生活大爆炸第八季 第17期:潜意识(在线收听

 You want to know what I think? 你知道我怎么想吗?

I think the idea that someone could be as smart as you, or even smarter, scares the pants off you, and you can't deal with it. 我觉得一想到某人可能和你一样聪明甚至比你聪明,你就怕得要死你接受不了这个事实。
Interesting point. 想法很有趣。
Wh...You're suggesting that I have emotional issues below my consciousness which drive my behavior, thus causing me to lash out at anything or anyone that threatens my intellectual superiority. 你是在暗示潜意识里我的情绪影响了我的行动,导致我大肆打击任何威胁到我智商优势的人或事吗。
Might be something to think about. 你好好思考一下吧。
Leonard?  Yeah. 莱纳德?什么。
Howard's allergic to peanuts. 霍华德对花生过敏。
How can I use that against him? 我怎样才能用这个对付他?
Okay, now that everyone's here, we can begin. 既然大家都来齐了,我们可以上课了。
Before we do, I just talked to Leonard. 上课之前我要说,我刚和莱纳德谈过了。
And if you're gonna spend all your time trying to belittle me by making this class unnecessarily hard, then I'm out. 如果你准备刻意让这门课难到超乎常理以此来贬低我的智商的话,那我不上了。
But if you're interested in making a sincere effort to be a good teacher, then I'm willing to give this a shot. 但如果你真心想要做好一个老师,那我也愿意给你个机会。
I suppose that's a fair request. 这个提议很合理。
There's no reason we both can't benefit from this experience. 我们俩都可以从这件事里受益。
Okay.  Okay. 好吧。就这样。
Well, then, uh, first things first. 那我们先上课。
Um, are you familiar with the Brachistochrone problem? 你对最速降线问题熟悉吗?
I am.  Good. 很熟悉。很好。
And how it relates to the calculus of variations? 那它和变分法之间的关系呢?
It's an inverted cycloid. 是一条翻转摆线。
Wonderful. 不错,不错。
Now, what about EulerLagrange theorems? 那么,你了解欧拉拉格朗日定理吗?
That's where I'm a little fuzzy. 这我就有点小困惑了。
Ha! I knew it! All right. 我就知道,好了。
We have a lot of information to cover before your first test. 在第一次考试前,我们需要大量补充这方面的知识。
Which, by the way, is in eight minutes. 对了,考试就在8分钟之后。
The good news is I'm grading on a curve, so you're pretty much guaranteed a C. 好消息是我的评分标准是看你画的曲线,所以你卷子上肯定有个"C"。
*All I do is win, win, win. No matter what* 老子这辈子只想赢。无论如何。
What are you doing? 你这是在干什么?
Everybody hands go up, up...And they stay there! 大家一起高举双手...保持别动!
What are you doing? 你在干什么?
If you're gonna be a crappy teacher, then I'm gonna be a crappy student. 如果你要当个烂老师,那我就当个烂学生。