生活大爆炸第八季 第83期:乖乖上班(在线收听

 Take me to Leonard. 载我去找莱纳德。

Just go to work, he'll be fine. 你就乖乖上班吧,他会没事的。
Amy, he's my best friend, and if you don't take me, I'm going there anyway. 艾米,他是我最好的朋友,就算你不载我去,我也一定会去。
Fine. It's sweet that you care about him so much. 好吧。你真是位好朋友,这么关心他。
I do. And I wouldn't be able to forgive myself, if something happened to him and I wasn't at his bedside to say, "I told you so." 没错。万一他有什么不测,而我没在他床边跟他说 "我就说吧。"我一定无法原谅自己。
Hello. 你好啊。
We had a really nice swim. -Oh, stop it. 我们游得很开心哦。-省省吧。
I assume this medical center's already treated the burns on your bottom from the recent pants fire. 我猜医疗中心肯定治好你今天裤子着火屁股被烧伤的地方了吧。(源自童谣"Liar liar,pants on fire.""骗子骗子,裤子着火")。
Cause I'm a liar, liar? 因为我是骗子吗?
That's for the fire marshal to determine. 这得由消防队长来判定。
You had to tell him? 你非得告诉他吗?
He wore me down. And I was distracted. He has on extra baby powder today. 他死缠烂打。再加上我意乱情迷,因为他今天用了比较多婴儿爽身粉。
Is he okay? 他没事吧?
He's still in surgery. 还在做手术。
Very well. 很好。
He's gonna be all right. That is sticky. 他会没事的。怎么黏糊糊的。
Come on, let's talk about something other than the surgery. 好了,我们聊点手术以外的事情吧。
That's a good idea. Penny, did you and Leonard ever discuss funeral arrangements? 好主意。佩妮,你和莱纳德讨论过葬礼的安排吗?
I think she meant something a little happier. 她是说聊点开心的事情。
I suppose we could try to make it a celebration, but he died so young. 我们是可以当成喜事庆祝一番,可他是英年早逝啊。