生活大爆炸第八季 第43期:喜欢你的西装(在线收听

 I like your suit. 我喜欢你的西装。

Oh, thanks. Got a couple new outfits for work. 谢谢,我买了几身上班穿的新衣服。
How does it feel knowing your fiancee's job is to go out and flirt with doctors, looking like that, while you sit here, you know...looking like this? 你未婚妻的工作是穿成那样去和医生调情,美艳动人。而你却是坐在这里...黯淡无光。你有何感想?
She doesn't flirt with doctors. 她没有和医生调情。
Yeah. It's all very professional. 是啊,我的工作可是相当专业。
You know when you bend over, I can see down your shirt? 你知道你弯腰的时候,我可以看见你的胸部吗?
Okay, good. 知道,很好。
Speaking of new careers, how are things going with dark matter, Sheldon? 说到新事业,你的暗物质研究进行得怎么样了,谢尔顿?
Oh, yeah, I'd have to say it's the most exiting time in the history of the field. 我得说此刻是这领域历史上最激动人心的时刻。
Oh. What's going on? 发生了什么?
I started doing it. 我加入了这领域。
You know, the government funded the biggest experiment yet to detect dark matter. 你们知道吗,政府资助了一项研究,是目前为止最大规模探测暗物质的的实验。
Oh, yeah, I've read about that, they're sending research teams down into abandoned salt mines. 是的,我读过相关报道,他们把研究小队送到废弃的盐矿里。
Sheldon, if we apply to be one of those teams, we could be on the ground floor of something big-- not just for theoretical physics but for astrophysics as well. 谢尔顿,如果我们能申请加入这些小组,就能成为某个重大发现奠基人...这既是理论物理学,也是天体物理学的大事。
Wait, hang on-- you guys are gonna work in a mine? 等等,你们要去矿井里工作?
Why not? 有何不可?
You had a panic attack when we went through the car wash. 上次车子一开进自助洗车器,你恐慌症都发作了。
Perhaps the emotion you're referring to was shock at you having something cleaned. 你指的这种情绪应该是震惊之情,震惊自己居然会去清洁东西。
I think what Penny meant is, the thought of you two in a mine is kind of funny, it's like a cat riding a Roomba. 我想佩妮的意思是,想到你俩下矿井的画面挺有趣的,就像一只猫骑着自动吸尘机。
If they get scared, they'll have those hats with the lights on them, 'cause down there it's night-night all the time! 如果他们害怕了,就会戴上顶上有灯的帽子。因为矿井下面,一直都是黑黑的哟!
Maybe they could ride around in one of those mine carts that go, ee-oo-ee-oo-ee-oo. 他们也可以坐在矿车里四处溜达。嘎吱嘎吱嘎吱。
Yeah, it'll help them get away when they see a gh-gh-ghost...! 对,看见鬼的时候也跑得更快!
Are they making fun of us? Yup. 他们在取笑咱俩吗?对。
I miss the old days when I couldn't tell. 好怀念我听不出言外之意的那些日子。