坏特朗普的部分计划。特朗普称这位匿名作者敢做不敢当,甚至暗示称这篇文章本质上就是谋逆性质。这位匿名作者赞扬了特朗普政府的一些成就,但同时表示特朗普时不时的头脑发热经常让他做出无知鲁莽的决定。 Expectations of a breakthrough are low ahead of today's round of peace talk in Geneva, which are aimed at building confidence between the warring parties in Yemen. The conflicts now in its 4th year has killed more than ten thousand people, and forced more than 3 million Yemenis from their homes. 今天,日内瓦将进行一轮和平会谈,但取得成效的希望十分渺茫。此次会谈的目标是在也门交战方之间建立信心。也门冲突已进入第4个年头,期间有1万多人死亡,还有300多万也门民众流离失所。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/466130.html |