英语听力精选进阶版 10826(在线收听) |
The United Nation has released satellite photos which it says show the Temple of Bel in the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra has been destroyed by Islamic State militants who control the site. Nick Bran reports from New York. The blurry satellite image released by the United Nations makes depressing viewing for it shows that almost nothing remains of the main structure at the center of the temple. Earlier on, Syrian antiquities chief said the basic structure of the 2000-year-old site was still intact despite attacks by the group calling itself Islamic State demolished with explosives. But the statement for the UN's training and research agency UNITAR confirmed that the destruction of the main building as well as a row of columns in its immediate vicinity. This destruction will be widely viewed as a grieve act to cultural barbarity. 联合国发布了一组卫星图像,图像中显示出叙利亚古城巴尔米拉的贝尔神庙遭到了“伊斯兰国”极端组织的破坏,该组织正控制该区域。请听尼克·布朗为您从纽约发回的报道。联合国公布的这张模糊图像让人们倍加伤感,神庙中心的主要建筑所剩无几。早些时候,叙利亚古文物主任称,尽管遭到了自称是“伊斯兰国”组织的炸弹袭击,但是古迹的基本构架依然完好无损,这座遗址的历史能够追溯到2000年前。但是,联合国训练研究所业务卫星应用项目承认称,古迹的主要建筑以及周边的一排圆柱已经遭到了破坏。这次摧毁行动被广泛认为是一次残忍的文化野蛮行为。 Two journalists facing jail sentences for leaking the Thai navy to human trafficking have been acquitted of defamation. In 2013, Alan Morison and Chutima Sidasathian reported that naval officers were involved in trafficking where Rohingya Muslims fleeing Myanmar. From Phuket, here is Jonathan Head. In a brief summing up of the case, the judge found that the article published by Phuketwan website was properly researched and it didn't damage Thailand's national security. The Thai navy brought the case in December in 2013 arguing that 41 word paragraphs which refer to the involvement of Thai naval forces in human trafficking damaged the navy's reputation. Alan Morison and Chutima Sidasathian started the website to cover tourists in Phuket but they were the first journalists to report on the plight of Roingya Muslims washing up on Thailand's Andaman coast, and on the harsh treatment they received from human trafficers and from some Thai officials. 两名因诽谤罪或将面临牢狱之灾的记者被判无罪,他们曾就泰国海军军部人员涉嫌参与贩运人口一事进行曝光。2013年,阿兰·莫里森和楚缇玛对海军军官参与贩卖罗兴亚族人一事进行了报道,当时许多罗兴亚族人正逃离缅甸。请听乔纳森·黑德为您从普吉岛发回的报道。在对案件进行简短总结上,法官认为普吉岛新闻网站上的文章研究充分,并没有影响泰国的安全局势。2013年12月,泰国海军提起诉讼,称这篇41个字的段落指出了海军参与贩运人口的事实,而这有损于海军声名。起初,阿兰·莫里森和楚缇玛建立该网站来报道普吉岛的旅游业,他们还对罗兴亚族人尸体被冲上安达曼群岛海岸,以及他们遭到人贩子和许多泰国官方的残忍对待进行了报道,而他们也是首位报道此事件的记者。 Thousands of Hilary Clintons's emails have been released as part of the investigation into her use of private computer server while as Secretary of State. The state department says 150 emails have to be censored because they contained information considered to be classified. The probe could damage Mrs Clinton's bid to the Democratic candidate for the presidency next year. Peter Bulls has more. This is only 25 percent of the total of emails that will eventually be released the FBI is investigating. I spent much of the last hour looking at some those emails on the state department website and the vast majority that I've seen so far are relatively mundane. 警方正在对希拉里担任国务卿一职时使用私人电脑服务器一事进行调查,并公布了数千封电邮。国务院称由于其中150封邮件属机密信息,所以将不对外进行公布。此项调查或将对希拉里的民主党提名构成影响。请听皮特·布尔斯的报道。在这次联邦调查局的调查中,只公开了所有电邮的25%。我在国务院网站上看了这些邮件,到目前为止,绝大多数电邮平淡无奇。 A jury in the United States has convicted a 74-year-old man of shooting dead three people outside two jewish centers in a suburb of Kansas city. During his trial, Frazier Glenn Cross said he carried out the killings last year because he believed Jews were too powerful and were destroying white race. None of the three victims were actually jewish. World news from the BBC. 美国法官判74岁的弗雷泽·格伦·米勒有罪,他曾在堪萨斯州郊区的两处犹太人社区外开枪,并枪杀三人。在法庭上,弗雷泽·格伦·米勒称犹太人太强大了,他们正在对白人进行迫害,所以在去年实施了枪杀行动。三名受害者均不是犹太人。BBC全球新闻。 Several people are reported to have been wounded in a gunbattle between Israili troops and Palestinian militants in the West Bank. Palistinian officials said heavy gunfire broke out when Israeli soldiers surrounded the house in Jenin to arrest Islamic militants. 在约旦河西岸,以色列军队和巴勒斯坦激进份子发生枪战,有报道称多人受伤。巴勒斯坦官方称为了抓捕伊斯兰激进分子,以色列军方包围了位于叶宁的一处房屋,与此同时发生了猛烈的枪战。 Thousands of people have taken to the street of the Austrian capital Vienna to demonstrate against the ill treatment of refugees. They held out banners reading Refugees Welcome and I don't want Europe to be a mass grave. Last week, the body of 71 migrants were found in an abandoned lorry on an Austrian motorway. 在奥地利首都维也纳,数千名民众走上街头,就虐待难民一事进行抗议。示威者举着标语“欢迎难民,欧洲不是乱葬冈”。上周,在奥地利高速路的货车上发现了71具移民尸体。 President Obama has warned that the world must reach an agreement to curb the effects of global warming while they still can. He told at a meeting of foreign ministers from Arctic nations in Alaska that climate change would, in his words, define the contours of the century more than any other challenge. He said none of the countires represented at the meeting was moving fast enough to meet the challenge at the moment. Mr Obama said it would ensure world leaders could not afford to not work. "Climate change is no longer some far off problem. It is happening here. It is happening now. Climate change is already destructing our agriculture and ecosystems, our water and food supplies, our energy, our infrastructure, human health, human safety now, today." 总统奥巴马警告称,我们必须在我们依然有能力的情况下就遏制全球变暖达成协议。在阿拉斯加举行的北极周边国家外交部长级会议上,用奥巴马的话来说,比起任何一项挑战,气候变化将决定这个世纪的发展轨迹。他称在与会国中还没有国家就这一挑战迅速展开行动。奥巴马称,全球变暖会确保各国领导人对此问题采取行动。气候变化再也不是远在天边的问题。它正在这里发生。就在现在。气候变化已经摧毁了我们的农业,打乱了生态系统,破坏了水资源,扰乱了食物供应,影响了能源,破坏了基础设施,影响了人类健康和安全。 Scientists believe about 90 percent of the world seabirds are likely to have some plastic in their stomaches. In a report, the reseachers say they reached their conclusion after analyzing studies conducted over a half century. 科学家认为全球90%的海鸟都很有可能误食过塑料垃圾。在这项报告中,研究人员称这是他们对研究结果进行了半个世纪的分析之后所得出的结论。 The government of New Zeland has announced a shortlist of four designs for a new national flag. Three of the schemes incorporate the silver fern motif which is used by New Zeland sports teams. The four options will be put to a referendum later this year. That's the latest world news from the BBC. 新西兰政府公布了四种新国旗样式。三种方案都含有新西兰球队中所使用的银蕨。今年年末,四种方案将进行全民公投。BBC全球新闻。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/470032.html |