英语听力精选进阶版 10929(在线收听) |
There has been a large explosion at an industrial gas plant in southern Nigeria. Media reports say dozens of people have been burnt to death with some reports putting the number of dead at 100. Abdullahi Kaura Abubakar reports from Abuja. It's not clear what triggered the blast at the factory making gas for cooking and heating. But eyewitnesses say the explosion caused a huge fire that took firefighters and residents several hours to put out. Police authorities have confirmed the incident but are yet to give the number of those affected. 尼日利亚南部发生天然气爆炸。据媒体报道称,此次爆炸造成数十人死亡,有报道称死亡人数达到100人。请听阿卜杜拉希-库拉·阿布巴卡尔为您从阿布贾发回的报道。这家工厂为居民提供供暖和炉灶燃气,爆炸原因尚不清楚。但有目击者称,爆炸引发熊熊大火,消防员和居民花了几小时才将其扑灭。警方证实发生爆炸事故,但并未透露遇难者人数。 Afghan officials say the military has recaptured key government buildings in Sangin town in an operation backed by US air strikes. But the officials said that they were still fighting Taliban militants in other parts of the district. There has been no response from the Taliban on the government's latest claims. The group had earlier said it was still in the control of Sangin. The district of southern Helmand province is one of the main centers of cultivation of opium poppies, the chief source of revenue for the Taliban. 在美军空袭支持下,阿富汗军方重夺桑金主要政府大楼。但根据阿富汗官方表示,政府军仍在该地其它地区与塔利班交战。就阿富汗政府的最新声明,塔利班还没有做出任何反应。早些时候,塔利班表示仍掌控桑金。阿富汗南部省市赫尔曼德是主要罂粟种植区之一,毒品也是塔利班的主要资金来源。 President Putin has announced that Russian will built a series of nuclear plants in India over the next two decades. He said work on the first two reactors was now in preparation. Mr Putin was speaking at a joint press briefing during talks with the visiting Indian prime minister Narendra Modi. About 7 billion dollars worth of deals are being signed during Mr Modi's trip, many of them defense-related. 俄罗斯总统普京宣布,俄罗斯将在未来20年内为印度建造多座核电站。他称两座核反应堆正在准备当中。印度总理伦德拉·莫迪对俄罗斯进行国事访问,而这是普京在联合新闻发布会上发表的声明。莫迪带70亿美元大单访问俄罗斯,许多协议均与国防有关。 The US victims of the Iran hostage crisis of 1979 will finally receive compensation. Youssef Taha has the details. A US bill passed last week awards each of the 53 hostages or their estates up to 4.4 million dollars. That's equivalent to 10,000 dollars for each of 444 days kept in captivity. The money will come in part from a 9 billion dollar penalty paid by the French bank BNP Paribas for breaking sanctions against Iran. It follows a controversial deal between world powers and Iran over its nuclear program. But the agreement that secures their release barred them from making such claims. 1979年,伊朗人质事件赔偿终于尘埃落定。请听优素福·塔哈的报道。上周,美国国会通过预算法案,为所有53名人质及家属设置440万美元补偿限额。根据每人扣押444天,这相当于每天1万美金的赔偿。因巴黎银行违反美国对伊朗制裁条款,决定处以银行90亿美元罚款,而这笔资金就来源于此。而伊朗与大国之间的核协议也因此次事件引起非议。而此次人质协议也禁止他们索要赔偿。 For the first time, the leaders of Greek and Turkish communities of the ethnically divided Mediterranean island of Cyprus have issued a joint televised holiday message. Metter Zerica reports.The Greek-Cyprus president Nicos Anastasiades said he hoped the New Year would allow the Turkeys and Greek-Cyprus to live peacefully in a very united country. For his part, the Turkey-Cyprus leader Mustafa Akinci wished peace, serenity, prosperity to all Cyprus in 2016. Since his election in April, Mr Akinci, an independent leftist, has made it a priority to find a peace deal after four decades of division. The unprecedented message in which they both repeated their wishes in each other's language comes before resumption of peace talks next month. World news from the BBC. 节日来临之际,北塞浦路斯土耳其共和国与南部希腊裔政权举行首次联合电视讲话。请听梅特·莱克的报道。赛普洛斯总统阿纳斯塔夏季斯表示,借新年来临之际,他希望“北塞浦路斯土耳其共和国”能够与希腊政权和平共处。“北塞浦路斯土耳其共和国”领导人穆斯塔法·阿辛奇祝愿赛普洛斯在新的一年繁荣昌盛。自4月上任以来,独立左翼人士阿辛奇就一直把和平协议放在首位,希望结束40年的分裂状态。两地领导人用各地区语言表达了对新年的美好期冀,此举史无前例,并随后决定在明年1月恢复和平对话。BBC全球新闻。 US plans have carried out further air strikes on the Iraqi city of Ramadi where government forces are trying to dislodge the remaining IS militants from the center. Security officials said the bombing was intended to help clear the streets of unexploded munitions planted by the extremists. One person compared the streets of Ramadi to a mine field. 美军对伊拉克拉马迪市展开空袭,伊拉克政府军正在清除市中心的“伊斯兰国”残军。安全部门表示称,此次轰炸目的是要清除极端组织埋放的军火。有人将拉马迪市大街比喻成雷区。 A UN-brokered deal in Syria could see several thousand rebel fighters in their families including members of IS, pull out a district in the south of Damascus and around the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp. The deal involves agreement between rebel fighters and the government. It aims to make the camps safe again so that thousands of refugees still trapped there can receive aid. 在联合国斡旋下,包括“伊斯兰国”极端组织成员在内的数千名反对派武装,家属开始撤离,他们曾在大马士革南部和“耶尔穆克”巴勒斯坦难民营附近遭围困。反对派武装与政府达成协议。此次协议目的是为了保证难民营安全,让数千名难民得到救助。 Flooding in Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay has left 5 people dead and driven more than 150,000 people from their homes. In Paraguay which has been the most badly affected, president Mauricio Macri declared a state of emergence to free up 3.5 million dollars in relief funds. 巴拉圭、阿根廷、乌拉圭相邻地区发生洪水,5人死亡,15万人被迫疏散。巴拉圭灾情最重,总统奥拉西奥·卡特斯宣布该国进入紧急状态,并紧急拨款350万美元救灾。 Several tornadoes have ripped through the southern US killing at least 10 people and injuring dozens more. Here's Laura Becca. A fierce spring-like storm mixed with unseasonably warm weather created a line of tornadoes across the south and midwest. The worst hit communities are still searching for missing people and volunteers have spent the day cleaning debris which has destroyed dozens of cars, homes and business. The threat has eased for now but thousands of homes are still without power. 龙卷风肆虐美国南部多州,至少造成10人死亡,数十人受伤。请听劳拉·贝卡的报道。这场席卷美国南部和中西部的一连串龙卷风是因春季风暴和非常规暖空气所致。在灾情最严重地区,人们正在寻找失踪人员,志愿者正在清理残骸,数十辆汽车,房屋以及商店被毁。虽灾情减轻,但仍有数千人断电。 The governor of California has pardoned the Hollywood star Robert Downey Jr for drugs and weapons offenses in 1996 following a request for clemency. Mr Downey was convicted after he was arrested on a LA highway with heroine, cocaine and a pistol in his car. Mr Downey who stars as Iron Man in Disney films is among 91 people granted pardons for exemplary behavior. BBC news. 1996年,小罗伯特·唐尼因持有毒品和和枪支罪入狱,并提出赦免请求,加州州长宣布正式赦免小罗伯特·唐尼。当年,唐尼在洛杉矶高速路被捕,警方在他的车上查获海洛因,可卡因以及一把手枪。唐尼曾出演迪士尼影片《钢铁侠》,因表现良好,他成为了今年91名得到赦免的罪犯之一。BBC新闻。 |
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