生活大爆炸第八季 第49期:幽闭恐惧症(在线收听

 How you feeling? 感觉如何?

Good. Little claustrophobic. 还好。幽闭恐惧症有点发作。
Let's set up the equipment. It'll help take your mind off of it. 那赶快装设备。这有助于转移你的注意力。
Miners often sang mining songs to keep their spirits up. 矿工经常会唱矿歌,让自己打起精神来。
Do you know any mining songs? 你会唱矿歌吗?
Just the hits. Where it's dark as a dungeon, And it's damp as the dew 只记得热榜矿歌。这里暗如地牢,这里湿如露珠。(莫尔.特拉维斯1946写的一首采矿名曲《Dark as a Dungeon》)
That's pretty. 歌词很美。
Where the dangers are double. And the pleasures are few. 这里危险重重,这里乐趣少少。
Where the rain never falls. And the sun never shines. 这里没有雨水,这里缺乏阳光。
Yes, it's dark as a dungeon. Way down in the mine. 没错,这里暗如地牢。这里就是矿井。
It's a little more bleak than I thought. 这歌词比我想象中要凄凉啊。
Well, I pray when I dead. And the ages shall roll. 死时祈祷,时代变迁。
That my body will blacken. And turn into coal. 肉身变黑,化为煤炭。
Getting kind of grim. 歌词变阴森了。
Then I'll look from the door. Of my heavenly home. And pity the miner. That mines my poor bones. 我在天国,望向地牢。可怜矿工,开采我骨。
Okay. How 'bout a little Miley Cyrus next? 够了,不如唱两首小天后麦莉·赛勒斯的歌吧?(美国青春女星,早期演出青春剧《汉娜.蒙塔纳》,现在则是走疯狂怪诞女歌手路线)
Who's he? 他是哪位?
Talk about wasted money. What about the late fees on our credit card because somebody didn't pay the bill on time? 说到乱花钱。怎么不说说我们信用卡之所以要交滞纳金,是因为有人总是不按时还款?
Well, maybe I would have paid it if I wasn't also doing everything else around here. 或许我不用操心家里所有家务时,我会记得按时还款。
Oh, you're saying I don't do anything around here. Look at my chore chart. 你的意思是我一点家务都不做吗。请看我的家务清单。
She made him a chore chart. I see it. 她居然给他列了家务清单。看见了。
"Do the dishes." There's a star right there. "洗碗" 上面还有朵小红花呢。
That was a pity star. Putting water in the roasting pan and leaving it in the sink is not doing the dishes. 那是安慰小红花。往烤盘里倒点水,然后扔到洗碗池里不叫"洗碗"。
That pan had to soak and you know it. 你明知道那烤盘洗之前要泡一下。
Well, don't come crying to me when you don't get your allowance. 等你领不到零用钱时可别哭着来求我。
It's not an allowance. It's a stipend! 那不是零用钱,那是家用!
And we said we weren't gonna call it an allowance in front of my friends. 我们说好不在我朋友面前提那叫零用钱的事。
I usually don't like lemon bars, but th-these are really good. 我以前不爱吃柠檬棒,但你家的真的很好吃。