英语听力精选进阶版 10926(在线收听) |
The campaign group Amnesty International says it has evidences that Russian air strikes in Syria since September have killed hundreds of civilians causing widespread and indiscriminate destruction to infrastructure. Amnesty suggests the strikes are in violations of international humanitarian law and accuses Russia of attempting a cover-up. Sarah Rainsford reports from Moscow. After interviewing witnesses, doctors and human rights groups, Amnesty reports that homes and hospitals were hit as well as a market and a mosque. In most cases, the location and timing of the attacks tally with Russian defense ministry reports on air strikes though it says it was targeting so-called IS militants. Despite dropping thousands of bombs in Syria, Russian officials have never acknowledged causing any civilian casualties there. They extolled effective pinpoints strikes against terrorists and had dismissed previous claims to the country as part of an anti-Russian information war by the west. 国际特赦组织表示,他们有证据表明俄罗斯在叙利亚杀害大量平民,自从9月俄罗斯向叙利亚发动空袭开始,数百名平民死亡,基础设施遭到大面积破坏。该组织认为空袭违反“国际人道法”,并指责俄罗斯故意隐瞒。请听萨拉·斯福从莫斯科发回的报道。在结束对目击者、医生以及人权观察组织的询问后,国际特赦表示住宅区、一所清真寺、一个集市以及数家医院被毁。在多次空袭中,攻击的位置和时间与国防部报告相符,称他们的目标是“伊斯兰国”极端组织。虽然俄向叙投放了数千枚炮弹,但俄方从未承认他们“滥杀无辜”。吹捧自己在打击“伊斯兰国”的高效精准,并推翻了西方“反俄”势力关于俄预借空袭掌控叙利亚的讯息。 Iraqi forces are moving closer to the center of Ramadi after launching a major assault to drive out IS fighters who captured the city in May. Authorities say troops have taken control of several districts where hundreds of IS militants are believed to remain. Iraq's ambassador to the US Lukman Faily said Iraqi soldiers were making major gains against the jihadists. We have a joyful day for us Iraqis. We're stepping inch by inch of retaking Ramadi which we lost back earlier in the year. And we're more or less near the center and we are making significant progress in making sure that we can sustain and minimize collateral damage and obviously get to redwarf IS once and for all. 伊拉克政府军向拉马迪发动猛攻,今年5月,拉马迪遭“伊斯兰国”占领,目前政府军正在向市中心集结。官方表示军方已收复部分地区,并认为仍有数百名“伊斯兰国”残军驻扎。伊拉克驻华盛顿大使卢克曼·法伊利表示,伊军在这场反“圣战”战争中取得了优势。这是伊拉克人民欢乐的日子。我们正在一步步收复拉马迪,今年年初,拉马迪被“伊斯兰国”占领。我们正靠近市中心,我们取得了实质性进展,我们要继续保持,将“间接损失”降到最低,“伊斯兰国”遭到了我们的重创。 Military planes in Helmand in southern Afghanistan have dropped food supplies in the town of Sangin where Taliban militants are besieging a few hundred police and soldiers cut off from the rest of the province. Helmand's governor confirmed the air drops,but declined to say whether promised military reinforcements were on the way to Sangin. Civilians have been fleeing the town. Some say that Taliban have been executing security officials after storming government buildings. 在阿富汗南部省市赫尔曼德,军方向桑金镇空投物资,桑金现与外界完全切断,数百名警察和安全部队人员遭塔利班包围。赫尔曼德省省长证实向该地空投物资,但就援军一事未能给予回应。平民已逃离桑金镇。有报道称,塔利班武装人员在攻占政府大楼后杀害安保人员。 A senior official in World Athletics Nick Davies is temporarily stepping down, pending an internal investigation into an email he sent linked to Russian doping. The email to a colleague of the sport's governing body, the IAAF, suggests delaying naming Russian drugs cheats as long as they were not competing to spare embarrassment ahead of the 2013 world championships in Moscow. Mr Davies has denied any wrongdoing. But the British MP Damian Collins says the claims are damaging. It suggests that they've prioritized their own reputation over dealing with the serious issue of drug cheats competing in major championships. I thinks it also adds weight to the argument that has been made against the IAAF that rather than moving quickly to identify cheats and have them exposed and removed from competition, they have moved too slowly and put up barriers to making that progress. World news from the BBC. 因接受内部调查,国际田联高层尼克·戴维斯暂时离职,他被爆出发过一封俄运动员“涉药”邮件。该封邮件的收件人为国际田联内部人士,该邮件的内容是希望在田径世锦赛结束前不要曝光涉药名单。戴维斯表示他没有做任何违法行为。但英国国会议员达米安·科林斯认为该声明很具破坏性。通过这份邮件表明,在处理“涉药”运动员参加重大比赛上,国际田联的“面子”更为重要。我想比公开“涉药”运动员,做出禁赛决定更为重要的是,国际田联也会因此而变成众矢之的,他们的行动过于缓慢,并因障碍重重而很难取得进展。BBC全球新闻。 France says it's turned away nearly three and a half thousand people from its borders since a state of emergency was introduced after last month's attacks in Paris. The French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said they were refused entry because they posed a risk to security and public order. 因上月发生恐袭事件,法国全国进入紧急状态,近3500名难民也因此而被“拒之门外”。法国内政部长卡泽纳夫表示,难民对公共安全构成威胁。 The president of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos has signed a decree legalizing marijuana for medical use. He decided the move as an important step placing Colombia at the forefront of the fight against disease. He insisted it didn't contradict the country's international commitments on drugs control. Colombia has long been associated with the US-led war on drugs. It is latest Latin American country to move towards legalizing marijuana. 哥伦比亚总统桑托斯签署法令,允许医用大麻。他认为此举是本国医疗产业迈向领先地位的重要一步。他坚称此项法令与国际禁毒行动并不冲突。在美国主导下,哥美举行了长期禁毒活动。哥伦比亚也是拉丁美洲国家中最新实施大麻合法化的国家。 The American airspace agency NASA has suspended the launch of its next mission to Mars because of a fault in a key search instrument. The InSight space craft was scheduled to take off in March and land on Mars six months later. Michael Sanders reports. It's a problem that will cause a major delay. The window for sending a probe to Mars lasts a matter of weeks and comes around only once every 26 months. The next time Earth and Mars are in favorable alignment won't happen again until 2018. The snag lies with the seismometer, capable of measuring group movement as small as the diameter of an atom. It needs a vacuum seal around the three sensors and twice now that seal has leaked in the kind of the extreme cold found on Mars. But NASA points to previous successes after postponements saying that they far outweighed any disappointment about delay. 因探测仪存在问题,美国国家航空航天局决定暂停火星发射任务。“洞察”号探测器计划于明年3月发射,6个月后登陆火星。请听麦克·桑德斯的报道。探测器会因仪器问题而长时间无法发射。发射窗口期只有几周,而下一个窗口期需等到26个月后。要想地球和火星达到理想关系,下一次发生就要等到2018年。问题出现在了地震仪,它可以检测小至原子级别的地面运动。在火星的寒冷条件下,它要求对3个主传感器进行真空密封。但美航天局指出,我们有因延期发射的成功案例,称并不会对此次延期而感到失望。 France's most famous brothel keeper Madame Claude has died on the French era aged 92. Her clientele during 1960s and 70s included ministers, business leaders, police chiefs, gagsters and even she claimed the Shah of Iran and John F Kennedy. Pursued by the French tax authorities, she fled to the US, returning in 1986 to spend time in jail. In later years, she lived as a recluse in a apartment in Nice. BBC news. 法国最著名应召女郎克劳德夫人在家中逝世,享年92岁。20世纪60-70年代,她曾招待过政界人士、商界领袖、警界高层、黑帮,她甚至还曝光了肯尼迪和伊朗国王。因躲避法国高昂税费,克劳德曾潜逃美国,1986年回国服刑。晚年,她隐居在尼斯。BBC新闻。 |
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