英语听力精选进阶版 10924(在线收听) |
The traditional two-party system of Spanish politics has been shaken up by the success of two new movements in the country's general elections. With nearly all votes counted, the governing Popular Party is forecast to lose its parliamentary majority while still winning most seats. The Socialist Party finished second, closely followed by the anti-autsterity party Podemos which won about 20 percent. It's pony-tailed leader Pedro Sanchez said it was the beginning of a new political era. Today is an historic day for Spain. We're very happy for the fact that in Spain, the tone, the two-party system is ended and we're happy because we are starting a new political era in our country. The results mean that Spain's political parties are set for days or even weeks of difficult negotiations. The new groupings of Podemos and the Citizen's Party will play an important role in deciding the make-up of any government. The conservative Popular Party will still fall short of a majority in parliament even with the support of Citizen's Party which finished fourth. Tom Barrage reports from Madrid. The prime minister Mariano Rajoy just came out and said because his Popular Party got the most votes, they should form a government. But on paper at least, it's gonna be difficult for them to do that. And that leaves open the possibilities at least of a different type of coalition of left-wing parties, possibly with the support of pro-independence Catalan Parties. It would be messy. But it will include that anti-austerity movement Podemos. They have reason to this incredible position tonight, third in the election because of their anti-austerity ticket.Dozens of people have been killed in northwest Syria in a series of air strikes on the rebel held city of Idlib. Residents said that a market place, homes and official buildings have been hit. But a group that monitors the conflict, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the raids probably targeted rebel positions and that most of the dead were combatants. 在此次西班牙大选中,因新进两党的优异表现,“两党制”历史或将就此终结。计票工作接近尾声,虽然执政党人民党获得多数选票,但并没有获得议会多数席位。第二名是工社党,紧随其后的是反紧缩政党“我们能”党,得票率为20%。工人党党魁帕德洛·桑切斯表示称,此次大选开启了西班牙新纪元。今天是具有历史意义的一天。西班牙“两党制”就此画上了句号,我们欣喜不已,开辟了西班牙政治的新纪元。在未来几天甚至是数周里,政党之间对话将会变得异常艰难。就组建新政府,新进政党“我们能”党和公民党将发挥举足轻重的作用。尽管有第四名“公民党”的鼎力相助,但保守派“人民党”仍未赢得议会多数席位。请听汤姆·巴拉杰从马德里发回的报道。首相马里亚诺·拉霍伊称执政党“人民党”获得了多数选票,所以本该由“人民党”组建政府。但至少从媒体报道来看,单独组阁的难度很大。那么左翼党派联合组阁的可能性加大,而加泰罗尼“独立”派也很有可能提供支持。这将会是一场“混战”。而反紧缩政党“我们能”党一定会参与其中。因反紧缩政策,“我们能”党在此次大选中排名第三。 The Israeli Interior Minister Silvan Shalom has resigned following allegations of sexual misconducts. Newspaper reports said about a dozen women had complained of sexual harassment or assault by Mr. Shalom. He has denied the allegations but said he was stepping down to spare his family any more suffering. 叙利亚西北部城市伊德利卜遭遇空袭,该城市是反政府武装控制区域,数十人死亡。据当地居民称,集市、居民区以及办公楼遭到炸毁。但叙利亚人权观察组织表示称,此次空袭的目标很有可能是反派军,多数死者也均为反叛武装。因性骚扰指控,以色列内政部长西尔万·沙洛姆引咎辞职。据新闻媒体报道,沙洛姆遭到了数十名女性的性骚扰或性侵指控。他对此给予否认,称辞职是为了家人免受其害。 Officials in Southern Afghanistan say Taliban militants have captured the district of Sangin in Helmand province. The insurgents have overrun the police headquarters and taken over other government offices. Grant Ferrett reports. Sangin has long been a center of Taliban activities but there has been a dramatic increase in the past week. The militant has said to have seized the district's administration offices as well as a police headquarters which had been besieged for several days. Causally is reported to be heavy but there is no official confirmation. Earlier the deputy governor of Helmand complained of a lack of support from the government in an open letter on Facebook to President Ashraf Ghani. This is the latest world news form the BBC. 据阿富汗南部官方表示,塔利班已占领赫尔曼德省重镇桑金。叛乱武装占领了警署总部等政府大楼。请听格兰特·费雷特的报道。桑金早就成为了塔利班的行动中心,但上周却异常频繁。塔利班声称已控制政府大楼,警署总部的围困之势也已达数日。有报道称,死亡人数惨重,但还没有得到官方确认。之前,赫尔曼德省副省长曾在“脸书”中向总统阿什拉夫·加尼发表公开信,指责政府增援不力。BBC全球新闻。 Peace talks to end Yemen's civil war have broken up with agreement only to resume in the mid-January. The UN special envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed told a news conference in Switzerland that progress has been achieved, but he said violations of the cease fire supposed to be in place during the talks had caused suspicion. 也门和平谈判将顺延至1月中旬另行举行。联合国也门问题特使谢赫艾哈迈德在瑞士召开新闻发布会,称谈判取得了进展,但认为谈判受到了违反停火协议影响。 The people of Slovenia have rejected a legislation that would grant same sex couples the rights to marry and adopt children. In a referendum, more than 60% said no to a law that had been approved by parliament in March. A gay rights activist Raymond Cougar said the referendum was a positive development in itself despite the outcome. Regard today's result, we have won in a social sense even we didn't win a legal one. We have won in a sense that we are talking about these things. We live in a country which doesn't guarantee everyone equal rights. In that sense, we are exceptional in society. We will have to ask ourselves in what kind of society we want to live and what kind of society we will leave our children. 斯洛文尼亚对同性婚姻说不,并同样无权领养儿童。今年3月,斯洛文尼亚国会通过同性婚姻法,但在此次公投中,有超过60%的民众投了否决票。同性恋权益活动人士雷蒙德·库格认为不看公投结果,举行公投本身就是一大进步。就今天的结果看,虽然我们没能将同性婚姻合法化,但我们赢得了社会的支持。我们可以尽情畅谈。斯洛文尼亚尚未实现人人平等。我们是社会的“特殊”群体。我们希望建造什么样的社会,我们要给子孙们创造什么样的生活,这是我们要探寻的。 The Iranian government has ordered schools and kindergartens in and around the capital Tehran to close for two days because of smog. Air pollution figures reached three times the level set by the World Health Organization as acceptable. 大雾弥漫,伊朗政府命令德黑兰周边学校,幼儿园放假两天。空气污染指数已经超过世卫组织建议值的3倍。 The British tennis star Andy Murray has won the BBC's sport personality of the year award for the second time. Murray helped Great Britain to secure the Davis Cup last month for the first time in nearly 80 years. He and his colleagues won the team award. He had this to say in his acceptance speech. I would really like to thank my team, all of my teammates, all of the staff. They're over there. They were absolutely incredible. This has been a five-year journey. We were down really at the bottom level of tennis and we're ranked No.1 in the world. I never thought that would be possible. Andy Murray. And that's the latest BBC world news. 英国网球名将安迪·穆雷第二次获得BBC年度体育人物。上周,穆雷带领英国获得戴维斯冠军,这是英国时隔近80年后再夺戴维斯。他与队友获得了最佳团队奖。并在颁奖典礼上发表感言。感谢我的团队,所有队友,所有工作人员。他们在那里。他们真的是太棒了。这是一次五年征程。我们曾跌落低谷,但又重新登上世界之巅。这是我没想到的。安迪·穆雷。BBC新闻。 |
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