生活大爆炸第八季 第176期:送给谢尔顿(在线收听

 Seems a shame to throw it away. 扔了怪可惜的。

Yeah. We could give it to Sheldon, and tell him William Shatner painted it. 是啊。我们可以送给谢尔顿,告诉他是威廉·夏特纳画的。(电视剧《星际旅行:初代》中饰演星舰舰长詹姆斯·T·寇克)
God, I love you. I love you so much. 天,我爱你。我爱死你了。
I think I'm gonna go home. 我要回家了。
Why? I really don't understand what's happening here. 为什么?我真不理解这是什么情况。
You know, Sheldon, at any other time, learning that you had plans to go live on Mars would be a slow news day. 谢尔顿,如果是任何其他时候我知道你计划要去火星上住,那这事只是你太晚告诉我而已。
But a couple of hours ago, we were getting a turtle. And silly as it sounds, I thought that meant something. 但几个小时前,我们还要一起养乌龟。虽然说起来有点傻,但我以为那代表着什么。
Amy! Oh, why didn't I give her Sleepy Time tea? Amy, wait! Getting a turtle meant a great deal to me, too. 艾米!我为什么没给她喝睡觉觉茶?艾米,等等!要养乌龟对我来说也是意义重大。
Sure. Unless something better comes along. 当然。除非有更好的事发生嘛。
Do you want me to withdraw my application? 你是想让我撤销我的申请吗?
What I want is for us to be planning our future together. 我想要的是我们一起计划共同的未来。
And in that future, are we on the same planet? Yeah, because I've seen people make the long-distance thing work. - We're on the same planet! -Okay! 在你说的未来,我们是在同一星球上吗?因为我也看过远距离异地恋成功的例子。-我们是在同一星球上!-知道了!
Does that planet have to be Earth? 一定要在地球这颗星球吗?
Are you asking me to go to Mars with you? 你是在邀请我和你一起去火星吗?
I am. Yeah, if I'm going to a barren, lifeless environment, where the chances of survival are slim to none, I want you there with me. 我是。如果我要前往一个贫瘠、无生命、生存几率接近于零的地方时,我希望你在我身旁。
Why don't we go back to the apartment, and fill out your application? 要不要跟我回家把你的申请填了?
Okay. I suppose being the first people on a new planet would be incredibly exciting. 要。我想能成为第一批在新星球居住的居民,应该挺刺激的。
Oh, I know. We could be the first to plant a flag on Mars. 我知道。我们可以成为第一批在火星插旗的人。
We could be the first to watch Mars Attacks! On Mars. We could be the first to say "Good Lord, what on Mars are you talking about?" 成为第一批在火星上看《火星入侵》电影的人。我们也可以是第一批"我的天,你说的什么火星话啊?"的人。