英语听力精选进阶版 10437(在线收听) |
The American Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has ordered an aircraft carrier to move into the Gulf. A Pentagon official said this was to provide President Obama with flexibility should military options be required to protect American lives and interests in Iraq. Rajini Vaidyanathan reports. 美国国防部长查克·黑格下令派遣一艘航空母舰到海湾,五角大楼官员称,如果需要采取军事手段来保护在伊拉克的美国人和利益,这样就能给奥巴马总统一定灵活性。Rajini Vaidyanathan报道。 The USS George H. W. Bush, an aircraft carrier with dozens of fighter jets on board has been operating in the Middle East since February, but it's now moving from the north of Arabian Sea into the Gulf. It's due to arrive on Saturday evening along with a guided missile cruiser and a missile destroyer. On Friday, the President said he was consulting with his national security team on what course of action to take in the light of the escalating violence in Iraq. He's ruled out sending ground troops in, but is said to be considering a range of military options which could include air or drone strikes. 乔治·h·w·布什号航空母舰是一艘可搭载数十架战斗机的航空母舰,自二月以来一直部署在中东,但现在要从阿拉伯海转移到海湾。按计划将于周六晚上和一艘导弹巡洋舰和一艘导弹驱逐舰一起抵达那里。周五,总统称他正咨询国家安全小组,协商就伊拉克日益升级的暴力冲突采取何种行动。他排除了派地面部队的可能,但据悉他在考虑采取包括空袭和无人机袭击在内的多种军事手段。 NATO has released satellite images backing up existing video material which strongly support allegations that three Russian tanks crossed into eastern Ukraine this week, allegations that Moscow has strenuously denied. A range of images show the T-64 tanks first at a Russian military staging area near Rostov-on-Don and then apparently inside Ukraine. The American Secretary of State John Kerry has told his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov that he was concerned about the shooting-down of a Ukrainian transport plane by pro-Russian separatists. Forty-nine Ukrainian military personnel onboard the plane were killed. For his part, Mr. Lavrov urged the United States to use its influence to persuade Kiev to end its military operation in eastern Ukraine. 有视频材料表明三辆俄罗斯坦克本周已经进入乌克兰东部,北约公布的卫星图像表明视频资料属实,莫斯科否认该指控。多个图像显示最初是在顿河畔罗斯托夫附近俄罗斯军事集结待命区的T-64坦克现已出现在乌克兰境内。美国国务卿约翰·克里告诉俄罗斯外长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫,他对亲俄分裂分子击落乌克兰运输机一事表示担忧,机上49名乌克兰军事人员全部丧生。拉夫罗夫敦促美国利用其影响力来劝说基辅结果在乌克兰东部的军事行动。 At least 10 migrants have drowned off the Libyan coast while attempting to cross the Italian island of Lampedusa. The Italian navy rescued 39 people. Here's Alan Johnston. 至少10名企图越过意大利蓝佩杜萨岛的移民在利比亚海域溺亡,意大利海军营救了39人。艾伦·约翰逊报道。 Among the many vessels that set out on the crossing from Libya to Italy, there are often large inflatable crafts; they ride low in the water, and they're always hopelessly overcrowded. Attempting the long sea passage in these boats is extremely dangerous. The Italian navy says that one of them sank about 40 nautical miles off the Libyan coast. Both navy and coast guard vessels were directed to the area and they've been hauling survivors and dead bodies from the sea. The search is continuing. 在那些从利比亚过海到意大利的许多船只中,通常有些是大的橡皮艇,它们在海中吃水很浅,而且总是超载。乘坐这些船只走漫长的海陆非常危险。意大利海军称其中一只在距离利比亚海岸40海里处沉没。海军和海岸警卫船只都已抵达该区域,从海中捞出幸存者和尸体。搜救工作仍在继续。 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says that there is no doubt that what he termed as a terror group was responsible for the abduction of three Israeli teenagers on Thursday. An intense search operation for the three students is taking place in the occupied West Bank. Mr. Netanyahu said security forces would ensure they will not be moved to Hamas-controlled Gaza or elsewhere. 以色列总理本杰明·内塔尼亚胡称,毫无疑问周四三名以色列少年被绑架一事是一个恐怖组织所为。在被占领的西岸地区,营救三名学生的行动正在紧张进行。内塔尼亚胡称安全部队将确保他们不被转移到哈马斯控制的加沙或其他地方。 Officials in Afghanistan say that nearly 50 people have been killed in a number of militant attacks during the runoff election for a new president. Afghans are choosing between a former foreign minister Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani who was finance minister. Mr. Ghani said he was looking forward to the result. 阿富汗官方称在新总统的决胜选举中,近50人在多起武装分子袭击中被杀。阿富汗人正在前外长阿卜杜拉·阿卜杜拉和前财长阿什拉夫·贾尼之间进行选择,贾尼称他很期待选举结果。 As people will take whatever results seriously, we'll await the process of countings and arriving, if decisions based on solid evidence can be hoped that, that evidence would be forthcoming soon and would be judged credible. 人民将认真对待选举结果,我们将等待点票过程,如果选举结果有切实的证据,那么这些证据将很快出现,被得到可靠的判断。 There's been a major upset on the third day of the Football World Cup in Brazil with unfancied outsiders Costa Rica coming from behind to beat Uruguay 3:1. The BBC's Alistair Bruiseball was watching the last score. 巴西足球世界杯进行到第三天出现大冷门,不起眼的局外人哥斯达黎加以3:1击败乌拉圭,BBC记者Alistair Bruiseball在关注最后的比分。 Now here's a rein and he's going to score! He has come on and scored the third turn for Costa Rica, who'll win this soccer-winning game against Uruguay, with three second-half goals! 看吧他要进球了,他踢进了,在第三回合为哥斯达黎加进了一球,哥斯达黎加由此打败乌拉圭赢得这次比赛,下半场连进三球打败乌拉圭! Former Football World Champions Italy and England will meet shortly in the Brazilian city of Manaus. Weller Davis reports. 前足球世界杯冠军意大利和英格兰很快将在巴西玛瑙斯对决,韦勒·戴维斯报道。 It's been a very scorching old day here today, well over 30 degrees. In fact, we've heard that FIFA will be looking just before kick-off at the possibility of having three-minute breaks in the first and second half if they deem it to be too hot, allowing players to take on water. That probably won't happen because the temperature will drop here, kick-off after dark. But it is hot and humid up here in the rain forest. It's been a party atmosphere though; several thousand England fans and far fewer Italian fans. They've all started to move up towards the stadium now. This of course is one of the most hotly anticipated games of the first round in the World Cup - England against Italy. Although I think these really hot and stiffening conditions may slow the pace of the game down a bit. Weller Davis reporting. 今天天气非常炎热,达到30多度。事实上,我们听说,由于天气太热,FIFA考虑将在比赛中给予3分钟的短暂停时间,让队员得以饮水休息。因为是在天黑后开球,温度将降下来,所以可能不会实施这一措施。但这个雨林里还是又湿又热。不过这里还是一片热闹的气氛,数千名英格兰球迷赶来,而意大利粉丝就少多了。他们已经开始向体育馆前进,这当然是世界杯首轮中最值得期待的比赛—英格兰对意大利。不过我还是觉得这又热又不爽的条件可能会让比赛进度受到一点影响。韦勒·戴维斯报道。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/468849.html |