英语听力精选进阶版 10818(在线收听) |
Syrian officials say the Islamic state groups have blown up a renowned ancient temple in the city of Palmyra. The city is one of the most important archelogical site in the middle east, more from Vincent. Parts of Palmyra, known as the pearl of the desert go back to 2000 BC and earlier. The Baalshamin temple was one of the city's best known and most complete buildings, but now Syria's head of antiquities Maamoun Abdulkarim has said the site has been blown up by Islamic state militants. He said the inside of temple had been destroyed, and the columns around it had collapsed. The oldest part of the Baalshamin temple are thought to have dated from the year of 17 AD. 叙利亚官方称“伊斯兰国”极端组织炸毁了巴尔米拉城的一座著名古庙。巴尔米拉城是中东最为重要的考古遗址之一,这里比文森特要重要得多。这里被誉为“沙漠珍珠”,历史能够追溯到公元前2000年,甚至更早。而巴尔夏明神庙也是巴尔米拉最知名,也是保存最完整的建筑,但是叙利亚古遗址负责人阿布杜卡林称这里遭到了“伊斯兰国”极端组织的炸毁。他称古庙内部已经遭到破坏,周围石柱也已经坍塌。巴尔夏明神庙的历史能够追溯到公元17世纪。 Asian stock market have fallen sharply in early trading as fears continue for China's economic health. Shanghai's main share index plunged and was down more than 8% at one point. Tokyo and Hongkong also recorded heavy falls. From Singapore, Harishman reports. The recent intensity of the falls on Asian market has caught many by surprise. Analysts say that investors are primarily concerned about a China led global slowdown. And that leads to a contagious affects, which has been reflected in share prices across the region. Over the weekend, China allowed pension funds to invest in the stocks for the first time, and apparent attempted by the government to show up confidence. But the latest selloff has raised concerns that investors do not think government is doing enough to help. 在早盘中,亚洲股市出现下挫,人们对中国经济的担忧仍在继续。沪指暴跌逾8%。东京与香港指数也遭到重创。请听赫利士曼为您从新加坡发回的报道。亚洲股市的动荡局面出乎了许多人的意料。有分析人士指出投资者如今最担心的是中国会带动全球经济放缓。然而这将导致一系列影响,这也影响到了亚洲股市价格。本周末,中国政府首次允许养老金投资股市,提振市场信心。但是这样的抛售引起了人们的担心,投资者认为政府的帮助力度不够。 The South Korea president Park Geun-hye says cross border propaganda broadcast to North Korea will continue unless Pyongyang apologizes for planting landmines that injured South Korea soldiers. North Korea has threatened to use forces to stop the broadcast raising fears of military conflict. Marathon talk to try to resolve the issue have continued through a second night. 韩国总统朴槿惠称将继续对朝实施扩音喊话,但是前提是平壤必须对因埋设地雷而炸伤韩国士兵的行为道歉。为了停止扩音喊话,朝鲜曾威胁使用武力。双方仍在为解决办法进行交谈。 The Guatemala president Otto Perez Molina has said he will not stand down over a corruption allegations made against him on Friday despite mounting pressure for him to do so. In a televised address to the nation, Mr.Perez Molina dismissed accusation that he received money from a customed bribery scheme, and insisted that his conscience was clear. And from this perspective I reaffirm to you that I will not resign. I will face these charges, will subject myself to the legal process as necessary, good night. 8 members of Mr Perez Molina's government have already resigned over the allegations. 周五,瓜地马拉总统奥托·佩雷斯·莫利纳称尽管让我辞职的呼声很高,但是他不会因为贪污指控而选择辞职。在全国电视讲话中,佩雷斯总统否认了对他的受贿指控,他坚持称自己问心无愧。我想向大家再次重申,我不会选择辞职。我将面对对我的指控,必要时接受法律程序,晚安。佩雷斯政府的八名成员已经因指控而选择了辞职。 President Francois Hollande will shortly present France's highest honor to 4 men who foiled a suspected terror attack on a high speed train to Paris on Friday. A US service man, Spencer Stone, who was injured as he wrestled the heavily armed gunman to the floor will receive the Legion d'honneur medal alongside two other Americans and one Briton. World news from the BBC. 周五,在通往巴黎的高速列车上,4名男性阻止了恐怖袭击的发生,法国总统奥朗德将授予他们法国最高荣誉勋章。现役美军军人史宾赛·斯托内在将枪手制服在地时受伤,他将被授予荣誉军团勋章,和他一起的还有两名美国人,一名英国人。这里是BBC全球新闻报道。 Australia's prime minister Tony Abbot has begun a week-long visit to a remote aboriginal community, fulfilling an election promise. Mr Abbot will visit communities in the Torres Strait Islands in Northern Queensland. From Sydney, here is Phil Mercer. "The prime minister wants to see for himself the tribes in hardships of the nation's original inhabitants. Schooling is a particular concern. Poor standards of education are a decisive factor in disproportionally-high rate on unemployments and imprisonments. In West Australia, indigenous children are more than 50 times more likely to be incarserated than their non-aboriginal counterparts." 为了完成选举承诺,澳大利亚首相托尼·阿博特对偏远的原始部落进行了长达一周的访问。阿博特将对昆士兰北部的托雷斯岛部落进行访问。请听飞利浦·梅塞为您从悉尼发回的报道。首相希望亲眼看到原始居民的生活困窘。上学问题最为让人担忧。教育水平低下是造成高失业率以及犯罪的决定性因素。在澳大利亚西部,原住民儿童的犯罪率是非原始部落儿童的50多倍。 Reports from Tunisia say a border guard has been killed in an exchange of fire with the Jihadist group. Local media say the gun battle happened in Bushiker, close to the border of Algeria. In June, an Islamist gunmen killed 38 people at a Tunisan beach resort. 突尼斯报道称一名边防巡逻人员在与圣战组织交火时被枪杀。当地媒体称枪战发生在阿尔及利亚边境的布什尔科。7月,一名伊斯兰枪手在突尼斯的海滩度假村枪杀了38人。 Thousands more asylum-seekers are expected to cross into the European Union by Hungray over the next few days, they were able to travel through to Serbia, after Macedonia abandoned forceful attempts to stop them at its border with Greece. Nick Thorpe reports from Budapest. "Here in Hungary, the right-wing Fidesz government is building a razor-wire fence along its southern border, threatening prison sentences to those who cross the borders illegally. But for now, at least refugees are simply walking around the incomplete fence, or climbing over it. On Saturday night, police in Budapest took all migrants off one train bound for Vienna. But on Sunday, the same people continued their journey unhindered. 在未来数天内,数千名避难者将通过匈牙利进入欧盟,在他们到达塞尔维亚之前,在希腊边境上,马其顿并没有采取强制措施阻止他们。请听尼克·索普为您从布达佩斯带来的报道。这里,匈牙利执政党青民盟在边境南部设立了刀片刺网,非法穿越边境者将遭受牢狱之灾。但是现在,许多难民绕过了建造不完整的铁丝网,或是从上面爬了过去。周六晚间,所有乘坐前往维也纳火车的移民都遭到了拦截。但是在周日,这些人又在无人阻拦的情况下继续前行。 Police in the US say they have arrested two Pokemon players on firearm charges. Ahead of the games of world championships in Boston, Kevin Norton and James Stumbo were reported to have made violent threats on social media ahead of the championship. They were stopped as they tried to enter the venue. That's the BBC news. 美国警方称两名口袋妖怪游戏玩家因持有军火罪而遭到逮捕。在波士顿举办口袋妖怪锦标赛之前,有报道称凯文·诺顿和詹姆斯·士多姆在社交网站上对赛事进行了暴力威胁。就在他们进入场馆时遭到了逮捕。这里是BBC新闻。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/470024.html |