
This might be the future of affordable housing. It’s called Live Share, and it’s all based on a simple idea that people should be able to afford a home.These units are a response to a British study which warns that the country will have to build more than 3 million homes over the next 20 years to house its citizens.Bill Dunster is the architect behind the idea. “Plainly, the current situation is untenable. The housing market is broken.My kids will never afford their own home. What are we going to do about it? Do we just sit and do nothing? This is wrong.So let’s, let’s. In the end, it’ll cause social unrest. It will cause all sorts of social problems.”

这可能是经济适用房的未来。它被称为Live Share,它基于一个简单的理念,即人们应该买得起房子。英国一项研究表明,英国在未来20年内将建造300多万套住房,为本国公民提供住房。Live Share就是对这一研究做出的回应。Bill Dunster提出了这一房屋建造想法。“显然,目前的形势是站不住脚的。房地产市场已经崩溃了。我的孩子们永远买不起自己的房子。我们该怎么做呢?坐以待毙吗?这是错误的。让我们,让我们。最终,房屋问题将导致社会动荡。引发各种各样的社会问题。”

This idea has a lot going for it economically and environmentally.Solar panels provide energy. The parts are manufactured off-site and shipped to the building site, so assembly is quick.Tenants get their own bedroom and bathroom, but share a living room and kitchen. Dunster says, it’s cheap and easy and can solve Britain’s housing crisis.


“We’ve made this to show that there is no need to be a housing crisis.So if we can solve someone’s housing problem for forty five grand and build it in two weeks,and it’s more durable and higher quality and has no net annual energy bills. Why aren’t we doing this?”The prefab nature of the homes keeps the costs low.A seven-bedroom unit costs a little more than four hundred thousand dollars. One of the students who worked on the project says he built it for young people like himself.


“Obviously, it’s great solution because considering most young people don’t have a lot of money to go out and buy a house stay away or get a mortgage straight away, so with these types of houses, it really benefits young people like myself growing up,because we can now be independent ourselves and move out and obviously being more independent.”The first Live Share unit is expected to open in England by the end of September.

“显然,这是伟大的解决方案,因为考虑到大多数年轻人没有钱去买房子,或是按揭贷款,这种类型的房子能让年轻人长大,因为我们现在可以自己搬出去,独立生活,显然我们会更加独立。”第一家Live Share预计将于9月底在英国开业。
