英语听力精选进阶版 10834(在线收听) |
The UN refugee agency has warned Hungary that it expects tens of thousands of migrants to arrive there over the next few days. It is urging the country to improve its regisration and reception procedures, and is offering humanitarian assistance. The UNHCR regional coordinator V announced the expected migrant numbers at a press conference in Budapest. The next couple of days, a minimum of 37,000 people coming from Greece, close to those who are currently in Serbia around there for 5,000, so we are in our 42,000 within the next ten days. 联合国难民署警告匈牙利称,未来几天或将有数万名难民抵达匈牙利。难民署敦促匈牙利做好登记和接收工作,难民署正在提供人道主义援助。在布达佩斯召开的新闻发布会上,联合国难民署地区协调员就难民人数做出了回应。未来几天,来自希腊的难民将至少达到3万7千人,目前,在塞尔维亚的难民人数为5000人,未来十天内我们这里的难民人数将达到4万2000人。 Hundreds of protestors waving Turkish flags have attacked the headquarters of the main pro-Kurdish party the HDP. The building in the capital Ankara was set alight. The party said its premises in other cities around Turkey had also been targeted. The violence follows increase clashes between Turkish forces and the outlawed Turkish militant movement the PKK, since the ceasefire broke down in July. Sebastian reports. The Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has promised an all-out onslaught. The descend into violence has ruined hopes to end a decades long conflict that Mr. Erdogan himself has raised when he set in motion a peace and reconciliation process three years ago. With the ceasefire broken, that process is now in tatters. But that both Mr. Erdogan and PKK, it may suit their interests for now. The president's party lost its majority of the recent general election, due to a mainly Kurdish party the HDP, taking an unprecedented share of vote. He is hoping a new election he has called for November, will restore his party's standing. 数百名抗议者挥舞土耳其国旗,围攻了亲库尔德党人民民主党总部。这座位于首都安卡拉的建筑火光冲天。人民民主党称土耳其其他城市的办公地点也成为了攻击目标。由于土耳其军方与库尔德激进组织之间的冲突不断升级,因此造成了这场暴力事件,7月,双方停战协议瓦解。请听塞巴斯蒂安的报道。土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安承诺将进行全面反击。双方对峙局面已经长达10年之久,而此次暴力事件让本想结束对抗局势的希望破灭,3年前,埃尔多安签署了“和平与和解协议”,而这也引发了冲突。随着停战协议的瓦解,该协议也毁于一旦。不管是埃尔多安还是库尔德党,到目前为止均符合双方利益。在最近的一次大选中,由于亲库尔德党人民民主党史无前例的获得了多数选票,导致总统的正义与发展党失去了选票。而总统宣布将在11月再次举行大选,这次他希望能够重新组阁。 A Guata Malan judge has ordered the former president Otto Perez Molina to stand trial on corruption charges linked to a scandal that has sparked months of protests across the country. With more, here is Kitty Watson. It has been a huge fall from grace for Perez Molina who for months have refused to listened to calls for him to step down. But stripped of his immunity, he had little chioce but resign last week. And now Guata Mala's judge has granted prosecutors request, to try Perez Molina on charges of customs fraud, racketeering and bribery. Prosecutors will have three months to continue their investigation after that he will stand trial. Perez Molina is accsued of being involved in a scheme of country's customs agency, with all businesses pay bribes worth millions of dollars, in order to pay low import taxes. But the former president denies being involved. 瓜地马拉法官下令羁押前总统奥托·佩雷斯·莫利纳,他被指控犯有贪污罪,因此次贪污丑闻,全国举行了数月的抗议活动。请听基蒂·沃森的报道。对于佩雷斯·莫利纳来说,是从天上到地上的改变,数月以来,他一直拒绝辞职。由于被解除豁免权,上周,佩雷斯·莫利纳不得不选择辞职。目前,瓜地马拉法官允许了检察官的要求,就海关诈骗、敲诈勒索以及受贿罪对莫利纳提起公诉。检察官可以对事件进行调查的时间为3个月,之后,莫利纳将接受审判。莫利纳涉嫌参与海关一案,为了使企业降低进口关税而收受数百万美元贿赂。然而,前总统否认与此案有关。 Three people have been arrested in the Kenyan capital Nairobi after a man tried to enter a shopping mall with exlosives in his bag. He was overpowered by security guards and the bag blown up by police bomb disposal unit. Police say the three detainees are all Kenyan nationals, not of Somali origin, and not affiliated to any known group. World news from the BBC. 在肯尼亚首都内罗毕,警方逮捕了三名嫌疑人,之前一名男子曾试图将装有炸弹的袋子带进商店。保安人员将其制服,拆弹组也将炸弹进行了爆破。警方称三名嫌犯均为本国人,并非来自索马里,并不与任何组织有关。BBC全球新闻。 An official in the US state of Kentucky, who was jailed last week for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples because of her Christians beliefs, has been freed. Greeted by crowds of cheering supporters, some waving white crosses, Kim Davis thanked God for her release. "Thank God, the glory, and his people have rallied, you are strong people. We serve a living God who knows exactly where each one of us is at. Just keep on pressing, do not let deil, because he is here." Earlier a federal judge said she was satisfied that her colleagues were fulfilling their duty to issue licenses to same-sex couples. 在美国肯塔基州,一名因基督教义而拒发同性结婚证的官员已被释放。人们举着白色十字架为她呐喊,因这次出狱,金·戴维斯感谢了上帝。“感谢上帝,您的信仰者聚集在了这里,你们是强大的。圣灵了解我们每一个人。不要让恶人进入,因为上帝就在这里。”早间,联邦法官称,她的同事继续完成了对同性夫妻颁发结婚证的工作,她表示非常满意。 The US city of Baltimore has reached a tentative settlement of more than six million dollars with the family of Freddie Gray, a black man who died in April from injuries suffered in police costudy. His death prompted days of riot in the city. The mayor of Baltimore said the proposed settlement was not an admission of liability. She said it would not affect the criminal trials of six police officers who face charges. The city's police union has criticised the payment. 美国巴尔的摩与格雷达成和解,赔偿格雷家属600多万美金,今年4月,该黑人男子在警察拘押期间“非正常”死亡。他的死也引发了巴尔的摩数天的暴乱活动。巴尔的摩市长称,此次和解协议并不等于警方承认了事故责任。她称该协议将不会影响对6名警署的刑事诉讼。巴尔的摩警察协会对这次赔偿进行了批判。 Ukraine says fighting in the east of the country is at its lowest level since the conflict with Russian backed rebels began 18 months ago. Correspondents say a ceasefire broke in last week appears to be holding, but the Ukrainian president warns that there was still a risk of more full scale fighting. UN figures suggested almost 8,000 people have been killed in violence so far. 乌克兰方面称,乌克兰东部地区的武装冲突目前处于最为平缓的局面,这是自18个月前乌克兰与俄支持的民间武装展开冲突以来的首次。记者称,上周宣告破裂的停火协议似乎并没有打响,然而,乌克兰总统警告称,仍然存在全面冲突的危险。联合国数据显示,到目前为止,因暴力冲突而死亡的人数接近8000人。 The Supreme Court in Pakistan has ordered the government to adopt Urdu as the main official language. A three-member bench said there was hardly any need for the governmen to use English, as many Pakistanis did not understand it. The government will now conduct business in Urdu and English. BBC news. 巴基斯坦最高法院命令政府将乌尔都语作为官方语言。由3人组成的最高法院法官团称,政府几乎不需要使用英语,因为许多巴基斯坦人不懂英语。如今,政府需要用英语和乌尔都语来从事商业活动。BBC新闻。 |
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