生活大爆炸 第十季:第8集:细胞样本(上)(在线收听

 How much will it hurt? 会有多疼?

It's just a tiny skin sample. 只是取一小块皮肤当样品而已
You saw me do it to myself. 你看过我给自己取的
On a scale of one to ten, where one is a pebble in your shoe and ten is the monkey you thought was your pet biting your face off. 那给疼痛打分的话,你打几分一是鞋子里有个鹅卵石十是被你误当成你的宠物的猴子在咬你的脸
A two.Eating a whole Altoid? 二分吧。吃掉一整个薄荷糖?
Sheldon,if I'm gonna synthesize a neural network from our skin cells, I need to harvest them. Sheldon行了如果我能用我们的皮肤细胞合成一个神经网络,我需要样本啊
Now, I've done this dozens of times, but if you're too scared you don't have to. 我做过很多次了,但是如果你实在害怕的话其实你可以不取的
No, this is for science. 不,这是为了科学
I can be brave for science.Thank you. 我可以为了科学变得很勇敢。谢谢
Oh, jiminy, that's cold! 哦,天哪,好凉!
Just think how happy you'll be in a few weeks when I've converted our skin cells into functional brain cells. 想想几周之后你会多开心当我把我们的皮肤细胞变成功能完整的脑细胞的时候
All right, just warn me before you do it.Okay.Three...two... and we're done. 好吧,在你下手之前提醒我,好,三...二...搞定了
You tricked me. 你耍我
You didn't say one. 你没喊一
It didn't hurt, did it? No...but“three, two and we're done” is incomplete. 其实不疼,是不是?不...但是"三,二,然后就完事了"是不完整的
You know those things bother me. 你知道这种事会让我很闹心
It's like hearing without yelling...Okay, fine, one.Thank you. “dadadadadadah”就好像听到"哒哒哒哒哒哒"而没听到高潮...好吧,一谢谢
Now yell“Charge” and we can get out of here. 然后喊"完成"我们就可以走了
Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state 宇宙一度又烫又稠密,
Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started... Wait! 140亿年前终于爆了炸...等着瞧!
The Earth began to cool 地球开始降温,
The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools 自养生物来起哄,穴居人发明工具,
We built the Wall We built the pyramids 我们建长城,我们建金字塔,
Math, Science, History, unraveling the mystery 数学,自然科学,历史,揭开神秘,
That all started with a big bang 一切由大爆炸开始,
Oh, my God, I just got it. Fun onions...Funyuns. Hold on. 哦,天哪,我才明白。有趣的洋葱...趣洋葱(零食品牌)等一下
Is that a wobble? Yes. 刚才是个晃动吗?是的
That's definitely a gravitational wobble. 显然是一个重力晃动
Uh, sorry, I could come back. 啊,对不起,我可以过一会再来
Oh, no, it's okay. 哦,没事,没关系
I... I just found a wobble. 我...我发现了一个晃动
Oh, do I need a mop? 哦,需要我拿拖把来吗?
It's a gravitational wobble. 是一个重力晃动
It could be a sign of an extrasolar planet that may contain life and someday be named after me. 可能象征着一个太阳系外行星可能存在生命也许某天会以我的名字命名
Oh... well, if it has life,maybe it already has a name, huh? 哦...如果上面有生命也许它已经有名字了,是吧?
Yeah, but it's probably difficult to pronounce. 是的,但是那个可能很难读呀
What is your name? 你叫什么名字?
Rajesh Ramayan Koothrappali.You think it would be more difficult than that? 我叫Rajesh Ramayan Koothrappali你觉得那个行星的名字会比这个还难读?
Good point.And you are? 你的观点不错。你的名字是?
Oh, uh, Issabella Maria Concepcion.Oh, well, nice to meet you. 哦,Issabella Maria Concepcion。哦,很高兴见到你
Nice to meet you, too. 很高兴见到你
You know, I have to say,based on the candy wrappers and the bags of junk food I see in this trash, I thought the person working here was ten years old. 你知道,我必须说因为垃圾堆里这些糖纸还有垃圾食品袋我还以为在这里工作的人只有十岁
Oh, please, show me a tenyearold who knows to dip Tootsie Rolls in Nutella. 哦,得了吧,哪有十岁小屁孩懂得把巧克力棒粘巧克力酱吃的快感
Bueno, um, I'm just going to empty your waste paper basket and then I'll get out of your way. 好样的,我只是要倒了你的废纸篓然后我就不会打扰你了
Oh, please, allow me.That's a lot of empty calories. Thank you. 哦,我来吧。这里有很多吃光的卡路里。谢谢
You're welcome.Okay, uh, okay,I... I... I have to go. 不客气。好的,嗯我...我得走了
Okay.  Good luck with your, um, space exploration.Thank you. 好的, 祝你好运宇宙探索顺利,谢谢
Good luck with your...future endeavors. Did it work? 祝你...工作顺利。怎么样?
Are they brain cells yet? 变成脑细胞了吗?
If you'd give me a minute, I'll tell you. 如果你等我一分钟,我就会告诉你
Oh, just let me look. Oh, my goodness! 哦,让我看看。哦,天哪!
I see quivering black lines. 我看到了颤动的黑线
Those must be neurons. 一定是神经元
Oh, they're so thick and beautiful. 哦,如此厚重如此美丽
Those are your eyelashes, move.Well, Sheldon...I see astrocytes. 那些是你的睫毛,走开。嗯,Sheldon...我看到了星形胶质细胞
Our combined skin cells are now a primitive neural network. 我们的皮肤细胞已经是一个简单的神经网络了
I have such a profound sense of creation. 我这么有创造力
I ju... it's like when I hatched SeaMonkeys,except that this is from my DNA,so this is like... 我...就像我孵化了一只神奇水马骝只不过这个来自于我的基因所以就像是...
MeMonkeys.  These cells come from both of us. 我生的水马骝。这些细胞来自于我们两个人
Yeah, but UsMonkeys doesn't pop. 是的,但是叫我们生的水马骝不押韵
Oh, oh, oh, oh, wait!WeMonkeys, there you go. Hey. 哦,等等!我们的水马骝,就叫这个了,嘿
When can we start running tests on it? 我们什么时候可以在这些细胞上进行试验?
No reason we can't start right now. 我们现在就可以开始了
What stimulus should we introduce it to first? 我们应该先给它什么刺激呢?
L... Light, sound, temperature... 光,声,温度...
Oh! Oh! Let's expose it to images of me and you and see who it likes better. 哦!哦!我们给他们图像刺激吧让它看你和我的照片,看看它更喜欢哪个
Sheldon, this is a rudimentary collection of neurons. Sheldon这只是一堆神经元
I mean, it's remarkable,but it's still limited in what it can do. 我的意思是,这很有意义但是它的能力很有限
I understand.She's the mean one, I'm the fun one. 我明白。她唱白脸,我唱红脸
Huh, they screwed up and gave us steamed broccoli. 啊,他们又搞错了给了我们蒸西兰花
Oh, no, that's mine.  Really? 哦,不是的,那个是我的。真的吗?
The last green thing.I saw you eat was a Skittle. 上次我看见你吃绿色食品是一粒彩虹糖
Well, I can't eat like a tenyearold all the time. 嗯,我不能总吃的像个十岁的孩子
You're dating somebody, who is it?What? 你在和别人约会,是和谁?什么?
What are you talking about? 你在说什么?
You only watch what you eat when you're afraid you might have to take your shirt off. 你只有在上床有戏的时候才会在意自己吃什么
No, she's right. 是的,她说得对
As long as I've known you, you've always been selfconscious about your cleavage. 据我的了解你一直对自己的乳沟很敏感
It's because you keep trying to stick pencils in it. 因为你一直试图往里面插铅笔
All right, fine, don't tell us. 好吧好吧,那就别告诉我们
There's nothing to tell. 可是没什么好说的啊
All right.How's that broccoli? 好吧。那西兰花好吃吗?
It's gross but I have to eat it because I met somebody.Bam.Thank you. 超恶心的,但是我还是必须得吃,因为我遇见心仪对象了。哇塞。谢谢
What's her name?  Issabella. 她叫什么名字啊? 她叫Issabella
Oh, did you meet her at work? 哦,你是工作的时候遇见她的吗?
Yes, in the telescope room. 是啊,就在望远镜室
Oh, so she's an astronomer? 所以她是个天文学家咯?
Yes...which is why she was in the telescope room. 对...这就是她当时在望远镜室的理由
Yes, this is all making sense.Good. 是啊,这就都说得通了。很好
Well, that's great, Raj. 那很好啊,Raj
You must have so much in common.Mmhmm. 你们一定有很多共同点。嗯哼
So, when do we meet her? 所以咯,我们什么时候能见她啊?
No, no, this is brandnew. 不不不,这都还为时过早
We haven't even been on a proper date yet. 我们都还没正式约过会呢
Okay, well, good luck with it.  Thank you. 好吧,那祝你好运啦, 谢谢
How come you never eat broccoli? 你为什么从来不吃西兰花啊?
I'm married,I don't have to be attractive. 我都结婚了我就不需要再有吸引力了
You know, most people don't realize this technique has actually been around for a few years. 你知道吗,大多数人都没意识到这个技术已经出来好几年了
Still, I can't believe you can turn ordinary skin cells into functioning brain cells. 说是这么说,但我还是无法相信你能把普通的皮肤细胞转化为功能完整的大脑细胞
Well, I turned this one into a functioning boyfriend,so sky's the limit. 哎呀,我可是把这家伙变成了一个功能完整的男票的人嘛所以,我就是无极限
Look, look... here I am standing next to the incubator. 快看,快看,我就在这儿啦就站在孵化器旁边
Uh, here is a microscopic view of the cells. 然后这里是显微镜下细胞的样子
Look at that, put them in a tiny Flash Tshirt and it's you. 快看啊,把它们放进一个迷你的闪电侠T恤里面那就变成你啦
Oh. Yeah, this little guy can already recognize electronically transmitted images 20% faster than any other sample in Amy's lab. 是啊,这个小家伙已经可以辨别电子传输的图像啦比Amy实验室里的所有其他样本都要快20%
I'm running out of ways to act excited. 我对于表现出兴奋已经黔驴技穷了
So, enough about us, how are things going with you? 好啦,说我们都说够啦,你们现在怎么样啊?
Great, the doctor said the baby's head is facing down now. 很好,医生说现在宝宝的头朝着下方了
Good, you know,in case the exit isn't clearly marked. 很好嘛,你知道啦万一找不到出口呢
Yeah, I have to say, it is nice to share this experience with someone who's on the same journey. 是啊,我必须得说,能够跟某些有着相同旅程的人分享经验还是挺好的
Although right now ours is testing off the charts while yours is floating around in its own waste. 虽然现在我们的娃已经是细胞中翘楚而你们的还在它自己产生的垃圾当中翻滚
Are you actually comparing my human baby to your brain in a bowl? 你是真的在把我的人类宝宝跟你碗里的大脑细胞作比较吗?
Well, I didn't make you waddle up four flights of stairs for the heck of it. 我逼着你摇摇摆摆爬了四层楼当然是有原因的
You do realize my baby has functioning organs and can recognize voices. 你要知道我的宝宝有着功能健全的器官而且还能辨认声音吧
Yeah, but ours can recognize a specific data stream among background noise. 是啊,可是我们的能从背景噪音中辨认出特定的数据流啊
Mine has a fully developed immune system. 我的宝宝有发育健全的免疫系统
Ours doesn't need an immune system because it lives in a stateoftheart German incubator. 我们的宝宝不需要免疫系统,因为它活在最先进的德国孵化机里面
Sheldon, that's enough.Oh, yeah, no, fine. Sheldon够了。行,好吧
Let's just agree that both creations are special in their own way and it is foolish to try and compare them. 那我们就只要同意,双方的创造都以自己的方式特立独行好了不去傻傻地比较他们了
Although, we didn't need to have sex with Howard for ours, so we win. 不过,我们可不用为了我们的宝宝跟Howard啪啪啪,所以还是我们赢
This is fun.I have never cleaned a toilet before.You're kidding. 这很有趣啊。我以前从来没清理过马桶,你在开玩笑吧
No, I grew up with a house full of servants and now I have a cleaning lady... 不,我从小在满是佣人的屋子长大然后现在我家有个清洁女工...
who is a lovely woman who I have great respect for. 她是个可爱的女人我极其尊重她
It's okay, you're allowed to have a cleaning lady. 没关系的,你可以有一个清洁女工的啦
Oh, good, because she also walks my dog,buys my groceries and cuts my hair. 那太好了,因为她还帮我遛狗帮我买吃的,还帮我剪头发
I think that's called a mommy.Uh... 我觉得那应该叫妈妈才对,呃...
So, forgive me...forgive me for being nosy,but isis there a wedding ring 好吧,原谅我...原谅我的八卦但是你那双漂亮的橡胶手套之下
under those pretty rubber gloves? 是有一个结婚戒指吗?
No, not for many years. 不,我单身很多年了
Oh, so, you are unencumbered? 哦,所以你现在了无牵挂吗?
Just me and my son. 就只有我和我儿子
I love kids, how old is he?Nineteen. 我可爱孩子了,他多大了?十九
That's a cute age. 这可是个可爱的年龄啊
They can do so many things. 他们能做的可多了
He's studying to be a lawyer at UCLA. 他在加州大学洛杉矶分校念书准备当律师