英语听力精选进阶版 10832(在线收听) |
Germany, Austria and Hungary have discussed the phasing out of an emergency measures which allow the free movement of thousands of migrants. The issue was raised during a meeting between the German Chanceller Angela Merkel, her Austrian counterpart Werner Faymann and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Jilly Hill is in Munich. The German chancellor is under pressure. Her own conservatives are furious. That in fact Ms Merkel relaxed EU migration Law to allow these thousands of people into the country and in doing so. In the view of some of her Conservatives, she says a pretty dangerous precedent now. That's one reason. The second issue is the question of Europe. Ms Merkel is just thought to have failed to persuade the EU to come up any kind of consensus on these issues. Some of her ministers are really irritated that the EU hasn't agreed any kind of coordinated strategy. That's really begining to irk them." 德国、奥地利以及匈牙利正在就分阶段实施紧急措施进行商讨,他们将向移民敞开大门。三国首脑德国总理默克尔,奥地利总理维尔纳·法伊曼,以及匈牙利总理奥尔班召开了会议,会议中提出了这一问题。请听吉莉·希尔为您从慕尼黑发回的报道。德国总理备受压力。她的保守党派大为恼火。事实上,默克尔放宽了欧盟移民法,允许数千名难民涌入德国。按照许多保守党人的看法,她称目前非常危险。这是原因之一。第二个就是欧洲问题。就这一问题,默克尔没有能够让欧盟达成共识。德国许多部长因欧盟无法达成任何一致性策略而大为恼火。这让他们极端不满。 This woman who fled the Syrian city of Rakkas spoke the welcome of the refuges received on arrival of Vienna. Look, everybody here are happy. Everybody here happy and don't afraid. They are happy because it's in the Vienna everybody here, men, women, child everybody here. They give us many things, homes and bags and coffee. They are helping to ask very much. 一名逃离叙利亚城市拉卡的妇女在维也纳欢迎难民。看,所有人都欢欣鼓舞。他们都非常高兴,并不再感到害怕。我们都来到了维也纳,男人,女人,儿童。他们为我们提供了房屋,袋子和咖啡。他们为我们提供了帮助。 An independent investigation into disappearing of 43 Mexican's students nearly a year ago has dismissed the government's account of the events. In response, Mexico's attorney general has ordered an new once again investigation to be carried out. Katy Watson is in Mexico city."The events of September 26th last year were of the scale of that shocked people here, even in the country there's no stranger to violence. Back in January, the government said it had provided what it called 'the historical truth on what had happened' that the students were rounded up by corrupt policmen and handed over to a criminal gang, then they were burnt and their remains incinerated. Now, international experts have published their version of the truth. The result of the six months' work has concluded that the government's investigations were deeply flawed. Most dying involved if as the stories that the students were burnt just doesn't stand up. 将近一年前,43名墨西哥学生失踪,如今,独立调查反驳了政府早前的调查结论。与此同时,墨西哥总检察长命令重新对失踪案进行调查。请听基蒂·沃尔森为您从墨西哥城发回的报道。墨西哥对暴力并不陌生,但是发生在去年9月26日的这起案件却让人们大为震惊。今年1月份,政府拿出了他们所谓的“真相”,学生遭到了贪污警察的逮捕,并交与犯罪团伙处置,将学生杀死并进行了火化。如今,国际专家公布了他们所调查的真相。通过6个月的调查,他们认为政府的调查存在缺陷。并称学生遭到焚烧一事并不可信。 Voters in Guatamala are casting their ballots in the presidential election days after a corruption scandal prompted the resignation of president Otto Perez Molina. One of the frontrunners, a comic actor, Jimmy Morales, has the slogan "Not Corrupt, Not A Thief". 就在总统奥托·佩雷斯·莫利纳因贪污丑闻而辞职的几天之后,瓜地马拉开始大选。目前,得票数最高的是喜剧演员出身的吉米·莫拉莱斯,他的竞选标语是“没有贪污,没有强盗”。 The Turkish prime minister has been chairing an emergency meeting after several soldiers were killed in an attack by Kurdish PKK militants. Turkish media say landmines blew up two military vehicles in the southeastern province of Hakkari. In a statement, the PKK said 15 soldiers had died. The government has not confirmed the figure. World news from the BBC. 多名士兵遭到库尔德工人党武装分子的杀害,为此,土耳其首相召开了紧急会议。土耳其媒体称,在土耳其东南部哈卡里省,地雷炸毁了两辆军车。在声明中,库尔德工人党称15名士兵死亡。政府还没有对这一数字进行确认。BBC全球新闻。 A Palestinian woman has died as a result of injuries suffered during an arson attack in July which killed her husband and young son. Riham Dawabsha suffered burns to 90% of her body when her home in the west bank village of Duma was fire-bombed. The attack is believed to have been carried out by Israeli settlers. Her 18-month-old son was killed in the attack. 因遭受纵火袭击,一名巴勒斯坦女性死亡,这起发生在7月份的纵火案杀死了她的丈夫和儿子。当时,约旦河西岸的杜马村遭到纵火,里汉姆·达瓦布沙烧伤面积达到90%。人们认为此次袭击事件是以色列极端势力所为。年仅18个月大的儿子也在此次袭击中丧生。 The Tunisian authorites have warned of a threat of car-bombing in the capital Tunis and banned traffic from some central streets. The Interior Ministry said intelligence reports indicated danger of the strategic points of the city might be targetted, but gave no further details. 突尼斯官方警告称,首都突尼斯市受到了汽车爆炸威胁,并对一些主要中心路段进行了交通管制。内政部长称,根据情报局的报告,突尼斯市的多处重点区域或成为爆炸目标,具体信息尚不得而知。 A controversial sculpture by the artist Anish Kapoor displayed in the garden of the Palace of Versailles, France has been vandalized for a second time. Anti-Semitic slogans were spray-painted onto the artwork, a huge metallic funnel called "Dirty Corner". "The 60-meter-long sculpture and rocks around it was sprayed in white paint with phrases such as 'Christ is king in Versailles' and 'the second rape of a nation by deviant Jewish activism'. The piece which Kapoor has described as 'very sexual' had already been splattered with paint in June, shortly after being unveiled. Clearly outraged, he said he would now keep what he called 'the abominable words' on the artwork. He said they would bear witness to hatred and tolerance." 在法国凡尔赛宫花园展出的争议雕塑再次遭毁,该作品的作者是艺术家安尼施·卡普尔。作品被喷涂了反犹太主义标语,该作品是一个巨大的漏斗形金属,名称叫作“肮脏角落”。这件60米长的雕像以及周围的石头曾被喷上白色油漆,并在上面写道“基督是凡尔赛宫的国王”,以及“犹太激进主义对国家的第二次迫害。”卡普尔认为这件作品富有“性”色彩,雕塑于6月开始展出,展出不久就遭到了喷涂。卡普尔感到非常气愤,他称他将留下这些他认为“遭恨”的话语。他认为观众将亲眼见证这些“痛恨”和“容忍”。 Government officials in Tadzhikistan say more than 30 people, including some serving defense personnel have been arrested after militants killed nine policemen on Friday. The insurgents were allegedly led by a sacked deputy defense minister, General A N. 塔吉克斯坦官方称,包括军方在内的30多人遭到逮捕,周五,武装分子杀害了9名警察。有人称前国防副部长阿布杜哈里穆·纳扎尔佐达指挥了此次反叛行动。 Heavy rains in parts of Sierra Leone have washed away houses and cut off major roads. An official in the southern district to Boe said at least 70 homes have been destroyed in one area, leaving hundreds without shelter. BBC news. 塞拉利昂部分地区出现暴雨天气,大雨冲垮了房屋,切断了多处主要道路。南部地区波尔的一名官方人员称,该地区至少有70间房屋被毁,数百人缺少避难所。BBC新闻。 |
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