生活大爆炸第八季 第118期:夺宝奇兵之毁灭神庙(在线收听

 I meant a Hindu temple. 我是想去印度教的寺庙。

Oh. Okay. It's not like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, right? Some bald guy with horns isn't gonna rip my heart out. 哦,好吧。里面不会和《夺宝奇兵之毁灭神庙》一个样吧?不会有长角的光头想挖出我的心吧。
Dude, that movie's an imperialist fantasy that makes the followers of a beautiful and peaceful religion look like a bunch of bloodthirsty barbarians. 老兄,那部电影纯粹是帝国主义的幻想,把和平又善良的古国国民意淫成茹毛饮血的野蛮人。
You love that movie. 你明明很爱看那电影。
Yeah, it's pretty great. 是的,拍得那叫一个牛逼。
I'm surprised to see you suddenly get religious. 你突然开始相信宗教了这让我很惊讶。
Why? 此话怎讲?
Well, because I've known you for ten years and you've never gone to temple, you never talked about believing in God, 因为我认识你十年了,你从来没去过寺庙,你从没说过自己相信神。
and last Diwali I watched you eat two pounds of sacred cow at a Brazilian steak house. 上一次的印度排灯节,我亲眼目睹你在巴西牛排店吞下了两磅圣牛肉。(印度教视牛为神圣的生物,所以不可宰杀食用)
Religion is a very personal thing. I do go to temple. I just...I don't talk about it. 宗教信仰是很私人的事。我是有去寺庙啊。我只是...没说而已。
Yeah, but you're a scientist. -So? 可你是一位科学家啊。-那又怎样?
So, as a scientist, you believe the way to understand the universe is through facts and evidence, and now you're counting on some blue chick with a hundred arms to help you? 身为科学家,你应该相信只有事实和证据才是认识宇宙的唯一方法。怎么现在你又求助于长了一百只胳膊的恒河蓝妹子(希瓦神)了?
That is so offensive. Does everything you know about Hinduism come from Indiana Jones? 你这么说太不敬了。你所有的印度教知识都是来自于《夺宝奇兵》吗?
No. There's also Apu from The Simpsons. 不,还有《辛普森一家》中的印度非法移民阿普。
Well, lots of scientists believe in God. Okay? Newton, uh, Faraday, uh, Pascal...all were believers. 很多科学家都相信上帝的。牛顿、 法拉第、帕斯卡,都是有神论者。
Even Einstein was famous for attacking quantum theory on the grounds that "God does not play dice with the universe." 就连爱因斯坦也是啊,那句反驳量子力学理论的名言:"上帝不会掷骰子。"
Well, of course he believed in God, he slept with Marilyn Monroe. 他当然相信上帝啦,他跟女神玛丽莲·梦露都睡过了。
Actually there's no proof of that. 这事没有证据好吗。
You believe in your religion, I'll believe in mine. 你有你的信仰,我相信我的性仰。