《复仇》第44期: 爱情没能战胜人性的丑恶(在线收听

 The Kingslys have decided to avoid the spotlight for the time being. 金斯莱一家决定最近不再做任何公开亮相

That's probably best. 这应该是最明智之举了
You should know that I located the I.P. address all those e-mails came from. 我查出发送那些邮件的IP地址
Unfortunately, it's a little late. 很不幸  已经太迟了
The damage has already been done. 事已至此  无法挽回了
They came from right here. 邮件都是从这里发出的
My laptop? 我的电脑吗
Well, I sure as hell didn't do it. 我对天发誓没那么做
Not you. Someone with real motive and access. 不是你  是某个有动机又能接触你电脑的人
I got you something. 我为你准备了个礼物
I love them. 我太喜欢了
You promise me, when you wear them, that you think of me. 跟我保证  你戴着它的时候会想起我
Always. 一定会的
Let me see. 让我瞧瞧
God, you're so beautiful. 天啊  你真是太美了