英语听力精选进阶版 10580(在线收听) |
Some of France’s top chefs have signed a manifesto calling on the profession to speak openly about the problem of bullying in the kitchen. They say that for too long apprentice cooks have been victims of mental and sometimes physical abuse by their superiors. 法国一些顶级大厨签署了一项声明,呼吁厨师界公开讨论厨房欺凌问题。他们说,长期以来,学徒厨师遭受着上级的精神虐待,甚至拳脚相加。 The kitchen of a top-class restaurant is a place apart ruled with autocratic authority by the star chef. But too often it hides cruelty, bullying and physical violence. That’s the message in this manifesto which called on French cuisine to clean up its act. The idea came after an incident early this year at a three-star restaurant in Paris. Plenty of people have since come forward to complain of the treatment they received from despotic superiors. Many said it drove them from the profession. “It’s a very male, very young atmosphere”, said one food writer, “and more and more the famous chefs who should be in control in their kitchens are actually absent opening the way for bitter power struggles among their assistants”. 一家高档餐厅的厨房就是明星厨师专权的天地,同时,厨房里还隐藏着残忍、欺凌和身体暴力。这就是那份声明所要传递的信息,从而呼吁法国厨师界遏止不良之风。这个想法源自年初发生在巴黎一家三星级餐厅的事故。此后,很多人开始控诉他们在跋扈的上级那里得到的不公平待遇。许多人都说他们因此不再从事原来的职业。一位美食评论家写道:“厨房里年轻男性居多,本该掌控厨房的名厨们越来越多地出现擅离职守的情况,从而导致助手之间产生激烈的权力之争。” When a UN panel published a report earlier this year on human rights violations in North Korea, its conclusions were devastating. It said that the people there had suffered unspeakable atrocities and that those responsible including the leader Kim Jong-un must face justice. Now a UN resolution is calling on the Security Council to consider referring North Korea to the international criminal court for alleged crimes against humanity. Justice Michael Kirby headed the UN investigation. 今年年初,联合国调查小组发表了关于朝鲜侵犯人权的报告,结论令人震惊。报告称,朝鲜民众遭受了无法形容的暴行,包括最高领袖金正恩在内的相关责任人都必须受到法律制裁。现在,联合国决议案提请安理会以反人道罪将朝鲜送交国际刑事法庭。迈克尔·柯比法官是联合国调查小组的负责人。 When I sat there during the public hearings of the Commission of Inquiry, and I heard people tell of how their job was to pick up the bodies at the end of the day in the detention camps, put them in a wheel barrel, take them to a vat, burn them and then gather the ashes and the body parts, scatter it on the fields nearby. 在调查委员会的公众听证会上,我听到有人讲述他们的工作就是每天晚上在羁留营清理尸体,放在手推车上,投入大桶中火化,然后把骨灰和残骸就近撒在地上。 So what is likely to happen now to this resolution? 那么决议案下一步会怎么走? What’s likely to happen now is that the resolution will go eventually before the UN Security Council where it is likely to bump up against a veto from Russia and China who voted against it in New York on Tuesday. And that would be a difficulty for it. 决议案最终可能移交联合国安理会审议,但周二,俄罗斯和中国在纽约行使了否决权,这将对决议案的通过造成一定的困难。 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised harsh action against Palestinian militants after scenes of violence in Jerusalem on a scale not seen for years. 以色列总理纳塔尼亚胡承诺将严厉制止巴勒斯坦的武力行动,这次耶路撒冷的暴力规模是多年来罕见的。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/469409.html |