生活大爆炸第八季 第181期:断电了(在线收听

 Hey. Just so you know, the power's out. 好啊。告诉你们一下,断电了。

What happened? 怎么回事?
I called, they said a transformer blew. It's the whole block. Should be fixed by tomorrow. 我打电话问了,据说是变压器烧了。整个街区都没电了。应该明天就修好了。
Wait, when did it go out? 等等,什么时候没电的?
In the middle of the night. 昨天半夜吧。
Oh, my God. 我的老天。
Howie, what's wrong? 华仔,怎么了?
It's all defrosting. 全都解冻了。
It's okay. It's just food. 没关系。只是食物而已。
It's not just food. This is the last food my mother ever made. This is her last brisket. 不仅仅只是食物,这是我妈生前做的最后的食物。这是她最后做的牛胸肉。
This is her last meatloaf. This is her last...I have no idea what this is, but...it's the last one. 这是她最后做的肉糕。这是她最后做的...我不知道这是什么,但是...这也是最后一顿了。
Everything okay? 一切还好吗?
No. All Ma's food is gonna be ruined. 不好。所有我妈做的食物要坏掉了。
Well, why don't we take it home and put it in our freezer? 我们何不把食物都带回家,放进家里冰箱呢?
You don't want to do that.  你不会想那样做的。
Refreezing not only removes moisture, but it creates ice crystals in the fibers of the meat that can compromise its taste and texture. 二次冷冻不仅会损失水分,还会在肉的纤维里产生冰晶,那会影响肉的味道和肉质。
What? I saw a teachable moment. I dropped some culinary science. 干嘛?我看见一个施教时刻,随便教点烹饪学都不行吗。
What should we do? 那我们该怎么办?
I'll tell you exactly what we're gonna do. We're gonna eat it. 我来告诉你我们该怎么做:吃掉它。
There's, like, 20 pounds of food in there. 这里大概有18斤的食物呢。
All you said was I had to get rid of things. You didn't say they couldn't pass through my colon first. 你只是说我得把东西处理掉,可你没说它们不能先经过我的结肠啊。
Howie... 华仔...
Okay. Then how about this? Let's invite everyone over to dinner. It'll be like Ma's feeding us one last time. 好吧。这样好不好?我们邀请大家来吃晚餐,就像妈最后一次为我们做饭。
I love that. 我喜欢这主意。
Me, too. Oh, look, we've got enough ketchup to cover every ounce of it. 我也是。瞧,我们有这么多番茄酱,足以覆盖每一寸肉。