生活大爆炸第八季 第66期:海洋公园(在线收听

 Oh, hey, we ran into your mom at Benihana last night. 我们昨晚在铁板烧店碰见你妈妈了。

Uh, yeah, she loves that place. Every time they flip a shrimp in the air, she practically leaps out of her seat to catch it.  是啊,她超爱去那里。每次大厨把大虾翻炒到空中时,她会一个飞扑上去叼住。
That's why I don't take her to the Seaworld. 所以我从不带她去海洋公园(喂海豚)。
I know you don't want to hear it, but she was there with Stuart. 我知道你不想听到这事,但是她是跟斯图尔特一起去的。
That's fine. I don't care. 随便啊,我又无所谓。
It doesn't bug you when they go out on dates? 他们出去约会你不会不爽吗?
They're not dating. They're just two friends who went out to dinner. 他们不是约会,只是两个朋友一起出去吃饭。
And then went back to the home they share where they probably fell asleep in the matching pajamas she got them because they both just love penguins. 吃完一起回他们共住的房子,没准睡觉时两人还穿着你妈妈买的情侣睡衣,因为他们俩都喜欢企鹅。
Hey, lots of people wear matching pajamas who aren't dating. 很多不是情侣的人也穿着情侣睡衣啊。
Like who? 比如说?
Like you and your dog. 你和你的狗。
Don't rule out the dating. 话别说太早哦。
Fine, it bothers me. You happy? 行,我心里超不爽。你们高兴了吧?
You think you've got problems. 你这问题算什么啊。
The gibbon is the only member of the ape family not classified as a great ape. 长臂猿是人猿总科中唯一不是大猿的猿类。
How is this helpful? 你这话对我有啥帮助?
All the non-human apes are classified as great apes except one. 所有非人类的猩猩全都归在人猿总科下的人科里。
That means taxonomists created the entire category of lesser ape just to single out the poor gibbon as the weird kid on the playground. 这就表示,分类学家创造了小猿这个分类来孤立可怜的长臂猿。他就像操场上被排挤的小孩。
Now there's a hairy little fellow with a genuine beef. 这些毛茸茸的小伙心中才是真不爽呢。
But the gibbon doesn't know what it's categorized as. It doesn't even know it's called a gibbon. 但是长臂猿们不知道自己被分类成什么。它们都不知道自己叫长臂猿。
True. Sorry, kid, you've got it worse than a gibbon. 这倒是。抱歉,兄台,你比长臂猿还惨。