生活大爆炸第八季 第123期:士兵头盔(在线收听

 I thought this was gonna be boring, but it's actually kind of fun. 我本以为会很无聊呢,没想到还挺有意思。

Don't tell Amy that. We'll be here every Sunday. 别跟艾米说,不然每个礼拜日都得来。
Sheldon, that really is an excellent basket. 谢尔顿,你这个篮子编的真不错。
It's not a basket. It's a soldier's helmet from 16th century China. 这不是篮子。这是十六世纪古中国的士兵头盔。
Very nice. 帅呆了。
Yeah, it looks great. 对,真帅。
I saw that. 我看到了。
Well, roomie, it's only one night a week, but it's a start. 室友,虽然每周只有一晚,但也算是一个开始。
I know. I'm really proud of Sheldon. 我知道。真为谢尔顿骄傲。
Yeah, I'm proud of him, too. 我也为他感到骄傲。
Can you keep it down? Some of us are trying to sleep out here. 你们能小点声吗?外面还有人想睡觉呢。