美国小学英语教材4:第170课 贵族骑士 罗兰(2)(在线收听

 Charlemagne had been very angry when his sister Bertha married a man who was not a prince. 当妹妹伯莎嫁给一个不是王子的人时,哥哥查理曼非常生气。

So Bertha had to leave the palace and go out with her husband to find a new home. 所以伯莎不得不离开宫殿,和她的丈夫出去生活。
They were without money, and no one in France dared to give them shelter. So they wandered far away. 他们身无分文,在法国也没有人敢给他们提供庇护。于是他们在外面漂泊了很久。
At last, near a small town in Italy, they found a cave in the side of a hill. 最后,他们在意大利的一个小镇附近的山坡上发现了一个山洞。
Here they made their home, and here their little boy grew up. 他们住在山洞里,他们的儿子在洞里长大。
Although they were poor, yet they were very happy, until one day Roland's father was drowned. 他们虽然很穷,但是很快乐,直到有一天罗兰的父亲淹死了。
Roland was too young to miss his father much, but his mother was very sad. 罗兰还小不知道想念父亲,但他的母亲非常伤心。
Often when the young boy came in from play, he would find her weeping. "Do not weep, Mother," he would say. 罗兰经常做完游戏回来发现她在哭泣。“别哭了,妈妈,”他说。
"I am here, and I love you." “我在这儿,我爱你。”
All the children of the neighborhood came to the hillside to play with Roland, so that he was never lonely. 邻居的孩子们都来到山坡上和罗兰玩耍,所以他从不感到孤独。
Among these boys was Oliver, the little son of the governor of the town. 在这些孩子中有镇长的小儿子奥利弗。
Roland and Oliver became great friends, although Oliver lived in a castle and Roland in a cave. 罗兰和奥利弗成了好朋友,尽管奥利弗住在城堡里,罗兰住在山洞里。
Oliver wore velvet and silk, but Roland's suit was made of the roughest cloth and was nearly always ragged. 奥利弗穿着天鹅绒和丝绸的衣服,但罗兰穿着粗布衣服,几乎总是破烂不堪。
As Roland grew older, he saw that his clothes were not like those of the other boys. 随着罗兰一点点的长大,他发现他的衣服和其他男孩的不一样。