生活大爆炸第八季 第28期:拼词游戏(在线收听

 Well, do you think when she and I had that conversation, she left people off her list? 那你觉得我跟她讨论这个问题的时候,她也藏了些别的前任了吗?

I'm sure she did. 肯定的啊。
Why? 为什么?
Because if she hadn't, she'd still be wading through the list. 因为如果她没有藏的话,她说到现在都说不完。
Will you stay out of this? 你能别说话吗?
If only Penny had said that once in a while. 希望Penny也就说过那么几次吧。
Hey, what difference does it make? You're the one she wants to marry. 嘿,有什么区别吗?她想嫁的人是你啊。
That's true. 这倒是真的。
Yeah, and I'm not sure that complete honesty is always the best thing for a relationship. 而且我也不确定在二人世界里,完全的坦诚是不是最好的选择。
Yeah, he's right. Once, in a moment of candor, I told Amy that her hair reminded me of a duck caught in an oil spill.  他说得对。有一次,我特别坦诚地告诉Amy,她的头发让我想起浸在油里的鸭子。
Well...she stormed out. 然后...她摔门而出。
Which was sad, because we were playing Scrabble, and I had all the letters to spell "persimmon." 太悲伤了。因为那时候我们正在玩拼词游戏,而我刚刚拿到能拼出"柿子"的字母
Why are you even part of this conversation? You don't know anything about women. 你插什么嘴?你一点都不懂女人。
I know that if I had a wife or a fiancée, I'd ask her first before I invested money in a comic book store. 至少我知道,如果我有老婆或者未婚妻的话,像投资漫画书店这样的事,我一定会问问她的意见的。
He's right. 他说得对。
Yeah, well, of course I am. I was also right about her hair. It did everything but quack. 是啊,当然对了。她头发那件事我说的也没错。除了不会嘎嘎叫。
There's something I wanted to run past you. 有件事我想听听你的意见。
What's up? 怎么了?
Mm, the guys and I were thinking about investing in Stuart's comic book store. Is that okay? 呃,我们几个想投资给Stuart的漫画书店。你怎么看?
Why are you asking me? 你为什么问我?
Well, you know, we're engaged, and it's kind of a big deal financially. It seems like something we should talk about. 我们毕竟订婚了,而这件事也算是财务方面的大事。我觉得还是问问你的意见比较好。
Oh. Well, would you consider mounds of credit card debt kind of a big deal financially? 这样啊。那你觉得成堆的信用卡账单是理财方面的大事吗?
Yeah. 是啊。
Huh. 哈。
Mm. So, me and the guys were talking about this great investment opportunity...-Nope. 那个 我们几个最近在讨论一个超赞的投资机会...-不行。
But you didn't hear what it was. 你还没听我说完呢。
I know. 是啊。
Oh, come on. 别这样嘛。
Fine. What is it? 好吧,什么计划?
It's to help reopen the comic book store. -Nope. 帮Stuart把漫画书店重新开起来。-不行。
Well, hear me out. 听我说完啊。
Howard, you know we're saving up for a house. Howard,我们在存钱买房呢。
I know, but all the guys are doing it. We're splitting it four ways, so it's really not that much money. 我知道,但是他们几个都想这么干。我们四个一起投资,所以也花不了多少钱。