生活大爆炸第八季 第90期:假牙(在线收听

 You know, I thought cleaning out a dead professor's office was gonna just be boring, but then I found his dentures and realized it's also gross. 我本来以为清理过世教授的办公室会很无聊,不过在我发现他的假牙后,我才意识到是无聊加恶心。

Doesn't Professor Abbott's family want any of this stuff? -I don't think he had a family. 艾伯特教授的家人不想要这些东西吗?-我记得他好像没家人。
That's rough. 真惨。
I know. You can spend your whole life working, and at the end all that's left are some papers in a box. 是啊。一生都奉献给了工作,最后留下的只有盒子里的一些研究资料。
Makes you think. Oh, well. 不禁让你思索人生。算了吧。
Hey. Hey, we're supposed to look through all this stuff before we throw it away in case it's important. 喂喂,我们都得仔细检查过这些东西,以确保不会扔掉什么重要资料。
I-I did. It's all outdated or disproved. 我看啦,不是过世就是被拒(反证)的。
I don't know. This old pen kind of proves gravity. When I tilt it, her bathing suit falls right off. 不一定哦。这支旧笔"证明"了重力存在。翻转过来,小人偶的泳衣就掉下来。
Oh, my dad used to have a pen like that. I dated it all through sixth grade. 我爸以前也有一支这样的笔。我整个六年级都跟它"约会"。
It still feels weird just throwing away his work like this. 还是感觉很奇怪,就这样把这些研究成果都扔掉。
Don't feel bad. Someday, someone will be throwing out your work, too. 不用难过。未来某天,也会有人来扔你的研究报告。
That someone was Sheldon, and the day was yesterday. 那个人就是谢尔顿,而那个某天是昨天。
Hey, look at this. "Dear Roger, to be opened upon your first great discovery.  你们瞧。"亲爱的罗杰,在你获得首次重大发现时打开这瓶酒吧。
Love, Mom." Wow, look at the date. He saved this 50 years and never got to open it. 爱你,妈妈。"瞧瞧这日期。他留了整整50年,却从没有机会开。
That's intense. 真是让人惋惜。
Poor Roger Abbott. 可怜的罗杰·艾伯特。
You're right. Now where did we land on my bathroom? 此话有理。那我的私人卫生间现在怎么处理呢?
Roger Abbott, Roger Abbott, Roger Rabbit. Oh, my God, Leonard, I know he's dead, but try it. It's fun! Roger Abbott, Roger Rabbit... 罗杰特,罗杰特,罗杰兔。天啊,莱纳德,我知道这对死者不敬,不过你念念看。超好笑啊!罗杰特,罗杰特,罗杰兔...