
 Emily. 艾米莉

Any news? I... 有什么消息吗  我
I haven't heard much of anything out here. 我在这里没听到什么消息
Father Paul's gone. 保罗神父去世了
He went into cardiac arrest... 他心跳骤停了
and they couldn't save him. 医生也无力回天
I'm sorry to hear that. 我很遗憾
Yeah, he was a good man. 是啊  他是个好人
He was taken too soon. 英年早逝
You know, Victoria didn't say much about him 开车过来的路上  维多利亚没说
on the drive over here... 多少关于他的事情
or about Conrad, for what it's worth. 而且也没说康拉德的事
Have you seen him? - No. 你见过他了吗  -没有
Daniel made it clear I wasn't needed in the room. 丹尼尔说得很清楚  不许我进房间
He... said it was family only. 他说只能让家人进去
I know when I'm not welcome. 我不受欢迎时还是有自知之明的
The Graysons tend to close ranks in moments like these. 在这种时刻  格雷森家族喜欢团结一致