英语听力精选进阶版 10583(在线收听) |
The most titled aristocrat in the world, the Duchess of Alba has died in Seville at the age of 88. She wasone of Spain’s richest women owning huge estate and a priceless collection of art. 世界上头衔最多的贵族——阿尔贝女公爵在塞维利亚过世,享年88岁。她是西班牙最富有的女性之一,拥有巨额财产和名贵艺术藏品。 Vastly wealthy but exuberantly unconventional, the Duchess of Alba was one of Europe’s most colorful aristocrats. Born in 1926, she graced the cover of Time Magazine. Her list of titles was the longest in the world. 阿尔贝女公爵非常富有却又异乎常人,是欧洲最富个性的贵族之一。她出生于1926年,曾亮相《时代杂志》封面,拥有世界上最多的头衔。 The 11th Duchess of Liria and Jérica, Grandee of Spain, the 16th Marquise of Mirallo, the 20th Marquise ofla Mota, the 17th Marquise of the Carpio, Grandee of Spain, the 11th Duchess of Berwick. 第十一世利里亚与谢德伊卡女公爵,西班牙大领主;第十六世米拉罗女侯爵;第二十世莫塔女侯爵;第十七世卡皮奥女侯爵,西班牙大领主;第十一世贝里克女公爵。 Decently related to Winston Churchill and Diana Princess of Wales, she could trace her lineage to King James II and owned so many palaces and castles. She turned down an offer from Pablo Picasso to model for him but built up one of Europe’s richest art collections. However, it was her third marriage that caused the biggest scandal. A crowd cheered as already in her mid-80s, she Flamenco danced in the street. Her children had feared her new husband, a civil servant, 25 years her junior, was only after her wealth. But he renounced any claim to it and was at her side when she died in Seville. 她的血统可追溯到詹姆士二世,而且还是丘吉尔和戴安娜王妃的远亲。她拥有众多宫殿和城堡,曾拒绝为毕加索作模特,却组建了欧洲最昂贵的艺术藏品系列之一。但她的最大绯闻是她的第三次婚姻。85岁高龄的她在街头跳起了弗拉曼柯舞,民众在一旁欢呼。她的子女担心她的新任丈夫——小她25岁的公务员只为图她的财产,但他放弃了继承权,并且当她在塞维利亚去世时,一直陪伴她左右。 The Italian city of Verona is planning to build the country’s first high-rise cemetery. Council officialshave given approval to the plans for 33-story building with space for 24,000 graves. As Julie Peacock reports. 意大利城市维罗纳计划建造该国首个垂直公墓,共33层,可容纳2.4万个墓穴,议会官员已批准该计划。朱莉·皮考克详细报道。 Verona’s graveyards have run out of room. But one private company called Infinite Sky has offered a solution. Its plans for the high-rise cemetery have been approved by the city’s council. If it goes ahead, thecemetery will become the highest building in Verona and will host 24,000 graves. It won’t be the world’sfirst multi-story graveyard, though. Brazil boosts a 32-level. And one of the most ambitious projects is the Yarkon Cemetery in Tel Aviv in Israel which will eventually provide a quarter of a million graves. The Yarkon Cemetery’s architect Tuvia Sagiv says high-rise burial structures are the future. 维罗纳墓地空间紧张,但一家名为“无限天堂”(Infinite Sky)的私企提出了一个解决办法。垂直公墓计划已得到市议会的批准,如果进展顺利,该公墓将成为维罗纳的最高建筑,可容纳2.4万个墓穴。然而,它并非世界上首个多层茔地。巴西已有32层的公墓,以色列的特拉维夫也展开了最雄心勃勃的一个项目——亚康公墓,公墓落成后,可容纳25万个墓穴。亚康公墓建筑师Tuvia Sagiv说,垂直墓葬结构是未来的趋势。 We can live one above the other. So there is no reason if you agree to live one above the other, why not to be buried one above the other? 我们活着的时候就住在分层的建筑里,如果可以接受活着的时候这样居住,那么以这种形式安葬又有何不可呢? By building high, the company hopes to offer a unique expedience. Customers can opt to have their ashes stored or buy one of the 2,000 rooms where family members can be buried together. 这家公司希望垂直公墓可以为顾客提供独特的便利条件,他们可以选择储存骨灰或购买两千个房间中的一间,让家人安葬在一起。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/469412.html |