生活大爆炸第八季 第93期:超级计算机(在线收听

 This has to mean something. 这些数据绝对是有意义的。

Well, there's no discernible pattern that I can see, but it shouldn't be too hard to run the numbers and check. 我没能看出有什么规律啊,不过输进电脑里验证应该是没什么难度。
Well, maybe we can get some time on the supercomputer. 或许我们可以用超级计算机试试。
Sure. We could try multiple regressions with varying physical and experimental constants. 可以啊。我们试试用不同的物理常数与实验常数进行多元回归分析。
Oh, we could run a pattern-matching algorithm against well-known unsolved physics problems. 还可以用模式匹配算法将它们与知名未解物理问题做对比。
Ooh, it might be a substitution cipher. We could start with basic cryptanalysis. 甚至有可能是替换式密码。我们可以从基本密码分析着手。
Or we could talk to this guy he used to share an office with. 或者我们可以问以前跟他同一办公室的人。
Oh, let's do that. 还是那样做吧。
Because you don't know how to do cryptanalysis, do you? 因为你不知道怎么做密码分析,对吧?
I'm not even sure if it's the right word. 我甚至不确定我说的词对不对。
So, Dan, you have a grandson. How old is he? 丹,你有个孙子。他几岁了?
Seven. 七岁。
Oh, yeah. I remember him from the picnic. He was the one crying like a wuss the whole time. 我记得他,在那次野餐有见过。一直哭个不停,像个娘娘腔似地。
I heard he was being picked on by a mean kid. 我听说他是被一个小恶霸欺负了。不是。我也觉得你是做饼干那种。
Just builds character. Like my dad said, "Nobody likes a crybaby except their mommies and Democrats." 有助人格发展啊。就像我爸说的 "没人喜欢爱哭鬼,除了他们自己的妈还有民主党。"
I need another drink. 失陪,我去加酒。
What's his problem? 他是有啥不满?
I don't know. Maybe he didn't like the fact that you called his grandson a wuss. 不知道,可能他不喜欢听到自己的孙子被你叫娘娘腔吧。
Well, I didn't think you were supposed to say "sissy" anymore. 可现在不是不让叫别人"娘炮"吗。
Okay, look, I know what a good person you are, but sometimes people think you might come off a little harsh. 我知道你这个人很好,可有时别人会觉得你表现得有点毒舌。
What? I'm, like, the sweetest person I know. Look at me. I should be in a tree baking cookies. 什么?我是我这辈子认识最甜的人了。甜得像树里做小饼干的童话人物。
Yes, but once in a while, people think you're a little mean. 可是有些时候,有人会觉得你有点刻薄。
Oh, yeah? You one of those people? 是吗?你是那些人中的一员吗?