
 The things that you live to regret. 生活中很多事不尽如人意

Oh, it's such a shame we had to sell our European homes 真可惜你还没有见到我们在欧洲的房子
before you ever got a chance to see them. 它们就被出售了
A silver lining, 往好的方面想
being that my art collections's come home. 那就是我的艺术收藏品都能回家了
These are the Chagall sketches, right? 这些是夏加尔
的素描  对吧 
Don't--let's wait to view them together 别打开  等我从丹尼尔那回来
after I come back from Daniel's. 我们再一起欣赏吧
Okay. 好的
You fool. 你个蠢货
You do remember that the doctors revoked your license. 你不记得医生把你的驾照注销了吗
A Testarossa represents my "Salad Days. " 特斯塔罗萨是我"最佳时期"的代表
Do you know what that means, Patrick? 你明白我的意思吗  帕特里克
I trust they had Shakespeare in Cleveland? 我想克利夫兰也有莎士比亚的书吧
Did he play for the Indians? 他是给印第安人演奏的吗
"My Salad Days-- "最佳时期"是指
when I was green in judgment and cold in blood," 我思维敏捷  冷酷无情的那段时间
something with which I'm sure you are familiar. 我想这些应该对你不陌生吧
So now I'll feel free to 我现在可以尽情享受
settle along with the rest of my happiness. 我余下的幸福时光
Not that my happiness has ever been worth anything to you. 而你从来不关心我是否幸福
You do not have to snap. I was just worried about you. 你没必要生气  我只是关心你
Oh, like hell you were. 说得像真的似的
I'm betting you didn't even know I was out of bed. 我敢打赌你都不知道我下床了
So stop putting on airs for your unctuous son. 所以别在你虚情假意的儿子面前装了
So this is the stowaway-- my temporary home. 这就是我的栖身之地  临时的家
You live at a bar? 你住在酒吧里了
I thought I was desperate to escape my family. 我以为只有我迫不及待地要离开家呢